Thursday, April 1, 2010

It's April

Yep it is. Today is of course April Fool's Day which sucks because you can't trust like anything going around today on the interent. Not only is it April Fool's Day, but it's also my half birthday. That's right 6 months ago I turned 21 and 6 months from now I'll be turning 22. The day is going pretty ok. It might apparently make it up to near 80's today. Yeah it's really warm here. I still have a hard time believing that it might snow this month, but we'll see. If it doesn't snow this month then well I'd be right and a lot of Wisconsinites would be wrong. Plus it means something is up with the weather. I still think something is up with it. Look at how the north east has been pounded this winter. Now they have these storms causing major flooding. It's just odd. Oh and it turns out that my former landlord (who made such a big deal about returning the key) actually changed the locks in my apartment. Yeah he's just asking for me to sue him. I told him in writing that I wouldn't move out until the 31st of March. When he threatened to change the locks earlier in March I said give me back my rent and I'll give you your key. He said no, so I said fine I'll return it on March 31st as promised. So I called him up last night and left a message. Pretty sure he isn't going to call me back because he knows he's in the wrong. Probably assumes that I'm not going to do anything. Well I do plan on it depending on 1. When I get my security deposit back and 2. How much I get back. I mean honestly with all that's happened even the best lawyer isn't going to be able to pull him out of the crap he's done. Like renting out my apartment with me "still in it". Or the fact that he changed the lock. Or the fact that he tried to bully me into giving him the key early. So I'm in the mood for Kingdom Hearts. Loved the games. Well 1 and 2. Chain of memories sucked. Anyway not the point. So this is the opening for the 2nd game. It's fun because it kinda gives you a quick recap of what's gone on. Even with the crappy chain of memories and their stupid cards. I'm always amazed by the work that goes into these openings. Today's tip is today is not the day to be gullible. On that note I have some land to sell you.

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