Sunday, March 14, 2010

....darn it

Yeah so now I'm up an hour early. Yeah it sucks being up early. So far it hasn't really hit me, but it probably will tonight and tomorrow morning. I did get my stuff done today. Which reminds me earlier in the week I had a customer want us to order a product. Well two of that product which we have one on hand so I asked if he wanted that and he insisted no and that we have to order the product. Yeah it was annoying. Mainly because we just got an order in from that company and that means that we won't order again for like another month meaning they will probably run out and end up buying that one we have on hand. Which reminds me yesterday I did have some weirdos. Some people that insisted on telling me way too much stuff about their life. Had one that said I was a good public service worker. Had some rude ones of course. Had those typical lookers, but also had one who spent a good deal of money.....after wasting like 30 minutes of my time asking if that was a good brand or if that was a good brand and how she couldn't remember if that was a good one.The video for today is the opening for the original sonic riders. It's the only sonic riders game I played mainly because I rented it and liked it and bought it. I didn't even know that there were others. Apparently there is sonic riders zero gravity and storm riders. Or it's the same game. Either way never played it. So enjoy. Today's tip is you never know who you'll run into and when so stop talking about your boss out loud in the mall.

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