Monday, March 8, 2010

It's that day again

Known as Monday. Must say my Monday started off a little different. I actually got up early to workout. I did this because yesterday I tried a new pre-workout and it says don't take it 4 hours before bed. Usually I workout like an hour before bed. I liked this product because I took it yesterday and got an AWESOME leg pump. So I said well I really like it so let's try it again. Well this morning it made me super sweaty and hot. Plus I had major stomach craps. Now I will say it still gave me a pretty good pump. So right now I'm on the fence about it. Need to try a few things to see if maybe that will help the stomach problems. I think the problem is I had no sort of carbs in my system so need to mix it up with some carbs. Yesterday was a pretty good Sunday. Just seemed like I was actually done with everything I needed to do early and could rest most of the day. I don't know maybe it was because I had a day off the day before. By far it is one of my better weekends. Still mad that my legs are by far the strongest part of my body and one of the most developed. No wait that's my back. My back is the most developed and my legs are by far the strongest part of my body. My arms and chest seem to just be there. My stomach seems to be getting more developed, but of course I can't see it because of the fat still there. Yes I know I'm 4.77% body fat, but I swear the fat is all there in my stomach. Oh and here is an interesting fact. Today is Women's day. Yeah I had no clue. Well good for y'all. Oh and remember that dream how I said I saw robot fighting squids in Japan and a wild boar getting released in a room. Well later on yesterday I turn on the Discovery channel (again) to find out that they are talking about wild pigs a.k.a. boars. Yeah I know freaky. A friend of mine said that squids and boars in dreams were a sign of death in ancient times, but I think she was just making that up. Well anyway, the video for today is one from this anime called Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo Bo-Bo Bo-Bo or something like that. It's a lot of Bo's. Anyway that anime is one crazy random anime. It makes my randomness look normal. There is no way to possibly understand half the crap that goes on in that show. Anyway this is the 2nd opening for it. It's called Baka Survivor. It just makes me laugh whenever I watch it. So I hope it makes you laugh too. Today's tip is there is always going to be a first, but there may not always be a last.

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