Sunday, February 28, 2010

And the cycle begins again

That's right today begins the week cycle all over again. Today I have to do laundry, go shopping, and get ready for the up and coming week in general. Always fun. At least this is the last Sunday of this month. Tomorrow begins March which is always nice. Like I said March brings spring and all other joyous things. According to my weather forecaster it's suppose to get into the 40's by Wednesday. The annoying thing is that it's always off and it's always colder then what it reads. Maybe because it updates itself so early in the morning, but if it says it will reach the 40's it really means it will be like 35 max. Anyway this week should be a good week. I just have a good feeling about it. Probably because I know it's a new month and a it's so close to spring. Yesterday not much really happened again. Trained a trainee on how to use stuff and that was pretty much the highlight of the day. Well and some of the many weirdos that came in. One such weirdo was this guy that wanted a weight gainer. He wanted to gain weight before he gained muscle. Ok sure...usually people gain them at the same time, but what works for you. So I should him our weight gainers and he's like how fast would I gain weight. And I said about 2 lbs per month. He said that well slim fast has this new weight gainer and you gain like 20 lbs in a month. I said well I'm not so sure and he cuts me off saying no it's true I mean look at me. The guy was so skinny that you could see the veins in both his arms. The only place that 20 lbs went was to his head. Then suddenly he wanted to know what was going to put on muscle fast. Yeah because gaining muscle and fast usually go in the same sentence. I said well depends on your body type, how often you work out, your protein, and he cuts me off again says yeah yeah I know it's about diet and stuff. Then why would you ask the question. So the guy finally left, but I'm seriously just sitting there thinking what was that all about. Oh and I looked into it. Didn't see and weight gainer put out by the slim fast corporation. That's not to say that they don't have one on the down low, but I didn't find it. Oh well. So I figured people are tired of the Space Channel 5 videos so I decided to go for a different video game. This one was stuck in my head. Mainly because I haven't played it in oh so long. This is the opening of Bloody Roar 4. I think that is one of the most interesting video game concepts. Humans turning into weird animal human hybrids. That would be so cool. Well anyway enjoy the opening. Sometimes what's best isn't what is the easiest thing to do, but you can suck it up and do it or sit there and hope it works out.

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