Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh those people

Ok I will get to what I mean in the title in just a sec. I had another weird dream. Apparently the US was trapped in a bottle and called Uzbekistan (where that guy that splits hairs of perfection is from). In order to get the US to get to where it needs to be in North America I had to learn to go from one side of a cloud to another because apparently in this bottle the US is on a cloud. The other weird part was that I was Luffy from One Piece. Yeah it was weird. Well now that I think of it there was an arc where they were in the sky and did sail on clouds. Anyway, I was apparently obsessed with boobs. Nami apparently was my choice prey. Then I don't remember what happened afterwards. Ok now back to the title. So apparently there is yet another gay sex scandal rocking the Vatican. There are tapes that have one of the pope's inner circle guys trying to get someone from the choir to bring him guys. Yeah I always find these funny. Always seems that the biggest mouths get into the biggest scandals. Remember awhile back when it seemed that republicans were just in sex scandal after sex scandal after sex scandal. I just have this theory that the more you repress and speak out against something (like adultery and gay sex) that it's because your trying to hide something. Anyway speaking of the republican party boy do they have egg on their face. I saw this on MSNBC. Apparently there was a powerpoint that talks about the GOP's donars. They even break them down into major and minor donors. Saying minor donors were driven by fear and were reactionary and major ones were ego-driven. It's all in this article on Here are two of the slides from the powerpoint.

Needless to say I plan on putting a link to the article on my blog. I'm just wondering if anyone is going to get fired (no). Least not until this gets more mainstream. Like if Jon Stewart comments on it. Or Good Morning America or Today show. Anyway just hope that this little foot in the mouth doesn't hurt the GOP's donors (yes I do).So again when I was working out I got a song stuck in my head. It's Michael Jackson's You Are Not Alone. Now this song has a lot of meaning to me. When I heard that Michael Jackson was in the hospital I was getting my hair cut. No one new what was going on, if he was ok, and what not. As I was getting my haircut the news that he died was being spread. The station I was watching happened to be BET and they played a music video of his. The song was (you guessed it) You Are Not Alone. The song was pretty powerful because I swear I felt him when I was listening to him. I guess during that song it just sank it what I was being told. Now I will say that the music video does make me feel awkward and if you watch it you kinda see why. I just don't want to comment on it because well it's rude. Today's tip is we all get caught with egg on our face. Don't worry that kid will be caught and given a hurts donut.

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