Tuesday, November 30, 2010


So I started my mass building program yesterday. That means a new mass gaining protein and not worrying about my body fat. I also started on the pro-hormone I took last year. When I took it last year I did get positive results, but I don't think I got the results I wanted gym wise because I never took it before I worked out. Well I did it two days in a row and it feels like it really is working. If it's all in my head or not it seems to be working. I upped all my weights and after I finished working out I felt like I could keep going. I honestly feel great. It's a great feeling. Plus it feels like my attitude has improved. Seems like when I'm giving advice I'm more blunt then usual, but it ends up being more helpful then when I pussyfoot around.
Oh speaking of working out today was a quiet day. I could have worked the chest. Anyway there was a woman in there that was working on the hardwood floors. Anyway so eventually she disappears. So I figure oh she went to the restroom. She came out and went home. Well I was talking to my workout buddy and he thought she was in the unisex bathroom, but actually she came out of the men's restroom. The thing with that is there are only two guys there. Me and him. If we needed to use the restroom and that door wasn't locked it would have been very awkward. Plus when you can see if there is another guy in the restroom by looking around then it's not a good idea to go into the men's room if your not a man. She only did it because she needed to use the shower. Well what if one of the guys needed to. Just so annoying and rude. I wouldn't have had a problem with it if she had at least let me and my workout buddy know. Simply say I'm going to be in the men's room taking a shower since there is someone in the ladies room. Neither of us would have had a problem with it since there is a unisex bathroom and neither of us use the shower. I mean come on don't be an ass. Ugh.
Today's video is one from the series unskippable from the site the escapist. This is from the opening of Eternal Sonata. Must say based on the opening I would so never ever play this game. Oh and apparently this is one of those openings you can't simply skip through. Hence the name unskippable. Anyway I think it's the best one they have done. It's also the first one I saw. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is if you're going to use the wrong gendered restroom at least have the couresty to look transgender or like a confused 80 year old.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Work again

Yesterday I had to work again. I'm so glad I didn't have to stay to closing. By about 8 like 5 people were in the store and by 9, 1 person. One person was in the store for 6 employees. The store is open until 11. All that is doing is wasting money. No one is going to start shopping that late until closer to Christmas like the week of. If even that. I know if my manager was there he would say hey want to go home early. I would gladly go home early.
The other thing I saw yesterday was that creepy old guy again. The one that always says he worked out at gold's gym in California and what not. He has seriously gone from just annoying to creepy. Saturday he came in and I just tried to avoid him. He came in again yesterday. Well it got me thinking. He only comes into my main job whenever someone else is there and he always tries to talk to them. Especially if they are teens. There were two teens that came in to get a pre-workout and he says to them oh that's good stuff. I used that when I was working out at Gold's gym 25 years ago. Well that's kinda impossible since it was created in 2008. Kinda hard to have had it 25 years ago. Anyway back to yesterday. He's walking around with a bag of stuff he clearly already purchased. Then he just walks around the store. He finally settles in the toy department. Now if I was a parent and I see this old guy, with a bag of stuff that looks like it's already been purchased I'm thinking 2 things. One this guy is a shop lifter or 2 this guy is a pedophile. Now I did see him leaving with some toys, but still that doesn't take away the creepiness of it. Plus he says he has a wife so why doesn't he ever shop with her. Why is he always hanging out in the mall? I mean think about it. Are you seriously holiday shopping everyday at the same mall? Especially when you have to ride the bus. Yeah it's creepy.
Awhile ago I posted the opening video for the new season of digimon. Well this is a video that shows what exactly is going on. As the opening kinda implied the digimon don't digivolve like in previous seasons. They fuse together. This one shows that fusing plus actually has a little battle going on. Don't worry it is subtitled. Enjoy. Today's tip is there are many ways to not look like a pedophile. Hanging out in the toy section with a bag of stuff you purchased is not one of them.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

So very tired

I didn't post yesterday because I had to be at work super early and I got in really late. Ugh I so hate my job. Ugh it's taking over more then my full time job. I swear it's like they are trying to work me into the ground. As if I didn't already dislike the holiday season enough. Now I have another reason to hate it. I have to work a 7 hour and 15 minute shift. I don't get out until after 9:30. The only lucky part is I'm off for two days from that job. Then guess where I have to go. My real job. I swear by the time this is over I'm going to be even more cynical and bitter then I am now. Ugh I simply hate working there. If it wasn't for the fact that I need the money I'd so quit right now.
Let's see what else happened. Friday was a weird day. Luckily I got there after all the crazy people left. Ugh so bored.
Today's tip is being pushed to your limits is the best way to get past them and defying expectations.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Little sleep tonight

So I had to work yesterday and got to go home early. Mainly because I don't think they really thought the schedule through. There were like 5 of us on the floor by 2:30 and all the shoppers left to go eat about 1ish. So that meant no one had anything to do so I got to go home. Tonight we'll probably need that many people to clean everything up. In all honesty I'm sure we'll be done long before closing and we won't see very many people from like 8-11. Then got to get up early tomorrow for another 10:15-4 shift. Plus I have to remember to check next weeks schedule. Yep it's going to be a long one.
Not much happened yesterday for me besides working. Customers were really good. So yeah it was pretty meh.
At the gym I got lucky. There was just me and another guy. One of two things was going to happen. Everyone was going to say oh man I need to work off that Thanksgiving dinner so they go to the gym or everyone says I need to get in on those Black Friday deals so they said skip the gym. Looks like most took the 2nd option which is fine by me. The other guy that came in was the guy that comes to the gym with his hair slicked back. He still refuses to wipe the machines. The weird thing is he asked me where was my boss. Well my boss works out around the same time I do on occasion. I said I don't know. So that got me thinking. Does he shop the store? Should I know him? So I'll have to ask my boss when I see him. The thing is he's terrible with matching names since he sees so many people from time to time.
Today's tip is remember that shopping makes people crazy. Be careful when going out before 1.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

It's thanksgiving

For most that means a day to just relax and enjoy family. For me I have to go out and spend 5 hours and 45 minutes at my 2nd job. I have to deal with the people that will come in and you know they will come in. I'm sure I'll have to do a lot of stuff in the back. I'm sure it's going to be a pointless day. Plus I have to drive really carefully. There is ice on the road. So I have to go in early. Arg so don't want to go.
After work I honestly have nothing to do. Probably just going to hang out and watch World's Dumbest. Probably call up the parents and grandparents and say hey. Yeah it's going to be a day that's just boring for me. I don't get into holidays.
This is episode 17 of SMA. I love this episode. It's the one with that artist with the southern accent. Whenever I see this episode it reminds me of Jessabelle from Pokemon. I always here the same line. "You're not running properly." Plus some of the funniest lines are in this episode. Got to love it. Today's tip is today's holiday is a call to action. If you can't give thanks for at least one thing then congrats on being a brat.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

And it begins

So today I got remeasured and just as I'd been figuring for a while I've leaned out. Lost .4 lbs, but it was only body fat that I lost. Muscle is up and body fat is down. So it's getting close to the time when I need to stop worrying about being lean and just put on tons of mass. Not like my shirt will be coming off for sun bathing. Besides I need the extra body fat to stay warm. So I'm thinking after this week I'm going into full mass building mode. That means screw the body fat. Besides I always seem to lean way out in winter. So at least if I do this I'll hopefully stay where I'm usually at the rest of the year which is still pretty lean. Besides I'm ready to break out of the 160's and hit the 170's. My goal for next year is to make the 170's my new average. Then of course the next year will be 180's and then from there it will just be to maintain that. Like I said before my overall goal for me is to hit 185. Anything after that would be nice, but I think 185 on a 5' 6" male is enough. I mean that's about 2.803 lbs per inch. Anyway so that's my winter plans.
Last night was the finale of Dancing with the Stars and shockingly Bristol Palin didn't win. Now I'm actually not being sarcastic when I say shockingly. It honestly did seem like there was a voting block for her. Then again maybe their wasn't. Keep in mind we don't ever see the results of the voting. They don't actually show who got the most votes. Basically for all we know ABC said keep her on let's start a controversy going about a secret voting block for Bristol. Let's face it Dancing with the Stars is a T.V. show and it needs to bring in money for the network. The more people that watch the better for the network. I'm sure if you watch the credits you'd see the producers actually have the final say in who goes home. Just like on America's Next Top Model. It's also just like the reason why the Brett Farve investigation is taking as long as it is. If it was some other player on some other team that didn't cause as big of a stir the investigation would have been over with, but no. It's Farve who keeps drawing people to watch him which means more money for the network. It's why I stopped watching "reality" tv. It's all about rating.
Holiday travel is also in full swing today. Apparently there is suppose to be this huge opt-out of the TSA full body scan. See I don't see what the big deal is with the full body scan. Why would you want to get patted down unless your a pervert. On top of that it takes way longer to do. Imagine a line of 10 people. All of which opt-out of the full body scan. The scan they said takes like 2 seconds. Well obviously you do have to stand there correctly. So let's say it takes a whole 30 seconds all together. The pat downs on average take about 2 minutes. You see where I'm going with this. The 300 seconds (5 minutes) becomes 20 minutes. 4 times as long. Now that 10 people becomes 15 and it's now 30 minutes. 30 people is now an hour. See how that can easily cause delays? Is it really worth it? I mean I get if you have a medical condition and you need to be patted down. That makes sense, but just to do it to do it? Is it really worth missing your flight? Good luck people.
Today's video is one that just shows how dumb people on tap really are. This guy punches himself saying that the police are beating him. As you can imagine it's all on tape. My favorite part is when the officer tells him all of this is being video taped. Silly criminals. Today's tip is we may have the right to free speech, but the law does have the right to arrest you if that speech is threatening. Even when taken out of context.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Hmm didn't expect that

Well one I did expect. Who said that the NFL isn't about politics. So Brad Childress got fired. Shockingly Brett Farve has come out and said yeah we didn't try as hard as we could have. Me and the players pledge to try our hardest. Or something along those lines. Hmmm so they weren't trying their hardest under Childress. They now suddenly will pledge to do their best. Now if I was a Vikings fan I'd be insulted. Especially if I paid all that money to get to see the Vikings play the packers. I mean they didn't try their hardest against their rivals. All just to get rid of a coach? Yep that would piss me off big time.
One thing I didn't expect was to get an e-mail this morning from my gym. They are offering free individualized weight lifting program for the new year. At first I was like yeah like I'm going to do that, but at the same time it is free. I like free. The only problem I have is that I have to talk to the pompous trainer. Ugh I don't want to talk to that guy. Plus this program is supposed to be updated daily. I mean sounds like a great deal. Then again I'm sure that's the point. It gets you in because it's free so they can then badger you to sign up for a training session.
Today's tip is drama belongs in movies and tv not in real life. Don't go causing it for someone else.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Mixed feelings

So everyone that saw the Packers and Vikings game knows that the Packers pretty much stomped on the Vikings. If you have a tv you probably heard about it. Well I have mixed feelings about what happened. Yes I'm glad the Packers won. I'm glad they beat the Vikings. However I'm not glad for Brad Childress. I mean for fans to say at the Vikings home stadium, against their biggest rivals, to shout out fire Childress must have just been devastating. I mean why in the world would a true fan do that. Why would they embarrass the team and break apart the little dynamic they had. I'm not shocked that the players seemed to give up. Clearly the fans weren't with them so why should they try anymore. I'm kinda just waiting for the Vikings management to make an announcement and say he was fired. What would really rub salt in the wounds is if the players suddenly start playing well. I mean it shows they weren't trying. Now if they get a new coach and fail then well it shows it's not the coaching that's causing the problems.
Today when I went to the gym it was very busy. I figured that today not many people would be there so I was going to do my chest workout. Well it was quiet then I saw her. The client of the gym manager. So I knew right off the bat crap I'm going to have to deal with them. Then more people showed up. Yep a busy day. So I got most of my workout done. Didn't get to use the cables like I like. I'll have to make it up on Thursday when no one is there or tomorrow. Depends again on how many people show up. I bet it has to do with the fact that Thanksgiving is this week so everyone is all gung ho to get to the gym. So I'm sure Wednesday and Friday are going to be busy days as well. The most annoying thing of it all is that the manager and client really only gossip. Yeah they will do like a set or too, but it's mostly gossiping. They even talk while she's working out. How about having her focus on the exercise. Come on. Either way the trainer gets paid to same and clearly she's fine with wasting money like that.
Today's video is one that we all can relate to. You wait for something to happen then turn your head and you miss it. Well the morning news on WGN was watching and waiting for a bridge to collapse. They were going to broadcast it on live tv. Well they are on it for 5 minutes (this is the shortened) version then go to the weather guy and yep they missed it. The flip out from the staff is amazing. Today's tip is if you hear "results may vary" then clearly the results they were talking about are atypical.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Going to be a long one

Today I can tell is just going to be a long day. Last night I woke up to find myself having a nose bleed. Lucky for me it didn't last too long. Unlucky for me, my roommate is both a light sleeper and has a room next to the bathroom. So I got questioned about that. Always embarrassing telling people that you ran to the bathroom because you had a nose bleed.
Then this morning I did my stomach workout. Seemed like I had a pretty good workout. Then I suddenly started feeling really weird. Like really hot and somewhat sick to my stomach. Hard to explain. So I'm like crap that's all I need is to be sick while spending 4 hours standing. Well lucky for me the feeling has gone away.
I also did grocery shopping today. I must say it was nice to get in there early and not have to deal with all the people. Anyway I get to the checkout and of course they have all those tabloid magazines. Well one caught my attention. It said Palin outraged by Willow's pregnancy surprise. I found that very funny. If that was true (which I doubt) then I think that would really be the final nail in Palin's political coffin. Yes it was kinda easy to brush off the first one since Bristol wasn't a minor and at the time was planning on getting married. If Willow is pregnant then there is really no way to defend that. It just proves she's so busy worrying about everyone else's family that she can't even pay attention to her own. But like I said I doubt it's true.
This is also the big game between the Vikings and Packers. Now this is a big game for several reasons. 1. this could be the game that keeps the Packers tied for number 1 if they win. 2. If the Vikings lose someone is for sure going to be benched. Honestly I want the Vikings to lose. Just because it goes to prove that 1 player does not a team make. Driving down and giving a player special treatment won't make your team magically good.
Alright if you are squimish do not watch this clip. If you are a parent then make sure your kids watch this. This is one of the main reasons why it is stupid to bull fight. The worst possible thing happens in this video. I'm not going to ruin it so just watch. Today's tip is don't bite the hand that feeds you. Unless that hand is made of chocolate because that's just asking to be bit.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Interesting yesterday

So yesterday was an interesting day for me. I had the day off, yet I came by my job because we were decorating and that means free pizza for me. The funny thing was that other people from the mall were suppose to help. In fact one told me she planned on coming. Well it was just three stores really decorating the whole mall. So we had tons of pizza leftover. Shame too. Well that means I get free pizza for lunch.
I also watched the show What Would You Do? The annoying thing about this show is that no one can truly answer what they would do in those situation. I'm sure if those people saw themselves they'd say no I'd say something or I'd do something. That's why I feel uncomfortable saying oh I'd do this. Honestly I don't know what I'd do. I mean if I was approached in some of the situations I think I'd know what I'd do. It honestly is like "reality tv". It's really not. People act differently on camera then when they think no one is watching. Not to mention things do get edited. A small fight could look like a big deal that takes the whole episode. Let's be honest with ourselves people. If you knew you were being tapped to see how you'd respond to a lost girl you'd make yourself look good yes? Now you'd think that under the same circumstances without the camera you'd do the same thing. Well the thing is most people wouldn't. I think there are reasons for that. The big scare that anyone that approaches a child is a pedophile. So that's why I get really uncomfortable saying this is what I'd do because I really don't know.
Now here is a situation I'm pretty sure I'd know how to act. After the show 20/20 was on. They were talking about two girls fighting over a guy. It's a situation you see and hear about all too often. I just can't understand why the women attack each other rather then the guy that is the root of the problem. This was one of those situations. The guy was a jerk. He was changing the girls. They couldn't see it, but their family and friends could. They tried to get the girls to see the light, but no they kept spiraling. Found out about each other and attacked each other over the phone, texts, and myspace. All while the guy played them like puppets. He had them fight for his love. Well it escalated to one of the girls getting stabbed and dying and the other getting a sentence of 27 years in prison. Was it all worth it? If the girls had been smart and really thought about it they would have moved on. Said you're dating another girl? Well then we are done, but no they fought each other. Now both their lives are ruined. And what of the guy. Oh he is probably playing another pair of girls. Probably has no real remorse over what happened. That's the real injustice of the whole thing. The real victims don't get justice. The family and friends of the girls. I know if they had a choice they'd like to see him behind bars for the part he played.
So here is a vid from Space Channel 5. I think this is a training thing you can do. I don't have the game so I don't know. The funny thing is how can you have a view rating of above 100%? Anyway it's just her dancing with a funky background. If you make it through to the end you get to see some funky dancing. Today's tip is don't lose yourself to please someone else. If you aren't loved for you then they aren't worth your time.

Friday, November 19, 2010


Today I went to the gym and the manager and one of the trainers were the only people there. Oh crap. So that meant I had to workout with them. I will say there is something I noticed about the manager (who is a certified personal trainer). He goes too heavy. He goes so heavy that he grunts every time he does one rep. I'm not saying that you can't grunt when you working out, but only as your pushing for those last one or two reps. Not every single rep. Plus he was clearly not able to control the weights. He was using the cable machine to do the kickbacks. He had it fat like 200lbs and he was struggling so hard and he couldn't put it down in a controlled way. He honestly looked like he was 2 seconds away from hurting himself. One thing that a lot of guys think is they have to do these super heavy weights to build muscle. No it's all about muscle fatigue. If you lift at a lighter weight where you have more control you're going to work the muscle better. Yes you have to do a few more reps to hit that muscle fatigue, but it's better then worrying that your going to hurt yourself. Now granted I think he's training for strength not muscle growth. They really are two different ways to train. I don't train for strength. I think it leads to injury. Plus have you seen a lot of power lifters. Yeah they are strong, but most of them look like they are super fat and that is not what I want.
That actually is a good transition into my next topic. Who in the world looks the same after 15 years. Everyone changes in a 15 year interval. Well apparently one guy expects us to believe he has the exact same body he had 15 years ago. He wants people to believe that he has the same body at 50 as he did at 35. Some of you probably know exactly who I'm talking about. Well look at the picture. He honestly looks like his stomach was air brushed. Honestly it looks like a photo he took around the age of 35 and just says he's 50 when he took it. He wants us to believe he is in bodybuilding shape. It's clearly a scam. If you look at his arms in the "50" picture then look at one where he's wearing a shirt you can tell they aren't the same arms. It's just impossible to have the exact same shape at 50 as you did at 35 unless you are taking something like testosterone booster shots or some steroids. I mean come on. Be critical of everything you see, especially when it comes to supplements and bodybuilding.
Today's tip is just because you can kick that cop in the crotch doesn't mean you should. Though that does take balls.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Have to check it out

Pretty soon my schedule for the next week will be up. I just have a feeling I'm working next Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. Just this feeling. Means I'm going to be tired. Plus that I have to eat more. All that standing and walking and moving is what's causing my weight to drop. Hopefully like I think it's all bodyfat that's dropping not muscle. Then again if it was true you'd think that a lot of the managers wouldn't be as big as they are.
The gym was pretty quiet too. Which is always good. Makes it easy when I need to do my chest workout. It can be busy on any other day, but my chest day. I really only use 2 machines, but I have to do 3 different exercises on each one and I go from one to another. Plus I have to move 3 benches around. Would love it if they had a bench that did an incline and decline instead of two that do incline and only one that does decline.
I just now realized that I did refer a customer to my gym. I told him when I workout too. So if he does sign up there is a chance we could end up working out together. I mean that's not a terrible thing since he is a nice guy. Just weird when you workout with people you see from time to time. I don't know there just feels like there needs to be this kinda barrier between you and a customer. I mean I see my co-worker who has his buddies come in to buy stuff from us and he gets really pissed off when they go somewhere else for anything. Plus it seems like anything you say to them could be used against you or be used to justify going somewhere else.
Yesterday we got a sample of this protein bar. It says it has 8g of net carbs. As soon as I read that I just thought oh something isn't right. It has 35g of total carbs. How they call it net carbs is they subtract the fiber and the "other carbs". They say they don't count since they don't affect your blood sugar which isn't true. They just don't have as much of an affect as simple sugars. They still affect your blood sugar. For those counting carbs yeah it's going to affect them. Just sad that companies can do this stuff and get away with it.
More of SMA has been posted on blip including one of my favorite episode. Episode 5. Here is where we meet Amy. It's just funny. Hard to believe that Windows Vista was wrong. Today's tip is love is infinite. You can give as much as you want.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A lot going on

Well my car officially hates me. It broke down yet again. Now I have another $1000 repair. I swear if it breaks down again I'm junking it. It better not since I pretty much replaced everything in it. I bet it will be that belt that will be the next thing. Anyway just annoyed with it.
Had a meeting to go to this morning so I didn't really get to sleep in. Could have really used it. Not like I'll be sleeping in tomorrow or Friday. Saturday I just get an extra hour and that's pretty much it. Hopefully I'll be able to get some extra sleep in one of these days.
I was just randomly whistling earlier and I started thinking. I remember there was a time I couldn't whistle. Then after tons of trail and error I finally started to get the hang of it. The same with blowing bubbles. Isn't it kinda funny when you think back at things you use to not be able to do, but you don't give it a second thought now. Whistling, snapping your fingers, blowing bubbles in gum, even rolling your tongue. There are things that we don't do naturally. there are still things that I can't do. Kinda funny how people grow and learn to do things. The really weird part is it's hard to teach. My boss can't whistle and he looks like he's doing right. He can't do that tongue vibration to roll your r's in Spanish. He has trouble snapping yet he's tried to do all these things. Just weird.
Yesterday I was bored so I went on the digimon wiki. I figured well I'm bored so why don't I look up some digimon digivolution lines. Was thinking well if I'm going to make up a season who would have have. What would my digivice look like. Well I have somewhat of an idea. Figure it will be a project I do in my spare time. Just be so cool if I made up my own digimon series. The sad part is I didn't make up a digimon. Then again I always did hate that. Not like it's not hard enough to keep track already. I will say that unlike other shows I plan on allowing my digidestin to have a digimon that can have two different ultimate forms. I got 4 so now I have to figure out if I want more and what their digimon will be. Trying to not go into lines that lead to super powerful digimon.
So while I was looking up those digimon lines I found out that there is a new season of digimon. Well I figured I'd look up the opening and post it. They added a mecha. Yeah totally not cool. Doubt it will make it to the US, but then again I said that about the last one. Disney tends to ruin things. Look at the power rangers. Today's tip is everyone has triggers that get them to pay attention or zone out. Don't take it personal if everyone in the room isn't listening to your speech.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Having troubles again

Having those same troubles with my sense of right and wrong. I think I see things more black and white instead of gray like I'd like to admit. Or maybe it's because I'm so cynical. I was watching Eye for an Eye (which was probably my problem right there). The case was that a surrogate mother was suing for custody of the child. Apparently she had a contract where if the parents couldn't pay she got custody of the child. Now here is where I have the hang up. 1st off you shouldn't hire a surrogate if you can't afford the service. Plus read the contract. Now the case ended with the parents keeping the child because the judge found it in the best interest of the child. Plus he stopped them from having to pay her. Like I said I have a hang up here. Yes the surrogate would have been a terrible mother, and apparently she was just going to sell the child, but I didn't like how everything went down. First off he had the surrogate leave the room then tell the parents to trust him. He then has them give up the baby and the surrogate happens to say I have a family willing to pay double for this child. Ok like that would happen in real life. Like someone is going to admit on national T.V. they are selling a child. 2ndly the parents got a service for free. Not just any service, but a baby for free. Just annoys me that they got to stop paying. If you can't afford a surrogate how the hell can you afford a child?
Speaking of annoying decision a guy in Connecticut is suing the parents of a child that died because of him. What happened was a 14 year old boy rides his bike and gets hit by a car going at 80 mph. The man was convicted of murder and sentenced to 10 years. Well the parents also are suing him civilly and he had the nerve to counter sue. It was for emotional distress and saying it was all their fault since the child didn't have a helmet on. He's suing for $15,000. Wow do you just have no conscience. A child died because you were going 80 mph in a 45 mph zone. You have several prior convictions of DWI. In civil court you don't have to prove beyond a shadow of a doubt. You can use a person's prior criminal record on your behalf. Now yeah you can say in your defense the child should have been wearing a helmet and you were being negligent as a defense to lower what they could get, but you can't sue for it. Some people truly are terrible people.
I must say since I've moved to Wisconsin I've never seen so many people willing to put themselves in harms way. Never would you see someone in Texas running or walking against traffic. Not only that, but they would be on the sidewalk. I think I mentioned yesterday there were two walkers running against traffic. Not only that, but in the street in the dark meaning there are headlights coming at them. There was a sidewalk. Why people jog in the street is beyond me. Plus they were in the bike lane. If a bike came by the bike has the right of way not the pedestrians. The other day I was driving down the street and this woman was in the street with her cane. Now the street is a very narrow street plus people park on the street. A bus was coming at me so I had to get over. She starts shaking her cane at me like I'm out of my mind for being on that side. If she had opened her eyes she would have seen a bus coming and that their was a sidewalk. Ugh I swear Wisconsinites can be some of the stupidest people when it comes to being on the road. Not as bad as Iowans, but still bad.
Toyota is also back in the hot seat. Apparently yet again their was a crash involving an accelerator pedal sticking. Customers are also complaining that the problems still exist after they get their car serviced for the recall. See I'd like to point out that none of the American car companies are having this problem. All this talk Toyota does about safety is just to sell cars. If they really cared about safety this recall wouldn't have been so big and problem would have been fixed. They are now talking about Toyota gives you full service coverage for 2 years. Yeah because if they didn't you'd pay millions trying to get your car fixed. Plus I'm sure there is a cap in there too. This is why I'm aiming for American cars only. They have a bigger pressure to not blow it. Unlike Toyota. They just view it as oh we got American money and if the cars suck oh well not like we are on their roads. This is why you need to buy American.
Today's tip is expecting a company to learn from its mistakes instead of throwing money at it is like expecting a baby not to cry.

Monday, November 15, 2010

300th post boo ya

That's right today's post is my 300th post. Granted this one should have happened probably a week ago if I posted regularly. Anyway I love posted. I really think it keeps me from going insane and pointing out red flags for myself. Plus like I said before when I see something that's unfair or unjust and I can't fix it, I get really frustrated. At least this way I get people thinking about it. It may get it fixed in a round about way.
Speaking of getting things fix we need to fix Obama. The country truly needs campaign Obama. The one who promised us changed and would do whatever he could to fix it. Well presidential Obama keeps giving in. The fact that the republicans took over the house does not mean all hope is lost. He has the biggest microphone of all. If he would point out what the republicans are doing people would have a more favorable impression of him. People liked him because he talked to them. Didn't talk down to them. He needs to do that again. If the republicans want to keep the tax cuts going for the richest 2% then he needs to go out and talk about it. Say hey everyone my opponents want to keep those tax cuts for the richest 2%. Well I'm looking out for the 98% of you. Not only that want to know what one of these people would be paying in taxes without a tax cut. Then explain how long it would take to lower the deficit with that one person. Then say now imagine if everyone that makes that much or more paid their fair of taxes. He really does need to talk to us the people. Every time the republicans bring up something about unemployment or social security point it out. But if he just gives in in 2 years he will be eaten alive for sure. Wish he would grow a pair and be campaign Obama once more.
Well looks like the Vikings are having just a bit of problems. I didn't get to see the game because I was working, but I saw that the Vikings were down 3-7 then a little later I saw they were down 14-21 I believe. Well sounds like Farve truly is having second thoughts about coming back. Didn't I call that? Didn't I say that if the Vikings started to go down he would say that it wasn't a good decision. Pretty soon I'm sure he will say it's all Childress' fault for bringing him back. The players are really turning on him too. I really wonder what's going to happen this Sunday. Not only do the Vikings face the Packers, but the Packers had a bye on Sunday. That means the Packers are fresh. Plus how the Vikings are blowing up on each other I wonder how they will play. Sounds like the players don't like Childress which doesn't help them. I really wonder. Good luck Vikings.
Today instead of a tip I got some sarcasm for you. I saw this today on the way to the gym. running against traffic when it's dark out is a great way to be blinded by headlights. I'm sure nothing bad would happen then.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Yep...just letting time run out

Yeah just going to let my 90 days run out at my 2nd job. It really is just not a good job for me. There is too much on the job training and not enough people to really try to train you. Ugh just not worth it for getting paid minimum wage. Plus I'm working 10 hours a week basically. Well 8-10. So not worth it. Plus clearly they don't listen to me. I told my manager I can't work on weekdays before 6 and of course I have to work at 3 on Monday. Not just at 3, but 3-10. That's 7 hours.
Oh and that He Say, She Say mess ending like I figured it would. Well hoped it would. The wife made a mountain out of a mole hill to get under my boss' skin to get revenge on him. My co-worker also wasn't shocked that we talked to him about it. Just really annoying that it really could have been avoided if he had told me and my boss one little fact. Yeah great.
Today's tip is anything you say can and will be used against you. Especially if you are talking to a smartass.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

The day has come

Got to have that conversation I've been dreading and I mean dreading. Just not cool at all. Then I have to go do work. So I know I'm going to have focusing troubles. Just nervous about it all.
Today is going to be a cold day as well. We are suppose to get snow. Snow is so not good right now. Especially today when I have to drive.
It was also a quiet day at work. No one too bad. Well had a guy with terrible B.O. Me and my boss kinda have this rule. If they smell terrible and don't look like they take care of themselves then they probably don't have money or don't care too much about anything in our store and are just wasting time. The thing about this guy is he kept asking the prices of things. Wanted a protein under 30 dollars. Then suddenly asked which protein is most expensive. Hmmm hope that we won't have to call the cops today because of a break in. Yeah that would really suck.
Good news for SMA lovers. They have started uploading the old episodes on blip.tv. So here is the 2nd episode of the series. I love this epsiode because of one reason. Moon prisim power and make it fast.....I SAID FAST! Enjoy. Today's advice is you come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Still thinking about it

I'm still thinking about the He Say, She Say mess. Mainly because tomorrow is the day I confront it. I'm just nervous about the outcome. I'm most likely making way too much out of it. The worse thing that could happen is we lose this guy as an employee. I'd like to hope that my honesty will be a great thing. Just hope things aren't awkward between us. Supposedly he has something to tell my boss about me and customers. What it could basically be is his buddies just don't like me. They still view me as the new guy and what I suggest doesn't mean nearly as much as if it came from him or my boss. It's probably why his Saturday sales are so high. So I just have to wait to see what's up. It really could be that his wife made a mountain out of a mole hill to try to hurt my boss because she was mad at him. Won't know until tomorrow.
Plus I have to work again tomorrow. 4 hours there really seems to go super slow. Probably because I really don't know what to do. It's a job with so many things I have to do. Really feels like 95% of the time I'm just randomly walking around waiting for something to do. I just hate not really having my job written out for me. That's the job I have now. I know I'm suppose to order things, and label things, and help customers. I was shown all that stuff. With this new job they show me everything and I'm expected to remember it all.
As for the gym it was another eye opener. The gym manager again was training the woman he was training on Tuesday. This time they actually worked out instead of talking. My workout buddy pointed out that he was working her out like a guy. Yeah he really has been. What shocks me is if you look at all the trainers including the manager you have to think that you would find a better trainer for a woman. Like the woman trainer. I mean two look like they are all about bulking up and the other two look like toning. Just one of those things I notice. Plus what the hell is it with trainers and not wiping machines and benches after their client is finished with it. That's just gross.
this video made me truly laugh out loud. It's an interview with a couple about sex. Just watch it. And trust me it doesn't end the way you'd think it would. Today's tip is you can't change people anymore then you could force a turtle to change shells. You can poke them with a stick until they flip over though.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Another long one

Yesterday I started work at 2ish and finished at 10. That's an 8 hour day. Yeah that's sometimes a normal day for me, but the thing is I was on my feet 4 of those 8 hours none stop. Plus it was getting late. I'm usually in bed by 9. So I'm already an hour late. Plus I always get up at 6 so I can workout. I even had to walk all around the building to get to my car because I left everything locked up at my first job and everything was locked up. It was just a long day. Could barely get up to workout today.
So time for the workout log. Despite being tired I think I had a good workout. Upped all my weights except for on one thing. I really think everything looks tighter. It looks like honestly I've loss body fat. Like my skin hugs the muscle more. My weight seems to be the same though. Really does make me think my pct put water weight on me. So I'll find out in 2 weeks when I get remeasured what's going on. Really hoping that it's more muscle. Really hoping the Size-on is doing what it says. All muscle and no bloat. If it works we bring it into the store if not.....oh well.
Today we are sticking with the Yu-Gi-Oh abridged series. This time it's back to the original series. This time Joey is facing a tough legal battle. All I can say is... What would Tristan do? Yes that is a joke that if you watch the clip will make sense. Today's tip is life is always moving. Waiting on a specific moment or event could cause you to miss something great.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

He Say She Say Mess

That's what I had to deal with yesterday. What I mean by that is I heard that a customer was mad at me, not from him or his friend, but from my boss who heard it from the wife of my co-worker who works out with this guy. The situation happened a long time ago. The fact that it is coming out now is not through any fault of my own. My co-worker's wife was mad at my boss so she brings this up to dig at him through me. Now I'll admit it bothered me that she would do that. Why attack me? The funny thing is just a few days ago a customer came in and said I went the extra mile for her and she's so glad she stopped in. I've had guys ask for me and ask what I'd recommend. So my boss and I agreed to talk to my co-worker to see what's up. All we really know is that she said what she did out of no where and she was upset. Instead of speculating and assuming what is behind this we are just going to confront it. We work together. There are three of us. We need to be working together not be divided. The plus side is that I could get my emotions out by tweeting it, e-mailing a friend, and texting a friend. I truly believe that once you get the emotion out of the way you can think of things logically and confront it as such.
Now as for the phrase He say, She say Mess I wish I could take credit for it. No it was a phrase I took from Judge Hatchett. She says that whenever a fight happens because of something that someone else said about someone else. That's exactly what happened. This could have been a big mess. I could have got mad at my co-worker and chewed him out. My boss could have chewed me out because of what she said. It could have truly been a big mess and had a lot of hurt feelings. People really underestimate the power of words. They can be a great thing to help someone or really hurt someone and their reputation.
Alright so today's video is Yu-Gi-Oh abridged. This one is the first episode for the season 0 abridged series. It's kinda interesting. So I figured I'd post it. If you've ever read the Yu-Gi-Oh manga you'll probably get more of a laugh out of this then if you just saw the anime. Enjoy. Today's tip is words have power. They can comfort friends or make their life a living hell. Be careful of what you say and why you said it.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Another good morning

Again I'm in a good mood today. Woke up and my chest wasn't sore. Well it was, but not the soreness that I feel the second I wake up. This was more if I poke it, it hurts type sore. Which is the good sore. Anyway I had another good workout today. Again I don't know if it's the new pre-workout, the intra-workout, or just the fact I'm doing a liver cleanse. I just feel great working out. I haven't felt that great in the past few weeks. I mean I see the numbers change and everything, but just didn't feel like I was getting anywhere. For two days when I look in the mirror I feel like I'm actually seeing results. I mean I see my abs. Now they aren't the 6 pack you'd see in a magazine, but you'd see something there. Felt like I'm really getting a great workout. I really want this to keep up that's for sure.
Well speaking of working out today there were a lot of people there. That always seems to happen when I go to the gym by myself. It's really weird. Anyway the manager came in again today. The thing is that he seemed to be training something. Which now makes some things make sense. I think the former manager became the new "personal trainer" so that people saw that there was a woman they could go to. Hoping to make more people feel more comfortable. I mean I can't see leaving a job where you for sure are getting paid to one that has you paid based on who you sign up. Anyway they really only worked out maybe 20 minutes. They seemed to spend the rest of the time talking. When I left they were still talking. See thing about me is that I'm very frugal. If I'm going to pay someone to help me workout then they will help me workout. I'm going to get my money's worth. If they are spending more time talking then training then I'm finding a new trainer. Guess some people really have that much money to waste.
I also found out that the guy I haven't seen in forever was actually coming later. He has been watching out for his neighbor who needs to be in a nursing home. Since her son was in town he got to come in at his normal time. It was good to see him. When you see certain people all the time in the gym and you talk to them you worry when they don't show up. Especially after like 3 weeks. Can only hope that they simply come in later.
This video is for a song that I haven't heard for awhile. It pops up every now and again on my mp3 player because I'm too lazy to take it off. Do you remember the song Hamster Dance by Hampton and the Hamsters. If you don't then you were lucky to have not heard it. Anyway this is one of the songs they came out with after that song. The music video is just funny. It's that really lame animation. Just watch it for a good laugh. Today's tip is there are people out there that are simply idiots and openly flaunt it. Just give them a good shunning and walk away.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Feeling very good

Today I'm feeling great. Just amazing. I have no clue what did it, but I'm loving it right now. Slept so much better too. I know for sure this morning was better because of the amazing chest workout I had this morning. It's hard to explain it, but seemed like I was really working the chest. It felt like I was truly working the muscle in a way I hadn't in the last few weeks. It felt like I didn't have something helping me lift the weight. It's really hard to explain. I think it was the combination of Beta Nox and Size On. The last time I took an intra-workout creatine product I almost threw up. Not this time. I was able to drink it no problem. Least until I did stuff on the decline bench. Yeah that didn't help any. I can say that I believe I can finish it by the time my workout is done. Also unlike the other one I took, I didn't feel like my body was screaming at me to drink water. It seemed like my body accepted it just fine. So had a damn good workout. Then I get home and figure I'll go with a regular protein instead of the mass one I usually take because of the Size On. Well finished it, showered, ate something and I was still hungry. It was really odd. Plus I knew I lost weight, but I was still looking pretty good. Like I had gained water weight in my post therapy cycle and was just now losing it. Well I got to work and I actually only weight .6 lbs less then I did last week. When I checked last time I was down 3 lbs. So yeah I'm just in a good mood today.
So the cowboys blew it like I knew they would against the packers. They have a tendency to screw things up. Whenever I need them to not lose they always do. So now I'm going to have to hear about how badly the packers beat the cowboys even though I've only been a cowboys fan when I was little and quickly grew out of it.
On my iPhone one of my apps is the TruTV app. It lets me view videos on my phone. One of those videos was this one. A bodybuilder freaks out because he was awarded 3rd place. Now if this isn't an instance of roid rage I don't know what is. The irony is that he could have used his 3rd place winnings to bail himself out of jail. Isn't irony a bitch. The really weird part is that another guy gets into the fray. Just randomly. Guess he was mad he didn't place at all maybe. Today's tip is next time someone asks to see your A material just hand them a piece of paper with an A on it.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Not doing anything I don't have to

Today we of course have an extra hour. I don't plan on doing anything productive today. Not after the last two days. Like I said yesterday was so much better then Friday. Today I have to do laundry and go grocery shopping. Already did the later. Ran into the most annoying customer. Had the worst time trying to avoid him too. I swear it's like he was trying to find me.
Yesterday was a pretty decent day. Work was decent. Actually had a task that I was told to do and able to do it. Not a whole bunch of random tasks to remember and no real direction. I'm just really not sure how I'm feeling about this new job. If it doesn't turn around I'm really not going to make it all of 90 days. Especially when the snow starts flying.
Today's tip is you have an extra hour to finish that project, assignment, and/or homework. If you choose to put it off in that extra hour then you're normal.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Quick blog

This is just a quick blog post. Today I was training on the cash register. So much better then working on the floor. Last night when I was doing my "training" I don't think I really learned anything new. The cashier people were so much better at training. They go over everything. By the time you go through yourself you at least have some confidence in your abilities to help people. I'm dreading going in next Wednesday because I have no clue what I'm doing. All I know how to do is returns. That's it. I think that's my job honestly. They show me so many things at once then never go over it again. My main job really seems like it's sink or swim. Just try to help people and not be in the way. So much junk. Not sure I'm going to keep working there after my 90 days.
No squiby today. Awww. Today's tip is fear and hate are learned responses not instincts. Thus proving that not everything you learn is a good thing.

Friday, November 5, 2010

I'm all bright eyed

Today I feel so much better then I did yesterday. I think it's because I took my boss' advice yesterday. I simply went home and relaxed. Didn't do anything that someone else wanted me to do. I spent time with just me. Listened to the music I wanted to. Didn't really watch tv. Played on gaia which I really hadn't been able to do. I just felt so much better. This morning I had a great leg workout. I mean I felt like I was really working the legs. I think it's because of the combination of exercises I did. Stretching out the hamstrings, then doing the leg press, then doing squats. Then work on the calfs, then quads, and finally hams again. If only my workouts for the other body parts were going that great. I've also lost weight I think that's mainly because of stress. Stress makes other people gain weight. Makes me lose it. That and it's probably because I'm doing a liver cleanse. I'm off my post cycle therapy so I'm just doing a liver cleanse. Pretty sure I'll be gaining it back now. I better too. I've got 17 days to gain back 3 lbs to be at where I was. In that time I'll be trying a new intra workout. Size on pre-contest. If it works like it's suppose to I should see great results without all the bloat. I think the main reason is because the creatine really isn't getting into the system because of lack of carbs in the product. Anyway we'll see if it works. My Xpand is almost done which means I can go to Beta Nox which is a pre-workout without creatine so I won't be overloading my system with creatine.
Which reminds me. When I was at the gym yesterday I saw an infomerical for a product called Sasa or Samba or something with an S and an A. Anyway it's this product that promises you'll lose weight without changing your diet or exercising. Great another product that rewards laziness. It's a product you sprinkle on your food. It's suppose to trick the brain into thinking your full when your not. In other words is a calorie restricting diet. The annoying part is I bet that stuff only lasts a month. So you have to buy more every month. In it they are making calorie counting out to be a bad thing. Yeah at first it's hard, but eventually it becomes second nature. I known a guy who's done it for 5 years. He said yeah at first it's hard, but eventually you know the right portion size and you don't have to look everything up. So he's set for life really. He knows how many calories he can have in a day and he's good. As for exercise, it's been proven to help people feel better. At least with the P90x and Total gym they are promoting exercise. Now it's not as good as a gym in the sense that you don't have as much selection. Plus free weights help more because they use more muscle groups then a machine. Plus when you make your own exercise program you feel so great about your results because you did it all on your own. Anyway it just annoys me that everyone is looking for an easy way out that they will eventually stop using.
At the gym the song Love Game by Lady Gaga was playing. Now I'm personally not a Lady Gaga fan, but the reason why this song really stuck with me is because it reminds me of SMA. Sailor Venus' new transformation song is this song. Which makes sense especially if you've seen SMA. Anyway so that's why it really stuck with me and is still in my head. So enjoy. Today's tip is the next time someone says to you, "you are what you eat", simply remind them that you are human.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Turning into one of those days

You know the type of day when you just think you know what I'm going home. Or you know what the next person to piss me off is getting an earful. I have just been busy all day. The pre-workout I tried this morning I don't think agreed with me. My stomach has been acting weird since then. I had a huge deposit to do all by myself. By the time I get it done I have a huge shipment that comes in. I just finished most of it. I need a break to snack. Had customer after customer in. Plus there is a chance that the mall will be bought by someone and torn down meaning I'm out of a job. Both of them. Plus this new job has me so stressed out. Just not going my way today.
Honestly I think as winter draws closer I'm going into a depression. You know the seasonal blues. Winter never agrees with me. So I'm probably going to need to start up on my herbal anti-depressant soon. I'll probably feel back to my old self if I do that. Seems like it helps with my stress and anxiety. It's mainly because of the election I'm sure. I'm a libra which means I have a strong sense of what's right and wrong. A lot of what went on this election season was wrong. Lies were flying everywhere. It's why I couldn't watch it anymore. So maybe if I get this job under my belt more and everyone would stop focusing on the election I might feel better.
Today I just need a good laugh and it just so happens that Team Four Star has a new epsiode out. Sad part it felt rushed. Not nearly as fun as the last episode. Oh well enjoy. Today's tip is if you think you're a patient person spend one day with a group of senior citizens. You'll find out how wrong you are.