Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring be here

Yes I know that is bad grammar, but who cares spring is here. Yay spring means no more cold weather....except it does in parts of the country including Texas meaning that the weather is really off. Anyway I'm here at work on a really nice day. Which is funny because for like 4 days they were saying it was going to be cloudy with a chance of a snow rain mix and then they moved that to last night and never happened. Yesterday was a weird day. I got a call from my boss that this weird guy was kinda stalking the store. Kept walking up and down back and forth and looking at our table then looking in. Then comes in and he was toothless and did not speak good english. My boss couldn't understand him and the guy got so frustrated he just left taking a business card. Seriously it annoys me that people that come to this country can't speak english. Yes we don't have a national language, but let's see a majority of the country speaks english so LEARN TO SPEAK IT! It makes a stressful and uncomfortable situation for both parties. The person that's trying to help can't understand a word being said so they can't help properly and the person speaking is getting made because they think they are properly conveying their message which they aren't. It's even worse when you go to a fast food restaurant and they have someone that can't speak english running the drive thru or check out. My brother went to Wendy's one time and spent like 10 minutes at the drive thru trying to order. It of course was still wrong when he got it so he had to go inside to complain. Common sense people. Why hire someone that can't speak a lick of english or speaks broken english and can't understand it other then the fact that you want cheap labor. Well is it worth it with all the complaints? I mean does not shelling out an extra $1.50 an hour really compensate for the headache of people complaining and demanding refunds or compensation? That's why if I ever own a place I won't be hiring people that can't speak or understand english unless they are doing a job where they don't interact with customers.Ok now I love this video because of the fact that I can't believe this is a song. Well I was watching How I Met Your Mother and turns out that one of the stars was a pop star in Canada back in the day. One of her songs was Let's Go to the Mall. Wow was it funny. I mean how anyone thought this was cool is beyond me. Now keep in mind this is the 90's in Canada. They were getting our 80's stuff. Then on top of that the dance moves. Just everything about it makes it impossible to take seriously. Plus it's way catchy so I had to put it on my mp3 player. Hey don't judge. Well enjoy Robin Sparkles and Let's Go to the Mall. Ironically I work in a mall. Today's tip is spring has finally come again. That means that that the northern hemisphere is now in mating mode so watch where you step and sit.

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