Sunday, March 14, 2010

And the cycle begins again

Yep it begins up. On the plus side today is pay day and today I get a raise. Yay monday's when you get paid are better mondays. Plus it's another lovely day. Yesterday it was up to at least 61. Love the warm weather. The only annoying thing is by Saturday it will be back down to 40 something ironically when spring starts. Yeah stupid cooky weather. Speaking of cooky I watched this show on National Geographic about sperm and the journey that they take. The funny thing is that I officially know way to much about where babies come from. When I was a senior in high school we went on a trip to view this show called body works. They had a movie where they take you on a journey with this pregnant lady so you got to see how a baby was developing and what happens when a baby is born. So now I know a graphic account of how the sperm got to the egg. It's always funny watching those because whenever you watch them they tell you all the things that can go wrong and it makes you wonder how the hell are any of us here. I mean out of the millions of sperm that enter a woman 2 or 3 make it to the egg if there is one. Then we aren't taking into account any problems with the egg or it moving to where it needs to be and sticking. Well today I have to do some banking stuff which means this is the day whenever I'm going to have people spend hours in the shop. Yay....Today's tip is life has its ups and downs. Sometimes the biggest downs lead to the biggest ups. So don't dwell in the down.

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