Friday, March 12, 2010

Yeah I'm up

So I got up to workout. Yeah the stuff didn't work the way I wanted it to this morning. Lucky for me it was my back workout which is one of my stronger body parts. Anyway so like I said I'm up and I was watching tv and an ad for a candidate for the Wisconsin governor came on. I always try to listen to every ad republican or democrat. Well he said that when he left in 1998 the budget was balanced so I said now wait a minute. What else happened in 1998. Clinton was president and there was a governmental surplus. That means that the federal government could give to state governments. Then what started happening? There were federal and state tax cuts for those that would give the most to help keep the budget balanced. The annoying thing is that there are people that won't ask that question. They'll say omg it was balanced in 1998 I want that back. Then it came on again and I heard another thing that didn't make sense. He said we need to balance the budget and cut taxes. Wait a second how does that work. How can you balance the budget if your cutting the income. So I'm just thinking omg if his opponent would use that against him it would be great. That's the problem with these candidates. They don't use simple language. If they were to use that little sound clip and dumb it down then people will say hey wait a second that doesn't make sense. If they were to say if your income was cut and you were told to have the same exact expense and keep the budge balanced you couldn't do it could you and people would say hey he's right. People these days only hear certain words, but don't put them together. They here tax cuts and think omg that's great. They hear balanced budget and think that's great, but they don't put them together. You can't have all your expenses the same, but cut your income. That never ever made sense to me during the bush administration. We were cutting taxes left and right while were are basically fighting on 3 fronts (Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea/Iran). Ronald Reagan even criticized senior bush for having that mentality. He called it voodoo economics. Where you want to cut taxes and want the budget balanced. Come on people don't get swept up in the words, but think about it. Think about what they are asking. Politicians if you really want to win people over KEEP IT SIMPLE. That was honestly Kerry's problem when he was campaigning. He was focusing on showing that he's not an idiot like everyone was calling Bush. He was so bent on showing how smart he was and how he actually served his country that he lost the common man. They found him pompous and as such voted for the "common man" Bush. Like I said keeping it simple helps everyone understand what you plan on doing and can help them make a decision. If your plan makes sense and helps them then they are going to vote for you. That's honestly why Obama won. He's so smart, but he never ever talked above people. He keeps it simple so everyone can understand. I think if he was to seriously speak every week and keep it simple all those people that are scared of health care would realize wait a second. That's not as bad as the republicans are making it out to be. Well clearly my mind is all so focused today. So again I'm in the Super Sentai feeling. So here is the opening of Go-Ongers. Just like it is the Super Sentai with the most different endings it also had the most type of openings. Seemed like every 5 or so episodes they were changing the opening. This is the last opening if I recall right. So again if you want to watch the series and don't want to know who the last rangers are or last zoirds are then don't watch. I swear this one was the most like the American series since it changed it's opening so much. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is a political one. Sometimes to win people over all you have to do is keep it simple. Keeps you on everyone's level.

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