Saturday, March 27, 2010


Friday was nice, but Saturday is nicer. Less hours at work today. I'm going to make my pizza tonight since well didn't get to last night because of the fight. Speaking of the fight. Wow was it interesting. Yeah I'll use that word. The first thing that happened that night was the band they got cancelled do to unforeseen circumstances. Yeah like they thought they'd get more money from tickets to pay the band. Or there never was a band. Doesn't matter because I didn't know who the band was anyway. I get there and had to wait an hour for the fights to start. The fights finally did and it was ok for the first like 3 matches. Then came the fat ref. I don't know what it is, but the fat referees just don't do as good as a job I swear. I mean the ref before him was pretty big and did a good job. Even got in there and broke them up when the match was over. Didn't see that with the fat ref who was in the rest of the night. That's when things started to get rowdy. I had a pack of two different frat boys behind me. Ugh were they loud and obnoxious. I wanted to stand up and yell shut the hell up already, but they were better then our mc for the night. He wouldn't say anything for a bit then when the action slowed down he'd say something like so and so is trying to do a grab. NO DUH! All he did was point out the obvious. Not try to give us insights on the fighters or anything. During the whole couple of matches they kept talking about how Kaya Jones was going to perform and what not. Everyone kept looking to their neighbors saying who is she. So when she comes out she's like I am Kaya Jones. No one reacted. Then she's like I was a Pussycat Doll then the whole arena had an OH! moment. Yeah that was fun. She sang 3 songs, So What I'm Drunk, Wallflower, and Hollywood Doll. Wallflower is still stuck in my head. By the 2nd song everyone was ready for her to shut up and sit down. The frat boys wanted her to shut up and take her top off. Now apparently the fight I want to was for Combat USA which is apparently on the CW network on Thursday nights. So that meant they had to do interviews which were the worst to sit through because again the frat boys behind me had to start yelling stuff like you suck. Then there was the 1st drunk of the night. He comes stumbling out of the VIP section to sit on the bleachers with us. That's when the flurry of people taking pictures with him came it. That was fun to watch I won't lie. Then later on in the night there was the first fight with a drunk. Didn't go on very long because there was a cop near by along with the event staff. Oh and that's about the time Kaya Jones started getting in on the interviews. Whenever she was asked about the fights she say oh that fight was hot. Oh red heads are hot. You totally kicked his ass and that was hot. So not only is she now looking like Paris Hilton she's acting like her too. Ugh can't stand that woman. So that was my fun time at a MMA fight. Wonder if I tell my brother to watch it and say I was at that fight if he'd be jealous.So I brought my camera with me to the fight because I thought I could get some interesting pictures. Yeah not really, but I did get this video that turned out pretty decent of Kaya Jones when she was performing So What I'm Drunk. Now it's not the whole thing cause 1. I didn't want to get sued. 2. I didn't know how long the song was going to last and I didn't want to waste all my memory and/or batteries. Now keep in mind I'm far away from this. So that's why it looks far away even though I'm at max zoom. Plus they had the sound system super loud so that's why it sounds like it does. Today's tip is if at a professional fight, leave the fighting to the professionals. No matter how much fun it is to see drunks fight.

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