Monday, January 31, 2011

All had those issues

I was watching Good Morning America and one of the stories they were talking about really struck a cord with me. It was about the mother facing child abuse charges for what she did to her child. Apparently you can youtube it. She went on the Dr. Phil show and showed a video of her pouring hot sauce in the mouth of her adopted son. This is why I have an issue with it. I can see why she did it. My brother was a bit more of a hard ass then I was. He constantly got in trouble. Me you could just tell me that's a bad thing and I'd stop. Him he'd need to be punished and punished and punished. My roommate was the same way. So we understand that sometimes you have to get creative. Honestly I think there wouldn't be an issue if it wasn't for the fact that she was clearly angry when she was punishing her son. I think if she had calmly said, "what happens when you lie?" If she had done that calmly and hadn't done the cold shower I don't think there would be such an issue. I think she had a good idea. She paired a consequence with an action. Clearly he knows that if he lies he gets hot sauce. That's what we go for as parents. Don't we want kids to understand every action has a consequence? So honestly I'm sort of on the mother's side. I don't think it was child abuse. I think people viewed it as child abuse because of the fact she was angry. I mean we don't view putting pepper on a child's thumb to get them to stop sucking their thumb as child abuse.
It's kinda like the Tiger Mom thing. Do I disagree with some of the things she did. Yes I do. Does she think that she should have done some things differently. Yes she admits that. I think people really viewed it in the wrong light. I think once there was press on the book everyone took a stance. They viewed it as a how to guide, or they viewed it as a woman saying she did everything right. I haven't read the book so I can't really give a true opinion on it. I think that if you disagree with her methods then don't read it. If you want to read it, read it and analyze it. Sending death threats to someone because you disagree with someone is just scary. Makes you like that Tuscon shooter. It's this agree with me or die mentality that is running way to high in our society.
On a different note, let's talk about people not using that logic that they were given. So I was in the back room of the gym and there was another guy back there. He was doing one exercise for a couple of sets then moving on. Then all of a sudden he started doing the commute. Doing one exercise then going out to the front then doing another and back and forth. He then takes his paper and goes out front so I go to the cable machine. Well he then comes back and kinda looks around. Ok that's what you get. That's what you get for not sticking with an exercise when someone else is back there. I mean if your going to super set, how about staying next to the thing you plan on using. The other bit of logic that struck me had to do with a weird noise I heard. I was doing decline bench press and I heard this weird clopping. I thought it was part of the song playing on the gym speakers then I realized nope it was flat foot guy. Now logic tells you if you hear that weird noise that maybe you shouldn't be running on a treadmill. Well he was talking to someone up front and my workout buddy heard the conversation. Apparently he hurt his knee in October. He continued to run and his knee got worse until he had to have work done on his knee. Yet he's back in the gym clopping on the treadmill. You have got to be kidding me. Again wouldn't logic tell you that maybe you should find a new form of cardio. Like a bike, or the stair climber, or the elliptical.
Over the weekend we got a new episode of DBZ abridged. My sides still hurt from it. For sure was worth the wait. Plus the fact that it's out means that a new batch of episodes will be coming out. Hopefully one per month. Hopefully. Check it. Today's tip is if you run to stay in shape and blew out your knee because of it then you should probably find a new form of cardio.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Saturday over

Yep Saturday is over. It was such a Saturday too. It was really busy right off the bat, then just died off. What I'm still trying to figure out is this guy that came in like 30 minutes before closing. I was on the phone with my boss and I was in the front so I told him I had a customer so I needed to get off the phone. As I approach him to ask him what he needs help with he says "Just looking Hercules, you didn't need to get off the phone." He then looks at a protein container and leaves. So yeah don't know if I should be offended or what.
Other then that I'm pretty much bored. Yay boredom.
Today's tip is it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, but if they lose the other eye it goes back to being fun and games.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Glad I had yesterday off

It was just a good day to be off. I got caught up on RuPaul's Drag race season 3. I think that's what I'm going to do every time I have a full day off. Just something fun to watch when the TV gets dull. Plus from what my boss told me it was a busy busy day. Monday will be real busy too. today was really busy. I did way more today then I've ever done on a Saturday. Well maybe not ever.
This is an image from an article that I found on Aol at that link. Sorry I'm terrible at hyper links. Anyway it's a fun little thing to look up. I'm an 8 of Diamonds which honestly describes me pretty well. Well more the 8 part then the Diamond part. The Diamond part makes me sound well obsessed with money. Well I guess I am, but not for shopping. Anyway it's kinda funny to read. Plus it makes anyone born on December 31st sound so shady. My boss is a King of Diamonds. Yeah I know that will be held over my head forever.

Today's tip is to look and to feel are 2 different things. Unless that look is laser vision in which case it feels like laser vision.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day oh

Day off yay. Tomorrow I have to work though, but it's only 7 hours. Going to be fun off today. A lot happened yesterday though. There was this guy who came in that was clearly mentally disturbed. My boss told me about him, but I never met him. Well he came in yesterday and he was off. He asks if we had aspirin, but my boss didn't hear him and asked him to repeat that and he starts freaking out. Well my boss leaves and I wait on him. I tell him the price and he has this huge wad of cash. He then asks for a receipt. So I start taping stuff on the cash register and he calls my last name then my boss' last name. I said I'm sorry and he repeats himself. So I try to correct him on my boss' last name and he pulls out our cards and starts freaking out. So I said who I was and he say and I'm so and so and I want my change and receipt. Ok first off dumbass you pulled me away from what I was doing which was giving you your change. 2nd there are FIRST names on our cards. Anyway so I give it to him and he leaves. Well a couple of minutes later we hear this yelling. Turns out he was yelling at a customer at the fast food restaurant next to us. He eventually leaves and I come over and ask what was that about. They don't even know. They had no clue what he was yelling about. The man is messed up.
There was also an e-mail to my boss. Which honestly was a stupid idea to begin with because I could have gotten to that e-mail first. Anyway he starts with this sob story about him not feeling right so he's trying to get in shape. Now it was unrelated because he use to shop the story like 4 years ago. Then stopped all of a sudden. Anyway he says that the guy that waited on him (me) was rude to him. The funny thing is that he didn't mention how much of a little bitch he was being. Everything I showed him he would complain about. So by the time he asks me this last question I was so done. My boss basically defended me mainly because he looked up the guys file. He honestly goes back and forth between "getting in shape" and not. Honestly since he buys maybe 10 dollars worth of stuff it isn't a big drop. Plus he made it sound like he was going to go to the internet anyway. So we'll see. I was happy my boss didn't freak out mainly because he knows me. He knows if I acted like that then they were being an ass. He's seen me deal with super asshole like customers, so if someone pissed me off it's because they were an ass. Yay awesome boss.
I was watching Good Morning America and wow I can not believe what I heard. They were talking about Charlie Sheen and said the 35 year old actor. Now I thought I heard wrong, but my roommate said wait he's 35. I said no he has to be 45. I mean on the show he says he's in his 40's. If he was 35 he wouldn't play older. Very few actors every play older. Then they had the interview with that girl that was in his room when he had the rampage and the date on it was 1/22/10. Again we said no wait that's not right. That would mean that the story happened a year ago which it didn't. I mean I would have been at my old apartment when that story broke. So I have no clue what's going on with GMA. Someone is screwing up and I'm sure I'm not the only one taking notice.
So I got curious. I went and looked up the opening for Kingdom Hearts recoded. the one I found was in Japanese, but that's not the point. Well sadly I ruined the game for myself. Anyone that played Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2....well Just 2 really knows who the mysterious message is from. The opening ruins it so for those of you that don't want to know don't watch this opening. If you do watch it. Don't know why I didn't figure it out before. I mean come on we see the secret message in the 2nd Kingdom Hearts. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you have to start a complaint letter with an unrelated sob story then you know that you are just complaining to complain.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Quick week

Seems like this week is going by really quickly. Hard to believe tomorrow is Friday. Maybe it's my mind trying to make the Winter shorter. Not that I have a problem with that. Maybe because I'm so schedule oriented that it makes things move faster. I've also found out that my body works better with Gaspari's Real Mass then any other weight gainer. It's the only one that I've taken that has consistently put weight on me and kept it on. I think if I had it when I was on my pro-hormone I would have seen the weight go up and probably would have passed that 170 mark. So I'm going back to it. If I consistently keep my weight above 165 then I'm keeping it. I rather be around 167 and go up and down with body fat, then go up and down with body weight. I'd love to have the body fat I have now at 167ish. This will be nice.
Ugh I so want a dog, but my apartment doesn't allow me to have dogs. Now I could move to a place that does allow dogs, but sadly I love my apartment. It's at the right spot from work. Really close to my gym too. Well honestly I can't afford a dog. Well I can afford one, but I wouldn't have much time for a dog which isn't fair to a dog. Maybe in the future I'll look at getting one. All good things come to those who wait.
So I'm in a 90's kick. I'm sure most of you remember the song Oops I did it Again by Britney Spears. Seemed like everyone was doing that dance. Plus the music video didn't really make sense. Anyway so here it is. Today's tip is playing games that you played as a child is a good way to destress. Also keeps you from being a stuffy grown up.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Always funny when you think about it

Do you ever look at some of the people that we elect and just shake your head. Well I had one of those moments. I'm sure everyone is well aware of Michele Bachmann's little slip up. Yeah I'm going to go ahead and give her the benefit of the doubt. Why? Because honestly no one can seriously not know history well enough to know that what she said was so completely untrue. There are so many things you can point to. I mean how about the 3/5th's compromise which was about how slaves get counted. How about the fact that there is an amendment to the constitution that abolishes it. The 13th to be exact which was ratified long after 1776. How about the Gettysburg address? Does she remember that. I mean I would understand if she said the Civil War wasn't about slavery because it's true. It originally was not about slavery, but was made so to keep countries from allying with the South. Again look it up if you don't believe me. Anyway I hope people that voted for her stop and say holy crap I voted for that person. Just funny when you think about the fact that a majority of people said hey she's a great candidate let's vote for her.
How about the new Toyota recall. Remember all those ads they were running about how Toyota has safety as number 1. Amazing how they can't even got 6 months without a recall. I told my roommate if they can go a full year without recall they might be able to recover from the black eye. Seems like it's only getting worse with the repeated blows. I'd also like to point out that they keep saying that their cars are on the road longer then any other car. That may be true, for the cars made 20 years ago. Not for the cars made recently. Wish people would see that. The cars now keep having recalls.
Yesterday a friend of mine posted a video of Jon Stewart's Daily show. In it he points out that when a democrat says that tactics that people use lately are like what the Nazi's did in Germany to make everyone hate the jews he was forced to apologize. Well a guy that went on Fox news pointed out that hosts on the network say it all the time. Well the host was offended by that and says she watches fox all the time and no one ever says that. Well of course Stewart was able to find quite a lot of clips of Fox hosts doing that. Even found an article from the Fox News boss where he says in the Huffington that someone was a Nazi. I wish the guy didn't apologize, but said I'll apologize when every host on Fox News apologizes for when they used it, and every senator or congressperson that used it apologizes. Amazing how when the other side does it, it's dirty politics, but as long as it's being used for your side then it's fine. That's what we call hypocritical.
Before you watch today's video there is something I must let you know. No one has any clue what the hell this guy was going on about besides letting everyone know about Struttin' that Ass. That is pretty much the only thing that makes sense. Apparently he wanted the news guy to walk to Strut that Ass. All I know is that guy clearly had a little too much to drink. Today's tip is people that don't learn from history are doomed to make a mistake about it and be laughed at for a couple of months.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Least I find it funny. I was working out today and this guy comes in and he looked kinda familiar. He kept looking at me and I kept looking at him. Then it hit me. That was weight hog. I was like wow that guy is big, but when you look closer and you realize no he's just fatter. I was doing the leg extensions and I looked behind me and noticed that he had gained a pot belly. Well the thing is I haven't seen him since October. There were two holidays in there. He hasn't been in. I figured he just changed times. Looks like he just didn't come in and has been sitting around. Now maybe I'm wrong, but if I'm right wow he let himself go. I would hate to go through that. Knowing that you were in decent shape then you take 2 months off and wow you are hardly recognizable to anyone that hasn't seen you in 2 months. Just scary to think that people seriously go through this every year.
So the State of the Union is tonight and I won't be watching it. I just hate watching speeches. Blame it on 15 years of schooling. Plus I'm kinda sick of our political system. Unless Obama says this is what the people want which is us to stop fighting I'm not really interested. Plus I have this feeling someone else is going to be yelling out tonight. My roommate keeps trying to get me to watch it, but well I'm not going to. Like I said speeches just annoy me.
The cake is a lie. If you know what that is from then you know what's going to be today's video. It's the ending to the game Portal. It's the song Still Alive. It's really funny when you listen to it. Today's tip is if you are going to commit to being healthy be committed 100%. Don't do the start quit cycle.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Quite a lot to talk about

So the Packers are in the Superbowl. I'm happy about, but not for the same reason that everyone else in Wisconsin is. I'm happy cause 1. I get a pizza at 50% off today. 2. Aaron Rogers is finally out of the shadow of Brett Favre. You see even though Favre hasn't been with the Packers in 3 years, Rogers was still in Favre's shadow. This season has been great for Rogers. Favre has been flopping so people were finally starting to realize that being like Favre isn't highlight quarterback. Plus the Vikings didn't even make it to the playoffs. Plus Driver said that he thinks that Rogers is the best quarterback the Packers have ever had. So yay for Rogers.
So Keith Olberman is no longer on MSNBC. I must say that's not the best for the left. I mean let's face it. The right has the biggest mouth. They have not only politicians that make sure they only give good soundbites, but also have Fox News which is the complete opposite of fair and balanced. I mean they destroyed an organization by airing that false "report" about acorn. They aired segments from the video and showed them in a false light. Did they ever apologize for that? Of course not. Or how about causing a White House official to lose their job because they again didn't show the entire video segment. Any apologies? Nope none what so ever. At least Olberman was loud, but could admit when he was wrong or went too far. He was great at giving Fox News a taste of it's own medicine, but lets face it he was a sitting duck. Other anchors have other platforms to use if they feel like they can't say it on air. Keith not so much. He doesn't blog, and seems like most of his tweets consist of debunking false claims that people say about him. Well give it about a week. Either the ratings won't be there or they will be there. Wouldn't be shocked if they start looking for a new Keith.
Today I feel like posting the SMA movie. Ok let's see takes place after the end of the 1st season. Kinda why Serena has no clue what's going on. Oh one of the best lines of the movie.... Venus Anal Beads Vaginate. You know you are going to be listening for it now. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is jumping on the bandwagon is both fun and easy, but it does make people think you only do what everyone else does.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Ugh Tough love

Had to give some tough love yesterday. I hate yelling at people. I mean I really hate it. Is the only way to get my point across to this person.
Other then that nothing happened yesterday. Today nothing is going to happen. Yep I'm going to have a long weekend.
So yep I'm on my Kingdom Hearts fix. Today's video is the opening for Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep. It's the prequel to the original Kingdom Hearts. It explains how Kairi came to Destiny Island. How Sora became a keyblade wielder. The stories of the nobodies we meet in Kingdom Hearts 2. I wanted to get the game, but well it's on PSP and I don't want to get a PSP. Anyway it's a pretty awesome opening. Today's tip is if you truly apologized and the person won't accept it then move on. You did all you can do, now it's up to them to forgive.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

At the end of my rope

I'm just getting tired of doing this. No not blogging. Being that guy that has to constantly remind someone to think logic. If you are so insecure about your relationship where you have to constantly text message me at all hours of the night then you know what you aren't ready for a relationship. If you can't realize the different between a small fight and a big fight then you know what you don't need to be in a relationship yet. I swear that's what I'm telling this person the next time they text me with something that in all honesty is stupid. I shouldn't have to tell you that your girlfriend or boyfriend doesn't hate you because they are upset. I mean if you two are still together then obviously you aren't hated. I'm just done with it. I've dealt with this for 3 years. I have a life of my own and I don't want to have to avoid my phone or being online because this person constantly can't calm them self down.
Other then that it was a pretty boring Friday. Today I'm so doing nothing.
Today's video is the 5th opening to Naruto Shippuuden. This opening mainly focuses on the fight between Sauske and Itatchi as well as Jiraya and Paine. An interesting opening I must say. Today's tip is never underestimate the power of writing things out. Keeps you from going ape on people that annoy you.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Wow the rainbow was right

Today as I was driving to work I saw a rainbow. I took it at a sign that today is going to be a good day. Well so far it's starting that way. Now I'm not into gossip....usually. Anyway apparently Todd Palin is caught up in a sex scandal and there is a chance he cheated on Sarah. This is good news for me because it ties up her attention. She'll be more focused on dealing with home issues then messing up government ones and stirring up hate. I mean who apologizes by accusing other people. She stirs up trouble just like Beck and all those other Fox "news" people. I mean come on they make sure to use language that supports them and condemns everyone else. Like calling the Health care repeal law, the "Repeal of the Job Killing Government take over of our health care" bill. So like I said even if it's not true it at least gets her out of our hair for at least a week I hope. Knowing Sarah she's just going to say the media is blowing this up it never happened, then we find out it did happen. Or she'll play the victim and try to earn sympathy. We'll see if this blows up like Tiger Woods or blows over like Favre.
I even got to workout all by myself today. Well mostly. I got to the gym and there was no one there. Towards the end I saw a car pull up, but no one got out. Then I saw another car that I thought was a guy that works out around that time. He's a good guy. Well turns out it's the pompous trainer and his client. Lucky for me I had just finished in the back. If I hadn't ugh that would have been a headache. He goes back there and starts pulling things apart and setting up tons of machines while she's back there using the leg press. Man I really wish they'd understand that they should work on one thing at one time, but like I said I didn't have to deal with it.
Which reminds me. Yesterday I was at the gym and there was this sweet old lady there. She had this clipboard and was going from machine to machine. She just looked exhausted. Then she gets back to the cable row machine and I mean she was doing it all wrong. She was in pain. You could see it all over her face. Instead of keeping her back straight and pulling the handle to her chest she was just leaning back. It was stressing her lower back. So I had to say something. I showed her the right way and she thanked me and thanked me again when she walked by. I don't usually help people. Mainly because I don't think it's my place and if I was in their place I wouldn't want someone to do that to me. Mainly because sometimes I'm doing it correctly and they are doing it incorrectly. No I mean they actually are. They are now doing it slowly to actually work the muscle or lifting too heavy. Anyway I know that whoever gave her that sheet clearly didn't show her how to go through the exercises or they just figured oh this is what I do so an old lady can do it too. She was also lifting far too much. I bet it was the pompous trainer again. He always gets the older ladies to train and he really doesn't train them with the fact that they are older ladies in mind. Just sad.
Today I'm posting an SMA episode. It's episode 26/27. I love this episode because they actually did mix two episodes together. It's fun listening to Serena freak out about it. Plus the cats that kept saying "sex sex sex sex sex". Good episode. Today's tip is how can anyone get close to you if your heart is guarded with barbwire. Hurts the heart as well as intruders.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

So many cons

Cons meaning scams. My gym has this body meltdown challenge. Originally there were so many restrictions and an essay that you need to write. Well then it got cut down to just pay the money and we'll do it. Well they merged another challenge they were doing this month with that challenge. One customer that came in got talked into doing it. She use to be a member of my gym then joined a different one yet she apparently still got a personal trainer that works at my gym to train her. Well he talks her into signing up for the challenge which means she had to join the gym. She then had to shell out an additional $130 on top of the enrollment fee and monthly fees. She sits down to listen to the rules and they want you to buy all organic. No seriously. You are suppose to get organic produce, meats, throw out your margine and get butter. They also condemn Atkins yet at the same time they have you on it. They cut your carbs for the first 30 days just like Atkins. Basically they have it so that pretty much everyone will want to drop. The winner is probably going to be the person that somewhat sticks with it. There are 11 people in it. It started on the 15th. Wouldn't be surprised if they let other people join. Since they still have the fliers up I'm sure they are hoping people talk and get others to join. yeah not going to happen.
Another con I just saw was this 10 minute trainer that's out there. I'm not saying it doesn't work. What I'm saying is that the guy that made it is Tony Horton. Does that name sound familiar. It should. He created Power 90 which became P90X. Here is the kicker. Basically the people they showed got the same results using the 10 minute trainer as they did using P90X. They even had the owner of Beach Body on there talking about his results. Hmmm that's odd. Last time I checked he got the "results" he was showing from Power 90, then from P90X. Makes you wonder if he didn't just hire Tony and agreed to be in any infomercial he does. That's why I don't trust anything on TV. The Shake Weight doesn't count. That one actually works and they don't have "real" people on there. Plus people generally agree that it works. It just annoys me because I work in this industry. Makes it hard to get people to workout and trust us.
Today's video is the song Welcome from Brother Bear performed by Jump 5. I've never heard the original version of this song. I just liked the way this song was performed. Today's tip is it takes more muscles to frown then to smile, but less if your smiling after smacking that jerk in your life.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

No more cold

Yep so ready for it to be spring. Tomorrow evening the temperature is going to drop at least 15 degrees below zero. That means Friday morning it's going to be oh so cold. Which makes me think maybe I should take Friday morning off and going on Saturday, but well I don't want to. I like the way I have things broke up. Monday and Tuesday I go to the gym. Wednesday I typically do a short ab workout. Then I go in Thursday and Friday and take Saturday off. Sunday I do a longer ab workout and use my shake weight in the afternoon then it starts all over again. The ab workouts are more of a relaxation thing for me rather then an actual workout. When I find something I like I don't change. I'm an old man in that respect.
What always shocks me is how cheap some people can be. Especially people that have the money to well afford things. I have so many examples of this. This one guy that comes in has money. His family was in the recycling business or trash business or something like that. Anyway the man is so cheap. He refuses to buy his supplements until he's completely out. That means if we are out we have to hear about how he only has 1 day left. Well if you had come in when you were getting low you'd have the product, but no you refuse to spend the money until you see it's absolutely necessary. There is another guy that is so cheap that he we go next door, get a cup of coffee and sit there for hours getting free refills. He takes people's Foxy Shopper (the free newspaper that comes out every Monday) and sits there reading it and taking things out of it then leaving his mess on the bench. One guy who actually worked out with him said that him and his wife go to restaurants, order something, finish most of it, then complain bitch and moan until they get the meal for free. He goes to places only for free things. Wow how much of a cheap bastard are you? It's actions like that, that make it obvious why he wasn't successful at his job.
If you are somewhat in the anime lover circuit then you know the song Hare Hare Yukai. If not look it up. It's probably the most posted and copy dance in anime history. It's from the anime The melancoly of Suzumiya Haruhi. It's an anime that is unlike many others. The episodes are not in a chronological order leading 2 ways to view the anime. You can watch it in chronological order which causes a lot of skipping around, or watch it in the order that the creator had. It leads to two completely different viewings. I've done both. I suggest watching it like the creator wanted first then in chronological order. I did it the other way around and regretted it. Anyway this is the song and dance from the PS2 video game. If you watch the look makes a bit more sense. Today's tip is a good friend will point out when you do something stupid. A great friend joins you.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Seems like common sense

It seems like it's common sense to treat people like people and they will be more receptive. You see at my gym like I've said several times, there aren't really anyone on staff that talks to people. Yeah the trainers will talk to you, if you pay them to workout you out. They don't even say hi as a common curtsy. They always have these events, but no one signs up because none of them feel like they should. The trainers don't have a good reputation. If they did maybe more people would sign up. I bring this up because they are doing a body meltdown challenge. The rules for it have changed so much. It seems like a month ago you had to write an essay along with giving 100 bucks and 30 bucks for a book to get involved. Now it seems like you just sign up and give the money. Plus there seemed like there were so many rules. Now it seems more lax. Well they wouldn't have to do that if the trainers and staff talked to people. If they told people that they thought they had a good chance of winning you could get more people to sign up. Again seems like common sense.
Yesterday was a pretty good day. It snowed a lot so I was worried that it wouldn't be too busy. Well it was. Today it's not suppose to snow, but it is. Also looks like they aren't going to remove the snow in the parking lot. It's just going to be a cold day. Nothing planned. Yep bored.
Today's video is the opening for the show the Puzzle Place. It was a show that was on PBS a long time ago. I use to watch it. Lately the theme has been stuck in my head so well I'm posting it here. Got to get it out one way or another. Today's tip is one of the great things about getting older is your that much closer to being able to say whatever you want and no one caring.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weather + Holidy = Slow day

Yep it's going to be a slow day today for 2 reasons. 1 the weather is really bad. Least at the moment. Tons of snow falling and no plows really in sight. 2. It's MLK day which means that kids are off so they probably won't be out and about. Probably playing in the snow. We'll see later on in the day. It's suppose to stop snowing about midday then snow off and on which means the plows might be able to get out and clear up the roads. That usually increases business, but we'll see.
In other news I downloaded an app on my phone that lets me watch anime on my phone. I'm so far behind on Bleach and Naruto Shippuuden that I pretty much gave up. Mainly because I could never find a great place to go to watch them. Well now I can get them right on my phone. I can watch them whenever I want. Got to see an episode of Bleach I was curious about. Plus this app also has other animes that I can watch. So I can get my anime fix. Yay.
Today's video is the Spell Advent. Again I don't know if I posted this before. Anyway it was the ending theme to Mahou Sentai Magirangers. I actually learned the whole dance. Why? I was bored. So sue me. Today's tip is perception is reality. That's why there can be so many different accounts of the same event.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ignorance really is bliss

In talking to my co-worker I really do realize that ignorance is bliss. I'm not saying he's an idiot, I'm saying with what he doesn't know he lives in a reality that doesn't exist. The thing is he thinks that the people coming in to the store are exactly like him. The reason being is that he surrounds himself with people like him and he's only working typically one Saturday a month. If he was to work every day of the week like I do then he'd realize some of the things he suggest to us, or some of the things he thinks he's doing for us really hurt us. I think that's one of the reasons why I don't like talking to him about work because there is so much he doesn't know and isn't suppose to know. See this guy has a slight gossip problem. Ok it's a huge one. He tells people things without realizing that they probably don't need to know. I now know that one of his friends is shady and the other has a bruised ego. What good does that do me? So things you tell him, won't be just between him and you. Kinda one reason why he knows next to nothing about me, but I know a lot about him and his wife and his kids and his house. It's one of the reasons that He say She say mess happened. He told his wife instead of talking to me so she then used it as a weapon to get back at my boss. Plus he never tells you if things bother him so he tells someone that something that someone else did bothered them and that's how you hear about it. I mean my co-worker is a good guy, just has a slight problem. Probably why this rift is being created between us. I don't feel like I can tell him anything without everyone in another city hearing about it. Don't want my business being broadcast to all of his buddies who shop the store.
My day after that was pretty dull. Didn't really do anything special. Did go to Toppers again. Yeah I love Toppers. I will say when I got there my pizza still wasn't ready so I sat there and waited. The people there thanked me at least 3 times for waiting and apologized for the wait. I thanked them for the pizza and said it was no big deal about the wait. The reason being is the big game was on 30 minutes before I placed the order so that means other people had the same thought as me. They were telling people that deliveries weren't going to happen until an hour and a half later. All this stuff got me thinking. I'm sure I'm a minority when it comes to this. I'm sure there are people that just freak out if their pizza isn't ready when it is suppose to be. I'm sure they have had people just go off on them. Well I look at it this way. How is yelling at the people that make the pizza going to make my pizza ready any faster. If anything they'll do a crappy job on it. Plus it's not their fault that they got slammed. So no I'm not going to get angry with them. I'm going to patiently wait. Hey that means that my pizza is right out the oven fresh when I take it home. Plus when I got home they loaded up on the toppings. I bet because I was patient with them. So it was actually a win for me having to wait. Amazing how when you change your look on things you can come out a winner.
Ok here are my 2 cents on this zodiac crap. No there is no 13th sign. No the dates are not changing. Want to know why? It was just some guy in Minnesota that said we all have to do this. It was not presented as hey we think that these need to changed based on these facts. You see the zodiac signs and horoscopes come from an international committee. That's right it's not just something that was only here in the US (learned this from Good Morning America). It is worldwide. That means we aren't the only ones that read these horoscopes. That being said, it means that they have to adopt this new change of dates and a 13th sign. They said they are not going to do that. The reason being is because they've taken all the change in axis and orbit and all that into account when they write the horoscopes. So basically this 13th sign crap was all done by some lone nut who wanted 15 minutes of fame. Well now it's here. People are extremely pissed about even thinking of changing all this stuff. Plus they were told it would happen right away. Not that if it did happen it would only apply to newborns. I personally wasn't to happy about it either. I'm a Libra not a Virgo. It's a psychological thing. For years I've known I was a Libra. I think I have a lot of the Libra attributes. Maybe that means they manifested because I identified as a Libra or maybe they were there and I chalked them up to being a libra. Either way I'm a Libra. Now I'm suppose to be a Virgo. I'm sure I have some traits, but no I'm not a Virgo. I told my boss that he's now a Gemini he looked at me crazy. You can't change something well established like this over night. It would be one thing if this came from this international committee, but it didn't. It came from some place in Minnesota. Well we'll see if this last for another month then everyone forgets it and goes back to the 12 signs.
So I can't remember if I've posted this video here or not. The reason is my fault. On my last blog I did a much better job of keeping track of this stuff through my tags. I used song names and the name of the artist. Now not so much. So if I posted it before then it was a really long time ago so deal. Anyway the song is Scramble by Yui Horie and Unscandal. It's the opening for the anime School Rumble. The music video even made a short cameo on the anime. I love this song. Today's tip is if people don't tell you things about themselves then you probably have a reputation of gossiping.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Saturday once more

That means I'm off. Least this week, but I do have to go in to talk to my co-worker. Honestly spending time with that guy is getting harder and harder. The guy just does not know when to lay off. Plus he asked me to join him for something the last time he saw me and I haven't done it and I just don't want to open that can of worms. I think the reason is that he's starting to realize that I'm higher up on the totem pole then he is despite him being their longer. Plus his wife starting that He Say She Say mess has left a big scar on the relationship. She's still yet to apologize. How long I stay there depends entirely on if his wife is there and how many customers show up in the first hour.
Oh I also solved that mystery regarding Monster Galaxy and Gaiaonline. They are connected. Kinda makes me wonder if they were planning on connecting the two. My guess is they wanted to keep a developer on staff so they had him create this game on facebook. Which is fine by me. Much better then gaiaonline since there is actually a plot. Plus I don't have be on it every second of every day. Should be fun.
Today's tip is be happy your parents didn't have digital cameras and facebook when you were younger. Imagine all the embarassment.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Half and half

Half of this blog will be written before I go to workout and the other will be written after I come back. Just because I didn't get up soon enough to get it all done in one shot. Ok never mind that didn't happen. E-mail trouble got the better of me. Anyway yesterday was a good day. Despite the huge amount of snow that fell. Lucky for me it stopped like an hour before I had to leave. Plus it was fluffy stuff. I mean it was really fluffy. The point to where I was able to slam my car door and like half of the stuff flew off. I mean two cars that came by and parked after me were completely clean. Sometimes it pays to leave at 6.
Today at the gym it was good at first. Then after I'm in the back for like 20 minutes a guy comes back there. He sets up the bench press, then he moves the decline bench in between the cable machine. Now I don't know if he was going to use it or not, but it looked like he was. I finished doing my bench press and I needed to use the decline bench. I waited to see if he was going to use it or not. He didn't so I used it. Even if he was going to use it I don't care anymore. No one is the only using the gym when there is someone in the back. If you want to do a certain exercise using a specific piece of equipment then use it. Don't try to "save it". Don't set it up then expect no one to use it. It is a small space and if you are not the only one then you can't just hog things. The trainers are terrible at this. Ok not fair 3 out of 4 trainers are terrible at this. A trainer was there today, but at least he didn't hog all the machines and space like the others usually do.
Today's tip is nothing makes you feel older then realizing how old your younger siblings are. If you don't have any rejoice now.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ok good again

Yep I'm fine now. Had a better night yesterday. I also found a new facebook game that well makes me wonder about a few things. It's called Monster Galaxy. The thing that makes me wonder is if you look at some of the creatures they have. A lot of them are creatures form gaiaonline. So here is what I'm thinking on. Who has the right to them. Yes gaia has been around longer, but that's not to say these monsters weren't created first. I mean thinking about how gaia is constantly coming out with these creatures I wouldn't be shocked if they got them from somewhere else. Plus there is always the possibility that they are working together. It's a minor thing really. Just makes me wonder. I'm curious by nature. Obviously.
So yesterday I was talking to a customer and a guy comes in. He walks up kinda close to the customer so I thought ok maybe they know each other. Well the customer didn't notice him he's still kinda talking to me. The guy then asks if we are hiring. Wait excuse me. Your going to ask me if we are hiring while I'm over here talking to a customer. Even if we were hiring do you think I'm going to want to hire someone that interrupts me. It gives off this aura that you don't really care about other people. It would be one thing if you waited until I was finished and asked. That shows that you have respect for people. Well since I don't have to work with him it's not a big deal.
Oh that reminds me. Gym manager/trainer was there yet again. Yet again he is so rude and a major space hog. Today I was working my back and shoulders. Well he goes and gets a floor mat. He actually put it right in front of the dumbbell rack. The then was going to show his client what to do right in front of the racks. Ok ASSHOLE don't go blocking things when other people are in the back. How about you use the mats on the open floor LIKE THEY WERE MEANT TO BE USED! Ugh he's such an ass.
Which actually reminds me. One day when I was in the gym an infomercial for 6 week total body transformation came on. Well I started kinda watching a few things. For one like no one they showed was just 6 weeks out. Everyone was after 10 months, after 9 months, after a year. Only like 2 people were shown after the first 6 weeks. It's a misnomer. Clearly it's not a total body make over in 6 weeks. More like 6 months. Yet I'm sure no one really pays attention to that. It's so sad.
So the other day I did the full opening for the Magirangers. So well here's the opening for Power Rangers Mystic force. Sadly no one makes a good video with clips from the show. Then again Disney is a major asshole when it comes to crap like that. So enjoy. Today's tip is probably not a good idea to ask an employee if they're hiring while they are talking to a customer. Might come off as rude.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I need my comedies

I just need to skip today and go to tonight. Watch ABC's laugh on. Just this week needs a pick me up. I really think it's my system trying to get use to my test booster. Which means damn that's a really good test boosting product. Then again at 22 years old doesn't take much to get an overdrive of testosterone.
So the other day I was watching Hardcore Pawn on TruTv. In the episode they kept showing clips of the owner Less getting into it with the owner of a gun shop. Well when we finally get to it something just didn't feel right. The guy seemed really on edge. They were getting like 6 guns and Less asks don't we get a deal on the holsters? The guy says you are already getting deals on the guns. Less keeps going on about it to the point that the guy says that's it give me the gun (empties it out), gives it back and says get out of my store. He knew that he would have to deal with this. Something didn't seem right. It felt like there was something that was missing. If ever I get that upset with a customer that means that they have just been constantly whining about prices and looking for deals and asking me every question under the sun. Yeah I've wanted to say that to quite a lot of customers. That got me talking to my roommate who agreed with me. It's a reality show about this Pawn shop. Of course they are going to make them self out to be the victim. I just want to see all the unedited footage. Bet it proves my point.
So I want Kingdom Hearts recoded. I read the description on it. Basically it's the first one, but your looking for the answer behind a mysterious message. That started my kingdom hearts obsession again. So that means it's time for the very first opening for kingdom hearts. Simple and clean. Got to love the song. So enjoy. Today's tip is maybe to solve that problem you need to try thinking like someone else. It's easier then trying to call them.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just stop being irritating

I think my test booster is making me a bit irritable. Yet doesn't help that people are just being annoying. Like yesterday. I call in an order. The normal rep wasn't there. So I'm trying to place the order and my boss keeps pestering me asking me where is our normal rep. I tell him, but I'm still trying to deal with this rep. Well I finally finish he pesters me again with where is our rep. So I was trying to tell him about the airhead I had on the phone and he cuts me off and makes me move the carpet. So I try to tell him again and he says well first move the carpet. Once done I just said fuck it. Then later on he has me help him with the stupid monitor camera. He puts it up and it it is better then the first camera. Yet he says oh it looks terrible and messes with the camera causing it to become super blurry. We then have to spend like 15 minutes getting it back to where it was. Wouldn't have happened if he LISTENED TO ME. Then when trying to set up the wireless router he just wouldn't stop nagging. The final straw is that he actually called me up to let me know about some guy on the street corner. Are you kidding me. I can't tell you about an airhead on the phone, but you can tell me about a guy on the street. Ugh I just do not want to deal with this crap.
Then of course at the gym the annoying ass gym manager/trainer is there. Apparently he thinks that since he's the manager he's allowed to hog everything. I'm standing there doing my leg workout and he has his client come back and he goes and grabs a huge ass exercise ball and a mat. He puts it right there where the cable machine is. Just freaking hogging the entire space. Ugh I just don't want people to be so annoying. How about a little common sense people. your not the only one that wants to workout. Ugh. I'm going to go do something to calm down.
Today's tip is don't ask a question if you're not willing to hear the answer. Kinda common sense right there.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 2

Today is the 2nd day of my test boosting cycle. I'm also trying out a new pre-workout product we brought in. I must say the stuff may taste, smell, and mix up terribly, but it works. Yesterday I got the nitric oxide tingle hours after I had taken the product. Even now I'm still kinda getting the tingles throughout my arm. I took that stuff at 6:05ish. It's nearly 9 now. That to me is a product that can lead to a long lasting pump. From what my roommate said it actually does that. I will say when I was at the gym I was having stomach problems. Then again I think that was the pizza I had last night. Potatoes and Green Peppers. Plus I had 5 slices. 5 large slices. So I'm not blaming it on the pre-workout. Yesterday when I took it, I did a stomach workout and if it was going to give me stomach troubles that's when it would have happened. Plus I know I'm on a test booster because last night I had a very vivid and crazy dream. I'm also in the early stages because there wasn't any sex involved. Usually when I'm on a test booster for awhile my dreams get quite sexual. There was only a bit of arousal at the very end.
The more this Arizona shooting story comes out the less I'm liking it. I mean today I so wanted to yell at the shooter and say "Are you happy? You killed a 9 year old. What the hell did she have to do with anything. You killed someone who was getting ready to spend his life with someone else. You killed a federal judge. Are you proud of yourself. Are you happy that you shamed your family. That you shamed the Tea Party." It angers me that anyone could ever do that. All because you didn't agree with their policies. That's what are nation has come down to. People say things without thinking. People say that we need to reload and re aim without thinking that someone with a gun might think that's a pretty damn good idea. Then they want to pretend like it wasn't their fault. This man was a Tea Partier. He was pissed that a democrat beat someone in the Tea Party. He listened to someone from the Tea Party that said we needed to reload and re-aim and had targets on different districts. Yeah this is what are nation has become. Believe what I believe or I'll threaten you and/or shoot you.
On a completely different note. Living where I do I hear a lot of stories about seniors. Seniors that shouldn't be driving. Seniors that have started the mental decline. That are physically declining. Well I was at the gym and one of the guys that shows up from time was talking about his neighbor. She is so bad that she truly can not take care of herself. Yet the family is not putting her in the nursing home. Yes I understand that's she's begging and pleading to be left at home, but she can't take care of herself. If she's calling a neighbor every day to get her out of bed she's not living a good life. This guy is not suppose to be lifting anything heavy. He's at the gym because he doesn't want to lose any of the muscle he already has. You just listen to this guy and you think wow you are a good guy to help this woman. I mean if I was him I'd call up the family and say no. Not anymore. You told me after Thanksgiving she was going to a home. She is stopping me from enjoying my retirement. I'm not coming over anymore. You can fly down and help her since you refuse to put her in a home. The woman can barely lift her head. She can't even roll to one side when she lays in bed so she gets bed sores. Is that what you want for your mother. To be in pain from bed sores. To get sick because she can't change her depends. That at any moment she could fall and stay there until someone comes around. I say screw pride. Screw that she'll be mad. I want to know that my mother is safe. She can't take care of herself and I can't take care of her so she needs to be in a facility that can. I just hope if I ever get like that, I'd have the common sense to say I need to be somewhere not on my own.
The first Super Sentai series I ever watched was Mahou Sentai Magirangers. It was so much better then the American version which was Power Rangers Mystic Force. It shocked me just how different everything was. It was funnier. There was actually blood and death. It was clearly meant to be a show that both kids and adults can watch. So I figured I'd post the opening theme for it. This is a video someone made. It starts like if it was the actual opening. Then it goes to a few clips, and shows each of the rangers. The clips are from episodes that were really featured around that specific ranger. It's a well done video. Today's tip is just because you think something you say is harmless doesn't mean the person hearing it thinks that.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


So the network I use for the internet didn't work yesterday. So I'm stuck using the company computer. Other then that nothing big happened. Just had people that loved to waste my time. Pandora Boxx did reply to me. Yay.
So I'm sure you all know about the shooting in Arizona. All I have to say about it is this is what careless wording does. Sarah Palin said that we need to "reload" and "re-aim". She had a map with cross hairs on it and guess which district was on that list. The worst thing of it all, Palin will never admit that she did anything wrong. She's just going to dance around it. She took down the map because she wanted to respect the victims. It just pisses me off. People like her are leading to these crazy people. You don't see any crazy dems shooting at republicans. That's all I will say.
Today's tip is if your joke or compliment require explaining then clearly it wasn't good. Or you have a slow audience.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Well I'm feeling awesome

So yesterday was a great twitter day for me. I got tons of mentions which does not happen often. Plus for the 2nd day in a row, a celeb I follow replied to something I said. Yeah that makes me happy. Not to mention My Dinos Go has finally upgraded and now my abilities are back in action. It also cuts down majorly on load time. Still have problems with the random crashing. Oh and guess what I just found out logging into twitter. I'm being followed by someone that has actually been on TV. I think I've mentioned that I watch RuPaul's Drag Race and Drag U. Well the one and only JuJubee is following me. I could scream. I'm honestly having a great twitter week. Well twitter 3 days. Which is basically like a twitter week or tweek. Plus I had yesterday off. I'm just feeling good. Yay.
Today is going to be interesting. Either it's going to be a good day or a bad one. Saturday is when all the weirdos ride the bus. That means that I will probably have a lot of weirdos. Plus I'll have to take a lot of orders because I know we are low on some things. Plus today is my last day on my pro-hormone cycle. Tomorrow I'm starting a new pre-workout and on my test booster. Least I'll finally get a good night sleep. Last night I had the weirdest dream. There was this weird lizard alien. If it ever broke loose you weren't suppose to move or look at it. Well it got loose so I'm covering my eyes and not moving. Well it of course comes over to me and seemed to like put its mouth over me and poked me in the crotch. Well more of between my crotch and ass. I eventually opened my eyes to find it's mouth open and freaked out so it freaked out and then looked human. It was a weird dream. Been having a lot of those lately. Kinda like my mind is in over drive.
I also saw Young Frankenstein for the first time. I can see why all my nerd friends (I also refer to myself as a nerd) loved it. Well specifically the band and theater geeks. They are also the ones that told me about Rocky Horror Picture Show. Again I can see why they liked it. My roommate honestly wasn't a real fan of it. He fell asleep. He did however love Young Frankenstein. Probably because he's a fan of Mel Brooks. I haven't come across one of his films that I didn't really like. Now obviously I prefer some over others, but I've never been upset about getting a Mel Brooks movie.
Today's tip is if little things can bring you down, then they should also be able to bring you up.

Friday, January 7, 2011

Thinking isn't hard is it?

I mean I think it seriously causes people physical pain. So there is this ad that is floating around for this product called Force Factor. Here is the very very very stupid thing about the ads. The ads have guys that are CLEARLY morphed. One guy is doing a bicep flex and there is a bicep on top of a bicep on to of a bicep. Then there is one guy who's body is extremely massive to the point you just know it's morphed. The head size just looks odd. I know people are following for this crap because someone came in to ask if we have Force Factor. Plus they are saying that they are the solution to getting bigger. Oh bullshit. That's the same claim muscletech uses and they change their formulas at least twice a year. Just wish people would stop giving into the claims and actually look at the product. Most of the time there is nothing special in their products. I know with Nano Vapor I can point to like 5 other pre-workout products that would do a way better job. Plus they don't change twice a year.
One of the really annoying thing about my job is that in as little has 3 months our inventory change change dramatically. Products are changing their formula, or our vendors are dropping products, or we are bringing in new things, or products are just changing their look. So that means if someone hasn't been in as little has 2 months we actually could have a whole new inventory. Well this guy came in yesterday and he hasn't been in for like 3 months at least. Asks if where is a pre-workout we use to have. Well 2 months ago we found out that the company that made that product has basically gone up in smoke. Plus I don't already like this guy. There is a reason for this that I don't want to get into. Plus I'm sure he's been getting stuff somewhere else. Anyway like I said I just hate when people do that. If you come in every month then you know when something is going on. You know what's new. If every time you come in you ask what's new, that tells me you are shopping other places and I don't need to waste too much time on you. It tells me that you might also be looking for samples or just info on the "latest and greatest".
Another thing that annoys me is the customer I like to call "the use to". You see in every job there are just people that you know are going to give you a hard time. You know that they are going to do something to make your job hard. For me that's mainly the use to people. They are the guys that come in and say I use to be in great shape. I use to be a bodybuilder. I use to be a football player. They are the guys that can't live in the present. You try to help them, and they act like they are the expert because they knew what to do back then. Well you are here asking me for a product so shut up and listen. Anyway this guy came in before. He came in looking for Bee Pollen because his trainer told him to get it. So he comes in 2 days later to return it because he got the wrong thing. Then he starts looking around and he says some of this stuff has been around forever. Animal has been around since I was bodybuilding in the 70's. And yet he's now a guy that looks like he's never seen a weight room in his life. Like I said. These guys are the "use to".
Today's tip is if you're not perfect the first time around then congrats on being human. For everyone else the government will be at your door... Now!