Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sleep is nice

Today I slept in then went to the grocery store then took a nap. Sleep makes me happy. Plus I had pizza last night which makes me happy. Yeah I've been having a pretty good day. Yeah that's pretty much all that's new with me. I mean I did have some fun people yesterday, but that's about it. I mean a lot of stuff happened to me, but I'm still kinda half asleep from the nap. Yeah today is one of those days when I don't want to do anything, but have a lot to do.So the video for today is the opening for Samurai Pizza Cats. Now it was a very funny anime. Now it could just be because of the people dubbing it. I mean it was awesome. Wish they still showed it. I'll have to watch it one of these days on youtube or veoh or whatever. Well there you go. Today's tip is Random = fun to be around. Normal = people pretending to be what they aren't.

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