Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time to spring forward

Well almost. It will be this weekend which is fast approaching. I didn't do my workout this morning like I was planning on. It was a bit of the mornings that came over me which kept me in bed until I had to get up for work. Yesterday was a really good day. Seemed like I had A LOT more people come in. More paying customers too. Had a couple of kids come in though. I mean they couldn't have been more then like 12 years old. As soon as I came in I just knew they were wasting time. They came in because they wanted to see if we had weights (because they could so buy them if we did). Started asking me about all the products and mentioned how one of those Ultimate Fighters has a home gym you put on your door. Wow that has nothing to do with anything. Well for me since I knew they weren't buying anything anyway. They finally left and I went back to doing nothing waiting for real customers. Well that's not true I was reading up on a new product we just got in. Sucks that they didn't have a sample I could try. They go on and on about how it's so good and tastes great. Then give samples so we can prove it. Oh and I was surfing the web...well blogger because I have that kinda time. I found this blog for someone that called himself a "gainer". So I'm thinking he's a guy posting about his gains in the gym. Yeah was I wrong. It was actually about getting some sort of thrill out of getting fatter. Now it could just because I have a low body image, or it could be because I work in a nutrition store, but I was like are you serious. Your going to put your health in danger for what? Then after doing research (you can find answers to almost anything on the internet) I found out it was for a sexual thrill. There is a whole fetish around it. Then I said ok now it kinda makes sense. People do way weirder and more dangerous things when it comes to sex. Though it creeped me out that wiki explained why it's so appealing. Yeah didn't need to know that little fact. Well today's video is the opening for Samurai Sentai Shinkengers. By far one of my favorite openings. Not really my favorite season. This one won't be have an American counterpart because last I heard Disney has given up on the series. I blame Disney for that. Seems like Disney edited them down so much that they just weren't good. Not to mention there was no place on network tv to really watch the show so if you didn't have cable you were screwed. Then to top it off they kept changing the times and tried to get people back into the ranger swing by showing old episodes. They screwed that up because no one knew when they were coming on and they would seriously move way too fast. I would see the original rangers then all of a sudden they are in space. Anyway enjoy the opening. It's the last version of it so if your planning on watching the series and don't want to know who the 6th ranger will be then don't watch. Today's tip is you have two choices when you have a problem. Complain about it and hope it works out or be an adult and do something about it

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