Monday, March 1, 2010

Didn't Expect That

Wow was my Sunday interesting. Not because of anything that happened when I was shopping or dropping off my rent or doing laundry. It was interesting because of a little im chat I had with my Ex. Like I had been saying before I wasn’t so sure my Ex was over me so I’ve been trying to do the bob and weave. Not really answering ims and trying to avoid any contact what so ever. Well apparently my status on my im was a conversation starter. Prompting the question from my Ex asking if I was “ready to date”. Frankly no longer my Ex’s concern who I date or if I’m ready to date since we broke up IN JUNE! That’s about 8 months ago. Yeah that is a long enough grieving period. Apparently the thought of me dating made someone a little crazy and I get yelled at saying I’m a liar and a cheater and hoping that the next person I date cheats on me. I didn’t really say much because I was in the process of blocking my Ex’s ims. There is no point in me arguing. If someone hasn’t gotten over a break up in 8 months and moved on then there is no help. I don’t know if there was alcohol involved as well. So I just enough is enough were done. Don’t ever im me again and blocked my Ex. Even removed the facebook connection. The only thing I want to hear from my Ex is an apology for that act and that’s it. I tried being friends by continuing to send my tip of the day after we broke up. I tried to be civil and allowed the continuing of the nickname despite us being broke up. I thought at least with the new job, the “loads” of money, and constantly having the status that saying that my Ex was embracing change in 2010 that someone had finally moved on. Yeah learned that didn’t happen. Now I haven’t blocked the facebook account so there can be an apology so far, but of course if a certain Ex burns that bridge too then there you go. Like I said it’s not that I didn’t try to be friends, but it’s hard when your Ex is insanely jealous, lied to you in the beginning, and made fun of you gaining weight when you were clearly not happy about it. Only some of the problems we had. The worst part is that I couldn’t sleep very well because I knew that my Ex is pissed, has tons of money and could come find me in Wisconsin to shoot me. Made it very hard to get to sleep. Today's tip is hold your head up high because old man winter is getting ready to be sent to the home. Spring shall soon be upon us.

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