Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wow weird dream

Ok so I had this dream and it was uber weird. Here is what happened. So I was hanging out at my middle school and apparently on the verge of getting out of there, but I hadn't done a lot of my work so I might get held back, then suddenly I'm looking at people I know about to graduate who were a year younger then me so I was thinking ok I'm all graduated now what do I do. Then suddenly I'm the pied piper. I'm drowning the rats, but in order to do that I have to kill myself too, but I don't want to so I jump in the river and hide in there so people think I did what I was suppose to do. I then go down river and meet up with someone while waiting for the ship to take us out. I suddenly have this coin with a ? on it. It was a gold coin. Apparently it was related to my parents who I never knew. The ship comes and gets attacked by pirates. Shockingly the pirate captain sees my coin and says I'm his son. Then I go through some weird trippy vision and suddenly I'm home at Christmas time. We are trying to leave, but their are carolers so we go through the building and leave through the back door which goes through someone else's house. Now I'm suddenly at the fair of my old elementary school. They are selling tickets to this play or musical I wanted to see. It was called Les (something with a B). I can't even remember what the word was, but it was french and started with a B. I apparently somehow had a wallet and money in it. My friend gets two tickets for the show and when I go up there they are sold out. So needless to say I'm pissed. And so one of my friends says something to try to comfort me and another one of my friends says well you should have been here 25 minutes ago. So I said I couldn't get here 25 minutes ago because my parents were busy and my mom finally drove me up here. And we got into an argument. The weird part is the friend I was arguing with actually would never say something like that. She was acting more like this former friend of mine who was just a bitch sometimes. So then a guy who is like the best friend of the bitch I just mentioned comes up and tries to intervene and some how pours water on the one arguing with me. So they start this chase. I'm just pissed. So I go out to my mom's car which is actually my car to get my gameboy because I'm just tired of all this. I notice that the back door is open and I notice that there is a guy in there so I shout Hey! and he throws some stuff at me and runs off. About this time I woke up. It was one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a long long time. The worst part was that when I woke up I felt like I just had the worst possible day ever. Took me awhile to wake up and realize it was just a dream and the day hadn't really started. So today's video is one from the opening of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure. It's called Before the Moment which I really couldn't remember the name of for the life of me when I was trying to find it. Needless to say I did remember. Anyway I just like it since I watched the whole series even though up to a point there are no english subbed episodes. So enjoy. Today's tip is sometimes a dream can set our mind set in the morning. So if your friend is a little trippy that might be why.

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