Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's that time of the month

No not that time of the month I'm a guy. I mean the time of the month when I get really obsessive about working out. Means I'm going to get measured soon and I swear I haven't gained anything. Well maybe fat, but no muscle. Ugh I'm at that plateau where I'm not gaining anything. I seem to be getting stronger, but I don't see anything. I want to break 160. Yeah maybe at 5'6" being 160 might make me look well stocky, but it's worth it. I kinda want to get as big as I can naturally. Mainly so I don't look in the mirror and see just fat and no muscle. I mean if everything is as big as it can get (naturally) then I'd feel way better looking in the mirror. Then it's just a matter of maintaining it which is easy...sort of. So I'm trying to take in more calories and protein so my weight goes up. Once it's up it's a little easier cutting the fat and keeping the muscle. Well at least for me. Seems like my body fat will go up along with my weight then the next time it drops. I'm ok with being around 5% body fat where I may be a little up and a little down. I just don't want to be above 7%. Yeah it's my weird goal. Speaking of goals, I had a guy come in and he was asking about all the supplements he needs to get in shape and stay in shape and I was listing off all the different things he needs and what they did. He looks at some of the stuff and he's like wow that's pretty expensive. I simply replied with yes they are. That's one reason why people don't succeed when they are trying to loose weight and build muscle. It cost a lot of money to be and stay healthy. It's way easy in our society to be a lazy fat ass. You can just stop by McDonald's and pick up a burger and fries a lot easier and quicker then oh say going to the grocery store and picking something up and cooking it. Or even going to subway or another sandwich shop (which can be healthier then a burger and fries depending on what you get) and getting something there. They typically are more expensive because they have fresh ingredients and make it when you order it. It's sad how or society is making it easy to be fat and actually catering to fat people. I think I was in a movie theater and I saw this chair that was two seats wide for clearly a wide load ass. Come on people if they are that fat they don't need to be sitting down watching a movie. It's so much harder to find a small pair of jeans then a large one. Go in the men's section and try to find a 30X30 or even a 32X32. Oh well they pay for that laziness with medical bills and what not. So I forgot that I had downloaded this video from the Tiny Toons Summer Vacation movie. It's at the end of the movie when they all have to go back to school. It was a song that just kept getting stuck in my head so I meant to download it and put it on my mp3 player but I never did. Need to do that now. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is don't get complacent with your day to day routine. Your tip of the day.

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