Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

That's right it be St. Patrick's Day. If you couldn't tell from the subject of this blog or the fact I'm typing in green. Yay green. I am set when it comes to not pinching. My blog is green, I'm wearing green, my profile pic on facebook is green, and my avatar on gaia is green. Yeah no one can pinch me boo ya. Yesterday I got paranormal activity in the mail and I'm watching it tonight since all my comedies will be repeats. I know I've seen it before, but I love it. It just is different from other movies that are out. I thought it also did a good job of scaring me and since it looked like a hoe movie it looks like it's something that can happen so it's even freakier. I just want to know how they did some of the things they did. Of course there are issues I have with it like that if that was happening to someone I knew I would have done more. Or not been an ass and got someone that knew what they were doing. Let's see oh I didn't get up to work out this morning. I was just flat out too tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. Seems like I was waking up every 10 minutes. So that means workout tomorrow morning and Friday morning no matter what. Ugh Friday is going to be a bitch. So yeah that's pretty much it. Today is suppose to get up to 63 which is great, but go down to 40 something Saturday...curse you Wisconsin weather.<--- look green squibies. So yeah I have to keep up the green theme and I'm doing it with this video. It's the song Legend of Mermaid by the green pearl mermaid Lina or Rina depending on the subtitles you read or the site you go to. Yeah I couldn't help it. Could have done Invader Zim or the Hulk, but well I like this better because she has a REALLY good voice. Plus she's one of the funniest characters because she's so serious one minute then she does something like holds up a giant tv and starts crying. Got to love anime. Today's tip is if you forgot to wear green today just say your wearing green underwear. No one will check.

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