Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hmmm Quick Day

Yesterday seemed to go by quickly which is odd. I mean I was feeling kinda odd and usually when I feel odd the day goes by slowly. I'm also usually in a bad mood. I guess it had to do with the fact that it was warming up and there was some sun. Who knows why it ended up going by really quickly. So I was watching Today...well this morning and they were talking about the Tiger Woods interview. You'd think his people would say hey doesn't this seem familiar? I mean didn't him not talking to the press to at least say he's ok and not talking to the police lead to everyone thinking it had to do with an affair. I mean it honestly seems like he hasn't learned from his mistakes. I mean yes I get that he wants a private life, but guess what your now in the limelight. You've been there since you were what like 2. Makes everyone want to know why he's hiding. I mean it was a 5 minute interview. What can you learn in 5 minutes? Answer nothing. Which brings me to my next point. Apparently that teen that was on wife swap. The one that "felt sorry for ugly people" or was it for people who aren't gorgeous. Either way she's now suing abc for $100 million. Wow really? I just can't imagine that going too well. She claims that she now has death threats (yeah some people can go to far) is now suicidal (why your parents still give you presents everyday) and has gone from being on the honor roll to special education (yeah that's because of bad parenting. Her mother admitted to doing her homework). The lawsuit comes around the same time her family is just in trouble financially. Like the mother is facing jail time and they owe money they didn't report on their taxes. The annoying part is she probably won't get the $100 million, but she might get some amount. I mean our justice system is screwed up. Someone could eat at McDonald's, suffer a heart attack, sue the company, and ACTUALLY WIN. Hello McDonald's didn't force him to buy their food. Don't give me their aren't healthy choices crap either. Your choosing to go for the unhealthiest stuff. That's like someone blaming the alcohol for getting drunk when they are the ones drinking countless bottles. It's one of the annoying things about our society.Now when I saw this video the first time I was crying I was laughing so hard. It's funny how something as silly as this could make someone laugh that hard. It's mainly because of the fact that you know the word getting censored is count, but well your mind wanders and it sounds dirty. He also doesn't help by saying "slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster". Anyway enjoy the Count Censored. Should know he can't say the c word when not talking about vampires or royalty. Today's tip is no two days are alike unless your in a time loop. Then it's all about getting out of it.

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