Thursday, March 25, 2010

Got a long way to go

Seems like It's a long way to summer and even longer way for our country to go. Like I said yesterday, it just seems like we are moving backwards. Not like we had a short way to go oh say 2 years ago, but now it's even longer with us moving backwards. I mean a lot of these people are going to destroy our country. The ones that are saying they are so patriotic that they are starting little militia groups to "protect the country" are going to cause the end of it. They are seriously going to cause a civil war (again) and imagine what that could mean for the world. All those democracies that we influenced would probably go back to being dictatorships. It's a slippery slope these people are on, and the republicans aren't helping by catering to their super extremist views. Like I said they are pushing away those that are conservative and logical. That's right you can be conservative and actually use logic. I've known many that were. I mean right now they are just playing dirty. That individual mandate that they are so opposed to right now is the exact same thing that they were for 2 years ago. Ugh I'm getting tired of repeating myself about that now. The world today annoys me obviously. Speaking of annoying I was looking at my followers and again they are now down to 112. I don't know what it is with this follow unfollow thing. I mean some I figure are spam so not shocked when they stop following me, but then there are others that I don't even know why they started following me in the first place. This guy Ben Patrick started following me one day and then all of a sudden stopped. I don't know if it's because I said something, or because I tweet too much, or because he was trying to get me to follow him and when I didn't he gave up. I don't know but it just annoys me. Probably because I actually pay attention to who's following me and I wonder why they are following me. I mean there are others who I understand why they are following me and continue to do so.As you can see from the squibies today's video is going to deal with Card Captor Sakura. I decided to post the 3rd opening for the series. I can't remember what it's called and I'm too lazy to go look it up. I personally don't care for this opening because it's honestly too slow for me, but I do like the images, but it is the last opening for the series. So it of course reminds me of how good I felt when I was watching the series including the ending. Oh don't even get me started on the last episode. One of the few times I was almost moved to tears by an anime or video game. Today's tip is The true test of character isn't how often you win, but by the way you handle defeat.

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