Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh those politics

I must say politics nowadays is scary. I mean the way people over react to things is just crazy. Because the health care bill passed, Democrats have windows smashed in. There is a guy posting on his blog for people to do it. Basically he's going around saying a civil war is starting. Which is funny because it makes it seem like we are going backwards in history. The civil war proved that the federal law is the "law of the land" and states have to follow it. Now the states want to say the Federal government can't tell them what to do. Well that's really funny because I'm sure if the Federal government were to pull their social security to all the retirees that live off it in those states the people would say get back in the union I want my money. The guy that is blogging about the new civil war is a retiree living off of social security. I swear some people just don't think. Not to mention the states that would leave the union are kinda scattered. Yes some are close by, but others are surrounded by those that would stay in the union. Meaning they would cave pretty quickly. Not to mention seems like racial tensions are increasing as well. Congressmen were being called n words by protesters. I mean the lawsuits that are going on aren't going to win. The federal government laws are federal for a reason. That means states have to abide by them and the Supreme Court will see it as just that. Then there is a Senator that thinks the reason health care reform passed was because of elected Senators and wants to remove the 17th amendment. Does he know how hard it is to get an amendment passed. We are talking 2/3rds of both houses have to agree to it and 3/4ths of states have to sign off on it. I mean come on. How hard was it to get a simple majority in both houses. Let alone get 3/4ths of states. No one is going to allow their congressmen to get rid of their voting rights. He's honestly just being stupid now that his team has lost a very big fight. Speaking of people being stupid what is up with John McCain. He's now saying that since health care passed he's not going to do anything in the Senate, but wants his votes to keep him in office so he can continue to do nothing. He is 73 years old, literally acting like a 3 year old. He didn't get his way (twice) now he's going to sit and pout. I mean how do his voters really feel about having a Senator who won't vote for their wishes or at all. If I was them I know I'd personally say oh you won't do anything now, well I'm voting for the guy that actually will try to fight for what we want. Just seems like he's going senile. I really hope he doesn't win the primary because that is not what we need. Someone just filling a space. I may not agree with him 99% of the time...ok maybe 94% of the time, but vocal opposition is a lot better then no opposition at all. A lot of republicans lately have just been acting like brats. They want to block the fixes now (which they even want). The states are whining saying the "United States Government" can't tell the States that make up the United States what to do. It's a waste of tax payer money, and they know it. Seems like the republican party has gone so far to the right and so extremist that they are losing a lot of supporters and alienating possible supporters.Today's tip is you can't teach an old dog new tricks, which is odd because a taught my dad a new meaning of fear when I showed him my credit card bill.

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