Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why does that happen everytime

So since I couldn't workout this morning because of the meeting I figured I'll just workout yesterday night. The annoying thing was I didn't bring the pre-workout samples. So I tried one of the pre-workouts we had at the store. Boy was that a big mistake. It has a lot of niacin in it which is a supplement that gives you a flushing affect. Yeah boy was a flushed. I felt it at the top of my head then in my ears. I swear I could even feel my heart beat. Then it crept down all the way to at least my knees. Not only did it do that, but it made me very itchy. I mean I could see that my skin was turning really red. Plus I was getting really really hot. Lucky for me I took it like 30 or so minutes before we closed. I was so caught up in what was happening and trying to avoid thinking about it, I looked down and saw it was 3 minutes to closing. So I quickly close up and drive back to my apartment to workout. It wasn't a terrible workout because my body calmed down. Now I was still a little red, but it wasn't so terrible. Anyway even after my workout my room mate says wow your face looks red. Yeah don't I know it. Now as for the day it was a decent day. More people came in then they did on Monday. Now let's hope that trend continues. Again squiby is being an ass. I don't know what it is about that site. Yesterday it's working fine and I can post them, today the images aren't showing up. I really wish that site would fix whatever the issue is. It's really starting to piss me off. Today's tip is they say you can't hug your children with nuclear arms. In truth you can, it just depends on the size and severity of the mutation.

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