Friday, March 19, 2010

Doing good today

Today I'm doing pretty good. Just seems like yesterday I had some sort of clarity. I just don't feel like such a fat ass. I don't feel like my body is such a repulsive thing. Seems like I'm just finding a lot of good in stuff lately. Guess it's because of all the sun lately. Could be because spring is tomorrow. Either way I'm loving it and won't trade it. Even all the crap with my landlord and car isn't bugging me. In fact the more I think about it the more and more the landlord shot himself in the foot and it really doesn't bug me about that. So yesterday was a decent business day. Got into the unfortunate circumstance of getting into a religious conversation with a customer. Not because I started it but because he did. I mean seriously I hate those conversations. Especially when someone is so pushy and I have this lack of ability to say to someone this is making me uncomfortable or I honestly don't care to hear your views. You asked me a question I answered. I mean he goes on and on about the rules of logic and goes on and on about evolution and the roots of the words. Ugh just wanted to smack him. I mean you don't see me going around pushing my religious views on people. I mean a persons spiritual journey is their own. I mean he was seriously bashing other religious saying other religions make you work for it, and that may be true but it works for them. Don't act like your religion is the best of the best. He even wants to give me these cds that will "enlighten me". Well at least it killed a few minutes. Anyway I watched world strongest man last night and that competition always interests me. Mainly because sometimes the favorites just blow it. I mean I was watching one of the qualifying groups and an American was one of the favored guys and he got into the finals by the grit of his teeth. I also went to look up the results of the 2009 competition and was shocked that the 5 time winner that everyone was favoring came in runner up and a guy that (for me) came out of no where and won it and an American that seems like he was unknown got 3rd. Like I said it's always interesting because you never know what will happen. Kinda like in life. Those that you see that you just know will be a success might actually end up a guy on the street begging for change. Today's tip is if you've helped at least one person in their hour of need then your life is not a waste, and don't ever think otherwise.

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