Sunday, October 31, 2010

Halloween is here

Which means that pretty soon Christmas ads will be playing. In fact yesterday I already saw one. Oh well. Yesterday was a pretty decent day. Not too busy or too dull.
Other then that nothing big happened. Kinda been boring lately. I think it's because of the cold weather. I'm not really too motivated to do anything.
Today's tip is there is one thing scarier then anything out tonight. The fact that your parents had sex.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Back to work

Yep back at work again today. Yesterday was nice. Not having to do anything unless I wanted to. Yeah won't have those days for too much longer. I bet anytime I have a day off for one job I have to go in to the other. Then again that's kinda how the schedule will go. I have no control over when a the big corporation will make me work, but I do have control over when I work at the smaller outfit. Hopefully I'll have at least one day a week when I don't work. Of course that will be the day when I have to do laundry and grocery shop. Like tomorrow. That's the adult life for ya.
I must say I got to do quite a bit of stuff yesterday. Well mainly play on the internet and do Halloween events. That's pretty much it. I didn't even tweet much. Then again I rarely tweet on my days off unless something just catches me. Plus it was cold and that makes me well do nothing.
Well today should be interesting. Internet is down yet again, but hopefully tons of people will come in and that will lead to tons of sales. Hopefully.
So I saw another ad for Rocky Horror Glee show. I don't know if that's what they called the episode I just called it that. Anyway so I was thinking. There a few songs they can't exactly show on the show. This would be one of them. Now if they showed it then wow, but I doubt it. It's the song Sweet Transvestite. This clip is from the movie. Frank N Furter is played by Tim Curry. I must say he did a great job with this role. Anyway enjoy...if your not too disturbed by it. Today's tip is if your going to have a conversation in the middle of the street do everyone a favor and hold up a sign that says, "I'm an idiot".

Friday, October 29, 2010

Doing nothing today

After the day I had yesterday I'm so doing nothing today. I'm not even going to think about work. Ugh I hate orientations so much. Always the same thing. A video about the company and about respect or sexual harassment or both. Well next week is the final bit of my training then I begin my 90 days of seasonal employment. Depending on how I feel after a month I'll decide if I want to keep working there or try to get another job. Or not even worry about a 2nd job.
Today I met the gym manager. Here is what I got based on the limited time we met. 1. He knows his way around the weight room. 2. He spends a lot of time in the bathroom. Like oddly long time. 3. He is not an outgoing person. Yeah that's it.
Today's tip is if you still don't have a costume don't worry. There is always a birthday suit.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Here it comes

Today I have to do orientation for that new job. I'm so very very nervous. Mainly because I honestly don't know what my job will be. I thought it was simply stocking shelves, but the guy said no I'd be on the sales floor. Plus I don't know when they will really want me to work and if it will interfere with the job I have now. On the plus side taking this job will really help in paying for those repairs plus saving up to go back to Texas in the summer. Still I probably won't feel better until it's over and I have a better idea of what is going to be happening with me.
In other news in my life the gym is starting to become quieter and quieter. It's also getting stranger and stranger. When I get to the gym today I thought I saw weight hog getting ready. I haven't seen him in awhile which usually means I run into him. No it was the weird guy from Tuesday. So I get in and he starts using one of the chest exercises. In his hoodie. Ok that's odd. Then he gets up and leaves. Now I don't know how long he was there before I got there, but still weird. And again didn't wipe anything down. Just like before he leaves and doesn't walk towards a car in the parking lot. He walks very far away. Like he walks to the gym from home or doesn't want to park his car close. It's really weird. I also noticed there was no music playing. Which is very odd. Oh and per usual the trainers are trying so hard to get people to sign up for classes and no one is. They are doing a class survey. Trying to figure out a time when most people are available I guess. The thing is no one will sign up because one trainer is intimidating in the fact that he acts bigger then he is. All his clients seem to feel the same way about him. He spends more time in the mirror or trying to intimidate the new people that he doesn't really help. Except for this one lady that thought he was working for her. Posted it next to his picture on the trainer door. Today it was gone. Shocker. The other one is so timid and quiet that she comes off as icy. Not to mention she doesn't ever look like she knows what she's doing.
Today's tip is don't waste all that time and energy going to the gym if your just going to leave after 10 minutes.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's going to be one of those days

I just feel that today is going to be one of those days where I'm going to want to have stayed in bed. I say that because of all the stuff going on. Right now it's super windy and gloomy out. That means not a lot of people are going to be out and about. So I'm going to be pretty bored out of my skull. The network I usually use for internet is acting up today so I have to use the company computer to blog. I think it has to do with the crappy weather conditions. On top of that Megami33's YouTube channel and account is gone because YouTube hates anything good. It's like Team Four Star all over again. So that means all 44 episodes of SMA are gone for the moment. Well not gone just not in one location. It's going to be a long ordeal to get them all reloaded and deal with YouTube's crap. Happens with every abridged series I find that is actually good.
In other news I'm clearly nervous about this 2nd job. Which happens every time I start a new job. I get so worked up over everything and think of everything that could possibly go wrong that I psych myself out. Then after a week on the job I feel better. Now I may dread every time I have to go, but I at least push through it. Least it won't be me standing on my feet 8 hours at a time. More like 4 from what I hear. Least it's only 20 hours. Plus it's the dead shift mostly. I mean do people really want to go out after 6 to a department store in the fall/winter when it gets dark at like 5. It's the weekends that I don't look forward to. That I'm sure is busy.
Thanks to Glee doing a Rocky Horror Picture Show episode I now have some of those songs stuck in my head. No I don't watch Glee, but they play previews for it all the time. Anyway as I was looking for a song I came across this. It's probably one of the most memorable parts of the movie. I say that because it's so random yet so funny. Plus it goes on longer then it needs to making it that much funnier. What I mean is when Janet is found with Rocky. Oh just watch it. It's on a loop fyi. Enjoy. Today's tip is winds gusting up to 55 mph is the best time to test that parachute. You'll know one way or another if it works.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So guess who has a 2nd job now. Yeah not cool. It's with the company that assured me that I would get the job during the summer and I didn't get it. Had to jump through tons of hoops. No fun. So this time I just had to send in an application and that's it. I have orientation to go to on Thursday. Ugh really don't want to go. Least I'll be at the kinda quiet shift which is after dinner. Yay.
At the gym it was slightly busier. There were 3 people there already. The first was someone that was running on the treadmill. I couldn't tell if it was a guy or a girl. The reason being was the way he was running. It was a run that made him look like he had boobs. No joke. It was kinda like the Velma run. You had to get closer to see it was a dude. The other one was in the shower per usual. She always comes in really early. The last was a guy that was in the back. When I get to the back he's using the smith machine which I wanted to use. Well he finishes and per usual doesn't put back the weights. Or even wipe down the machines. Just keeps up and walks out to the front. Ugh.
So I assume all of you have seen if not heard of Candy Mountain with Charlie the Unicorn. If not then well go do so now. I recently saw the 3rd one and I will say wow it's still good. The creator didn't let the popularity of the series go to their head. It's still good and still funny. Anyway I'd watch it if I was you. Oh and yes part of that song is a spoof of exactly what you think it is. Today's tip is anyone that doesn't look older after 25 years will be studied by science. It's one of those unwritten laws.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Wow it's really out now

I was watching the news this morning and wow. I'm sure you all have heard about Randy Quaid and his drug possession charges. Well now he's trying to get Asylum in Canada. I'm sure you all think oh it must be for a good reason. Oh it is a good reason. You see a "secret" group called "The Star Hunters" is after him and his wife. If he comes back to the US they'll kill him. Yeah the guy is clearly on something and needs help. There are so many things wrong with this story. First off why would this group want Quaid. He hasn't been in anything recently. He claims it's because of Brokeback Mountain. Yeah he was in there for a couple of minutes. That aside why does he think this secret group can't get to him in Canada. Especially with him talking about them. I mean wouldn't that put a bigger price tag on your head if it was true. The other issue is, isn't him fleeing to Canada against the terms of his bond? The dude be crazy. Clearly needs to be locked up for something.
The next big bit of news is Farve. He is officially screwed. He is looking for a way out now. Trying his best to save face. After the loss at Green Bay. Oooo people are pissed. I didn't watch the game because if the Vikings won I'd be too pissed to sleep. Well apparently he hurt his ankle again and that had him hobbling like an old man. Plus he apparently admitted to sending those voice mails, but not the penis pictures. I know a quick way to settle this. Say Brett drop your pants. Do a quick comparison. Either it is his or it isn't. Even the head coach was yelling at him. Well not yelling, but had harsh words to say. Now he's really looking like he can't play in the next game. It's like I and many other people had been saying. The guy should have retired while he was on top. Now he's going to be remembered for the crappy season he had just before going out. Possibly having this sexting thing held over his head too. Plus I'm sure his body is punishing him for playing this last season too.
In great news for me the gym was pretty empty yet again. Made it easy for me to have a good chest workout. That's the workout where I really only use two things. I need the smith machine and the cables. It also takes the most time to set up. Whenever there is someone back there it makes it hard for me to get everything done. It's why I try to do my chest workouts on days when I think few people will be there. Like Thursdays and Fridays, but sometimes I have to do it early on in the week. Plus I think the trainers are really starting to see that they need to change up their tatics. They keep trying to get these classes going, but no one signs up. Mainly because well the trainers don't give up a good vibe. One is so into himself that your better off training alone. The other is so timid and when you do get her she doesn't seem to know what she's doing. I saw her working a client last week. She didn't work them to muscle fatigue and jumped between two machines. As I was leaving she looked like she was having trouble simply adjusting the seat. What does that tell ya? Honestly if they want clients they have to talk. they have to make people feel that they aren't doing it just for the money or just to show off. If people feel they are just getting treated like client number such and such and aren't really getting specialized attention they won't want to continue working with a trainer.
Today's tip is whenever you win something, the sooner you get your prize the sooner you get to rub it in people's faces.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

.....alrighty then

Like I said yesterday I watched Paranormal Activity 2. I must say that it didn't go like I thought it was. Yes I think it was a good movie. The annoying thing was that clearly there were more cameras so I was expecting to see a lot more freaky things. Plus seemed like there were too many loose ends. Plus the fact that it was a sequel that was a prequel. I hate that. If I had known it was a prequel at least I would have been in the right frame of mind for that.
I swear me and my co-worker act a lot like siblings. Don't know why that happened. Probably because he likes to poke fun at people and so do I. So we have a give and take relationship. It's kinda funny. Maybe it's because I don't have an older brother. Maybe it's because I miss my younger brother. Oh well.
The video for today is the opening for Knights of the Zodiac. That was the short lived dub of the anime Saint Seiya. The opening is I Ran by Bowling for Soup. The dub didn't get very far. Mainly because well... like many dubs it was way over edited. Try to find a good sub of Saint Seiya and you'll most likely just find one in Spanish. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is dreams can tell us a lot about ourselves, or scare us crapless.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Rainy day

It's Saturday and I have off. Of course that means it must rain today. Well at least I'll get to watch Paranormal Activity 2 today. Should be fun. My mind is clearly in the mood to watch something like that. Last night I had some weird dreams. One was about me visiting this Hotel and being trapped there because of a ghost named Oscar. He apparently could either be very neutral or very dangerous. The weird thing about the dream is I'd wake up then go back to sleep and it would continue. Then eventually it stopped and another weird dream started. Something about me owning a tattoo/shirt store. Weird.
It was a pretty good day yesterday. Apparently the guy that yelled at the neighbor was rearranging his cards. Also was yelling at cars. So we are suppose to call the police every time we see him. Should be fun.
Today's video is the trailer for Paranormal Activity 2. I really want to see it because it looks like there are going to be far more angles to see anything weird that might happen. Plus it seems to keep true to the 1st movie. Should be fun. Today's tip is it's not a good idea to annoy the police. They have buddies. Plus they tend to have your license plate.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Sometimes this happens

Do you know someone that just seems to take things to far. They act like they are in charge of everything? Well that's one of the people at the mall I work at. Seems like every week he's on a new mission. Yet when it comes to things that can't be solved by calling the police it will be someone else's problem. Well yesterday there was this guy in the mall. I'll admit he was creepy, but at the same time he wasn't really doing anything. Unless sitting is against the law. Anyway as I was closing up I looked and saw he was outside our neighbor's shack looking at his stuff. Yeah he gets very grouchy when anyone holds him up from leaving. Well as I was walking to the back I hear a loud FUCK YOU! I turned my head to see the guy walking out. The neighbor is following him saying yeah I'm calling the police your never allowed back in here again. I just ran to the back and pretended I didn't hear it. As I close the door I hear the neighbor talking to someone and he's on the phone with the police. He has called them twice in two days. I don't know what was said, but I'm sure he said something. He's not known to be tactful. Now I'll ask you how do you ban someone from a mall when you don't have mall security? How about when only a few shops actually show up to meetings. Most of us are busy trying to keep our doors open then trying to keep people he bans out of the mall. Ugh.
Another thing that's bugging me is Obama. He is truly playing politics. Like 2 months ago he was going on and on about repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell. Yet he asked the Court to hold off the ban for a couple of months. What the hell? How about you pushing for the repeal like you were. Several times this has happened. What happened to the whole vote for me for change. Yeah I want change not you changing your mind every few months. Stop playing politics. That's why people voted for you. Because you weren't playing politics. You weren't changing your answers from one rally to another. That's what people want. They want to know that they can look to a president and know he won't change his issue pushing just because of the election. If anything he needs to get all he can pushed through before the elections just in case the Senate and House are lost. I mean come on. This is why I'm getting more and more pessimistic about the way the government is going. I don't see any light coming anytime soon.
Last night I watching World's Dumbest. This was one of the clips on the show. Now how annoying must it be to be getting a tattoo and then all of a sudden a car goes through the shop. What if you were the shop owner and you think oh that won't happen again and it does. I mean damn. Clearly the community has something against the tattoo parlor. Today's tip is there will always be something to remind us of our age, but there will also be something to make us feel younger. Like cartoons.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Had a better day

Yesterday went better then Tuesday that's for sure. My car actually started up. I'm starting to think more and more that I can't trust my gas gauge and I'm going to have to start keeping track of how many miles I go which would be easy if my odometer actually worked. Plus more people showed up at the store. Less of them were pains in the ass. I will say that if you are asking your buddy for advice on which proteins you get then how about getting a list before hand not during. I had this guy ask if we had a certain protein in a different flavor. I said no, so he texts his buddy this long drawn out message as I'm standing there. Then finally decides on which protein to get and then asks if I've had it or if we have a smaller size. Well if your just going off what your friend says why would you need to know what I think of it or if we have it in a smaller size. Then later (after texting some more) he comes in again looking for a pre-workout. I showed him one of the ones his friend recommended. Then again he asks me about it. I didn't lie to him. I said a lot of guys like it others not so much. They cramp up on it or crash from it. Yeah his friend didn't mention that now did he. So he's going to hold on that.
Another thing that is getting under my skin are these political ads. Ok true they have always been under my skin, but still. There is this new one that is just a lie. It has a candidate quoted as "If your going to raise taxes: 'Just do it." Now if you've ever quoted someone or know anything about APA style quoting you know there is something up with that. Basically it looks like they pulled two different quotes and put them together. For all we know this was from a speech and early on he said if your going to raise taxes then later on he said just do it. I mean if I wanted to I could do that to anyone. Hell anyone could do that to me on this blog. By pulling random quotes someone said you can make anyone out to be racist, homophobic, stupid, anything you want. Yet only a few people will point this out. I know if I was the guy that these ads were attacking I'd point it out to the people and show them how easy it is to do. Maybe I should go into ads.
As more and more stuff comes out in this Farve scandal I'm getting more and more torn. I know that since he's pulling a Tiger Woods by not talking the media is going to keep digging until they hit dirt. Yet the other side of me is saying well it's all coming to a head. This is what he gets for being so egocentric. Have athletes learned nothing from Tiger Woods. The more you don't talk the worse it gets. The more they push the more the league has to react. The more the league has to react the worse it will be for you. On the plus side at least he's promised to really retire this time....we'll see. I mean come on the dude isn't even denying it. Which is making people think there is something to it and if the public has the opinion that he did it, all those sponsors will pull out. Then again I'm sure he has enough money somewhere to make it through.
I found a very interesting trailer today. Apparently there is a Thai version of Beauty and the Beast. It literally is a remake of the 1991 Disney version. Here is a trailer for it. If you've watched the Disney version as much as I have you'll remember all these scenes. Plus their Beast looks kinda like Simba. Today's tip is there is a fine line between speaking your mind and sticking your foot in your mouth.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Oh Boy

Ugh politics is getting to me. It's just pissing me off. The republican Ron Johnson has an ad out there saying that the deficit is 143 trillion dollars or something like that. When I heard that I stopped and thought wait I thought the deficit was like 1.24 trillion. Then in an ad run later in the day he says that the deficit went up since his opponent has been in the senate. Fyi Russ Feingold has been in the Senate for about 18 years. Or was it 16. Anyway so clearly there is some missing facts in there. Plus in that same ad he claimed the deficit was 1.3 trillion. So in two ads for himself he has two different numbers. He's lying to us. I really wish I could see these two back to back because if I did people would see he's just saying things to make his opponent look bad. Ugh I hate that. I jumped out of my skin when I saw that.
Then Christine O'Donnell is proving my point that the Tea Party people do great until they start opening up their mouths. If your going to say your a constitutionalists make sure you at least know what's in the amendments. There aren't that many. Or at least know the 1st, 14th, and 17th. Those are the ones the Tea Party like to quote the most. Well they are trying to get rid of the 14th. Anyway when it came to a debate it was kinda sad. She's ranting and raving that the constitution doesn't mention a separation of church and state. Well on one hand she's right. The Constitution does not specifically say separation of church and state. That was a phrase coined later on. The first amendment does however say that the government can not support one religion over another. Then when later asked about her opinion on the 14th and 17th amendment she had no clue what they were. Arg....
Oh and now Clarence Thomas' wife is going all crazy. Well she's been going crazy lately. She called up Anita Hill and wanted an apology. Wow seriously. No one is talking about what happened to your husband in 1991 and you are asking for an apology 19 years later? Are you serious? What the hell. Was there nothing else for you to comment on so you figured hey I'll call up this woman who hasn't talked about it in forever and ask her to apologize to my husband who is a Supreme Court Justice even after that testimony. The other weird thing is that the voicemail got turned over tot he FBI which makes me think there is more to the story then meets the eye.
Since I've been talking about Sailor Moon I thought I'd post a compilation of the different Sailor Moon openings. Now I will say I think one is missing between the 2nd Sailor Moon opening and the Sailor Moon R opening. I will also say that Sailor Moon S had like 3 different versions of it. The first was only the 5 sailor Scouts, then one with Uranus and Neptune, then with Pluto, Chibi Moon, and Sailor Moon Crisis. The Sailor Moon SS also had a different verion of it as well. So it's not all of them, but gives you a basic idea of all of them. Today's tip is don't call yourself an expert if you don't know at least 94% of a subject. Otherwise you just look stupid.

Makes you wonder

Does what a candidate says really decide voters. If it does then I'd like to think that a lot of these people have no chance. Like that guy trying to be new york's governor. What's his name? Palidino. Anyway he just keeps saying things that just make your mouth drop. He sent people letters that smell like garbage. Or how about that guy that said being gay is a choice like alcoholism. There is so much wrong with that statement. If being gay was a choice don't you think so many young teens wouldn't be committing suicide. They'd "choose" to be straight and move on. And who the hell chooses to be an alcoholic. That's an addiction. There is a chemical that has been set off and they can't exactly help it alone. Now yes they can choose to get help, but it's not just like they can stop and be ok. Ugh. I just want to hold up sound bites of everything these people are saying and play them for people that are voting.
At the gym one of the people there said something that hit me. In Wisconsin there is a political ad every 2 minutes. That got me thinking. In Texas there were so not even close to this many political ads. I guess that shows the different political atmosphere. Texas is a big red state so typically people avoid talking about it unless they know that the person they are talking to shares similar political views, or they know they actually have some clue of what they are talking about. In Texas I've actually heard an argument where the guy was simply with someone because they were republican. They had no clue at all what was going on. Those are the people that scare me when it comes to voting. That's how the crazy people win.
Here is another episode of Sailor Moon Abridged. This one is when we meet Greg who can see into the future. Yeah I love this episode because it does a great job of pointing out all the things we were thinking. Like for someone that can see the future he sure did get himself in a huge mess. It's really funny. Today's tip is to get people to do what you want offer them free pizza. People will do anything for pizza.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Better...sort of

So my headache is better. Not by a lot. It has gone from crippling to simply nagging. That does make me feel better.
As for Sunday football I'm not shocked. I told my roommate that if the Vikings couldn't beat the Cowboys then they couldn't beat anybody. I can say that since I come from the DFW area and every time I want the cowboys to beat a team they lose. Now I will say I wasn't expecting such a close game. Speaking of which when did football become a drama sport? Oh right when Farve retired. That whole bs with the oh Farve might not play because of his elbow. Who the hell were they trying to fool. How about he just shuts up and plays. Unless he legitly can't play I don't want to hear it. I mean I don't care if he doesn't think he cans, I mean he has broken his arm and can't play. Ugh it just annoys me.
Today is going to be a long day I can feel it and it's mainly because of this headache.
Today's tip is your mood plays a part in how you treat others and how they treat you.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Well that was fun

Not really. Ugh events where there is a microphone and you have to talk to people is not fun. My throat is kinda killing me. Not to mention I have a bit of a headache because of all the music pounding. I must say next time my co-worker is going. Doubt I'd be lucky enough to have that happen though.
That's pretty much all that happened yesterday. Stuff happened, but well my heads still pounding and I can't think right now.
Today's tip is if your miracle pill requires 3 other miracle pills for the side effects then it isn't really a miracle.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

At an event

So today I have to go to an event, so I don't get to post like normal. Anyway so it was a pretty dull Friday. Nothing super happened. Except a few things.
So I was waiting on a customer and my not so favorite customer comes in. He's not my favorite because he tends to talk a lot, doesn't remember my name, and sometimes just seems to waste time. Anyway so I was helping a customer and he comes in and grabs a bar. Now I'm in the process of checking the first customer out. I was putting in an item into the computer when I hear this loud smacking noise. Turns out the guy that walked in is smacking the protein bar in his hand. In my head I'm like (are you throwing a fit because I'm checking this person out?). So I finish tell him the price and get ready to swipe his card. I swipe it and it starts printing and before I even turn around I hear this loud thud. I look over and the guy has thrown his protein bar back into the box. No I don't mean he walked over and placed it back in. No I mean he threw it back in from a distance away. Then he storms out and gets in his car. Ok what the fuck was that? Was he angry I didn't say hi? Did he change his mind at the last minute. Did he have an off day. I mean what the fuck? Why do you think that's ok? So yeah I'm already not happy with him. What I should have done was yell back to him and make him buy it. Well I checked it and disturbingly it didn't feel broken. That's not to say someone is going to open it and find it broken in a spot, but hey.
I don't know what it is with celebs and not wanting to talk about things. Farve is taking the Tiger Woods approach. The thing about that approach is it makes it look like you have something to hide. I know why you have something to hide. You did it and you know if you say you did it you'll get suspended. That's the sentiment that comes out when people don't talk. All you have to say publicly is I didn't do it. The more you duck and weave the more people think you are ducking and weaving to hide something. That's one reason why the Tiger Woods scandal blew up the way it did. He didn't talk to the cop, took forever to tell the fans he was ok. It made people suspicious. They started to dig and uncover things and it blew up in his face. With all these women coming forward saying he did things it's like Tiger Woods all over again. The more women that come forward and if they find any evidence you broke the conduct policy your going to get into worse trouble. Not to mention I'm sure the fans are losing faith. You can only defend your "hero" for so long before you start to question him. Well Farve the time is drawing near. Either say you didn't do it, or have reporters upturning every stone until they find the dirt. The dirt they find is always way worse then what you were trying to hide.
So apparently DIC (a company I think is no more) made a trailer to push for Sailor Moon. It was funny for those of us that saw the english dub and even funnier for those that saw the original Japanese series. Well SMA made a parody of it.'s funny. It's funnier if you see the original clip, but there is a link to the video if you must watch it. It kinda makes you feel stupid if you were old enough to be their target audience. Today's tip is throwing a hissy fit because you were not the first person in the check out line does not make the line move any faster.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh people

I really wish people would be critical of everything they see in these political ads. For instance an ad has been saying the health care bill cost 1 trillion dollar. Well if that's true then either we had a low deficit before or someone is lying. The deficit is 1.24 trillion dollars now. Or something like that. If the health care bill really cost 1 trillion dollars then that would mean the deficit was simply 24 billion. Yeah it was not that low. Yeah I'm sure no one pays attention to that. Or how about that ad that keeps playing (wish it would stop) saying that the supreme court almost struck the 2nd amendment from the constitution. As I ranted before. The supreme court does not have that power. They can strike a law down as unconstitutional. They can't say the constitution is unconstitutional. Why do you think Bush was so eager to get an amendment going saying marriage is only between a man and a woman. If he did that then gay marriage couldn't happen. Or the more recent ad saying that this woman won her battle with cancer thanks to great healthcare, but if you vote for the democrat the government will take over and premiums will go up. Alright when did she go through her cancer fight? How much did she pay in deductibles. How long had she had that insurance. All that comes into play. I mean I hate stereotyping, but she looks like she is pretty well off. Plus we don't know what stage it was and what she had. Oh boy. THINK PEOPLE!
Today my workout was weird. It was just me and my workout buddy. No one else came in. Which is odd because at least 2 people are in before we get there or someone comes in towards the later half of our workout. I did a leg workout and I just felt like I wasn't tired. Just felt like I could lift a lot more weights or go a lot longer. That's the 2nd day that happened. Either my post cycle therapy is kicking in, or this week I'm just better off bio-rhythmically. Whatever it is I hope it keeps up next week. Puts me in a better mood.
Today I got two videos. Awhile ago I posted some parts of Space Channel 5 part 2. Well these two are scenes from the Japanese version of the game. This is also the 2nd version. After you beat the game you can play through with different outfits. Plus Ulala has different mics. This time it's what looks like a mug of beer. Before you ask no I don't know what ODEN is. And yes that is still Michael Jackson. He doesn't speak Japanese obviously. It's kinda funny hearing it. Anyway I enjoy listening to it. Today's tip is if your going to cheat on someone then make sure you never get in a position where the two people will meet, like getting trapped in a mine.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Another weird one

Nothing makes you look at yourself like seeing someone else come to grips with what they do. I'm sure everyone is buzzing about Perez Hilton. He is going to try to change his ways. I'll admit I've never read his blog. I've seen a lot of people saying he's gone to far, but I've never personally read it. Apparently he's pretty harsh on celebs. Now I'll admit I'm also harsh. Now I don't give them horrible nicknames or say they are sluts or accuse them of being gay, but I'm probably overly harsh if one of them pisses me off with something they did. Anyway I can say from personal experience it's hard to change. I'll admit that I was (and still kinda am) on gaiaonline. I mean I cussed terribly. So what I had to do to change was give myself some negative reinforcement. Every time I cussed I had to donate to a "noob". I will say it worked. Even now like 2 years later I rarely cuss while blogging or talking to people. So if he wants to change he has to add some negative reinforcement. Something that his readers can call him on. Like if he was to go super bully on a celeb he has to write a super sweet blog about that celeb, or play a sport he hates playing. So if he's going to change I hope he does it because he's a celeb and people hold celebs to everything they say. Especially when its written and recorded on youtube.
Today was a very quiet day at the gym. I drive up and I didn't see any other cars until I parked. The trainer that was the former manager had her car parked. I pop in and she pops out of the trainer office. So it was just me and her working out. Yeah....not cool. Not at all. I ended up cutting my workout short by two exercises mainly because it felt like I was getting a good workout. Felt like I really had done a full workout.
So my gym has a new joke of the day. I will say it was actually a good idea for once. It's right there as you enter the gym. It's hard to have a bad workout when you start off with a laugh. So here is the joke. A blind man was walking in the park with his seeing eye dog. The dog then raises his leg and pees on the blind man. The blind man then pets the dog on the head. A bystander sees this and walks over. He asks the man "Why did you pet the dog? He just peed on your leg." The blind man replies, "I have to find his head so I can kick his ass."
This video is one that my friend sent me. It was so funny. It's a commercial for panda cheese. It goes to prove that you should never say no to panda. Just watch it. Today's tip is waking up and starting your day laughing helps you feel good. your roommate might think your a little crazy though.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I'm up today

Got up early to go the monthly meeting. I'm actually pretty awake today. Least right now. Did my stomach workout and protein. Made my lunch then came down to the meeting for some donuts. So yeah I'm doing pretty good.
So I'm sure we all know about the situation Farve is in. Well there are two parts of me at war here. The one part is happy he's screwing it up and showing that he should have quit while he was ahead. The other part of me feels bad because he's just a little kid in a grown man's body. Other people are taking notice too. I mean I'm not going to lie. I wanted him to do a terrible job this season as pay back for all that he put fans and his teammates through. I didn't however want this sex scandal. Mainly because it involves other people rather then him. It makes it easy for him and his fans to have a scapegoat. Plus the way the media is going at it doesn't help it. He said these accusations and investigation wasn't affecting his focus and then he goes and loses a game making people wonder hmmm maybe he did do something. Now don't think that I'm defending Farve I'm not. I'm just saying I wish he would have imploded on himself not had someone else do it. I will admit I do hope he does get suspended and he does screw up the record for the most consecutive games played. Told you I'm at war with myself right now.
I was watching 1000 ways to die again last night and well. I saw this one and I of course had to post it. All I will say so I don't spoil it for you is samurai, car, lance, idiot. Watch it and of course it will make sense to you. Today's tip is there are things in our past that come back to haunt us. Especially if you go into anything that puts you in the public spotlight.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

What I figured out

PEOPLE ARE CRAZY! Yeah that's all I can say. I just see people doing crazy things all the time. It's the only fact that keeps me going through the day. Every time I see someone doing something I just have to say ok people are crazy. I mean from only getting a new car for your growing family by agreeing to let your spouse "pimp" out their ride to the people that come in say they're looking and won't tell you what they are looking for even though they clearly are looking for something specific. It's just all crazy.
I actually saw a political ad saying that the Supreme Court was one vote away from removing the 2nd Amendment. No I am not joking about this. NRA was seriously running an ad here saying that the Supreme Court can change the constitution. Ok kiddies let's have a little government lesson. There are only two ways to change the constitution. Both of which require an amendment. Guess which branch can pass an amendment. That's right congress. Not the Courts. The Supreme Court only focuses on laws that are being challenged as unconstitutional. What they claim is a vote to change the 2nd Amendment was actually about a law in Chicago. I hate to dumb down our government, but I clearly have to. The executive branch (president) enforces the law. The legislative branch (congress) creates the laws. The Judiciary (courts) review and interpret the laws. Go look it up if you don't believe me. If the courts could change the Constitution (which they have an oath to uphold) then it would have way more amendments and tons more things would be stricken. Ugh just makes me want to smack someone. I really wish I could have an ad right after that saying ladies and gentlemen the previous ad lied to you. The supreme court can not change the constitution. Go look it up on google. If they lied to you about that what else are they lying about.
Some more craziness is what's going on at my gym. Ok first off is this. My gym did this motivational quote. Well it wasn't changed for awhile. Then it suddenly changed and had the new manager's name motivational quote. Then it didn't change for awhile and now it's daily fitness quote. Then on top of that I went in last Saturday. There was a note on the door saying that he wasn't going to be in on Saturday, but will be back on Monday. That may not sound crazy, but there are staffed hours posted. On Saturday it says it's only staffed by appointment. So no one should expect him to be in unless they made an appointment. The guy is trying way to hard to show that he's the new manager. I'd hate to see what he does when he comes in. I workout way earlier then when he comes in.
Which gets me onto my next topic. Who comes in before 6 am to the gym on a motorcycle. Weight hog comes in today on a motorcycle. I got there at like 6:30. I don't know what he did in terms of a workout, but he was in at least at 6. Now it's dark at 6 am. Plus it's cold. Why would you drive a motorcycle that early. Crazy.
Alright we all know the song Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid. Well I'm sure you haven't heard the Japanese version. Well if you played Kingdom Hearts you know they did a musical for Atlantica. So this is the Japanese version of the song Part of Your World. Honestly I think it's way better then the English version. I think because they didn't have the original Ariel doing it. View it if you don't believe me. Or better yet I'll post them both and you be the judge. Today's tip is people are crazy. Just a little fact to get you through the day.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Just tired

Today I just feel tired. I got back from the gym and just couldn't seem to move. I just felt like the energy has been sucked out of me. I think it's because of all the crap that happened yesterday. I think my will to fight has been put aside for the moment.
First was having to deal with the autistic customer at the grocery store. He happened to be working that day and decides that he needs to come up to me for advice. It's not like it was hey which supplement should I get. No no. It was my phone bill is getting out of control. I know it's not his fault he's like that, but come on. He's always doing stuff like that. I want to yell at him sometimes, but again I know it's not his fault.
Then I get back and I have to put my car in the shop. Well that was uber expensive. Well I finally get it back and now the back rear tire is smoking. Apparently they accidentally put brake fluid on the pad. I was too exhausted after dealing with the rest of the crap I had to deal with that I didn't feel like driving it over there to make sure. So I figure I'll drive it today. If it smokes I'll go in tomorrow. If not then I won't worry about it.
Before that I had to deal with the stupid couch situation. Again not my idea, but my roommates. The really annoying thing is he offered on that couch before and the person said he could get way more. Well now he either 1 realized he couldn't or 2 got tired of dealing with people. He said it was number 2, but I'm sure it was number 1. Anyway he threw his back out so instead of me simply bringing it into the apartment I had to go get it too.
Then the phone call to my mom pissed me off. She's on the whole you should go to school. Blah blah blah blah. I'm just so sick and tired of everyone telling me what I should and shouldn't do. I think it just got to me and that's why I'm so exhausted. I'm suppose to go into work today, but I probably won't make it in until this afternoon.
Today's tip is people are laughing at you behind your back, which is why you should probably take that sign off your back.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Today is 10/10/10 and I already have tons of crap to do. Yep tons of crap. Got groceries. Put my car in the shop and now apparently have to pick up a couch. Now of course it wasn't my idea. When it comes to furniture I'm very lazy. I hate moving stuff so once things are where I like I don't move them ever. Well my roommate got this deal on a couch. So he wants to move the futon couch into my room, deflate my air bed and put the couch in. Yeah I didn't want to do that. Because he made it sound to easy. Made it sound like oh they are going to bring the couch by and we just bring it in. Well now the guys back is hurt and now I have to move the couch onto the trailer then have them drive it up then move it into my apartment. Like I said I hate moving furniture. Worst part is that if my car wasn't in the shop I'm sure that they would have tried to get me to hitch the trailer onto my car. Ugh.
At least today I get to watch new episodes of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien are on. Thank goodness. Something good out of today. Yeah....that's pretty much it.
So I clearly remember a lot of things tv related from my childhood. Well one thing I remember quite well is the old Tombstone Pizza commercials. Unlike today's commercials they were pretty clever. Sad they don't do them anymore. Anyway I like this one. I remember it the most. Today's tip is today is 10/10/10 meaning you will see a bunch of marathons on tv and hear lame 10 puns.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Tried something new

Instead of working out yesterday I worked out this morning. It seemed to be a good thing. Seemed like I did better rep wise. That's a good thing of course. I was able to do more pull ups. The weird thing is that I've worked out before after a break and didn't seem to feel any stronger. Maybe this post cycle stuff is kicking in.
As for yesterday it was a busy day of receiving in stuff and redoing the schedule. Nothing to get excited about. It was a pretty boring day. Kinda like what today is going to be. I have today off. Can't imagine a lot of stuff will go down. I mean apparently there was a run going on today, but it was more of an annoyance then it is blog worthy.
Today's tip is if you can't trust your friends in your hour of need, then clearly they aren't your friends.

Friday, October 8, 2010


It was a weird day yesterday. Just weird. People that you wouldn't expect to come in came in. I think someone that stole some sunglasses came in. It was just weird.
In other news I finally deleted my old blog. I didn't want to do it because I had some dirt on someone, but it's been awhile and I haven't needed to use it so I deleted it. I mean if someone was still reading it they could have found me by now. Besides I like blogger better then wordpress. So far I haven't come up with a reason for why I need to try a new blog service. I haven't been censored. I can easily get videos from other sites. Plus adding images is easy even though I don't add too many so I have tons of space available. Not to mention changing blogs every year is long and boring. Besides this blog has a more positive vibe then my old one did. Probably because I was on my anti-depressants at the time most of the posting went on. So yeah there it is.
On another odd side note I was thinking about what makes a good abridged series. I think honestly it comes from someone thinking outside of the box. Putting the characters in situations that would never really happen and pointing out flaws that we often overlook. I think the other thing is they have to be willing to let the saga grow. They can't post once or twice and give up. They can't let a few bad comments get them down, but use them as fuel for the next episode. I think that's what makes a good series. Plus you have to be original. You can't make your abridged series like all the other ones out there. People latch onto good things. Well that's just my opinion anyway.
So I am now all caught up on the SMA series. So this is the current episode. I feel that I must inform you of a few things in case you only watch the episodes I post. The episode for today is featured around the Spanish version of Sailor Moon. So the opening is in spanish and when they transform it's in Spanish. Episode 43 they did the Japanese version. In the 2nd season the crew of SMA does SMA says instead of sailor moon says. Oh and what Serena is talking about is in reference to the sailor moon movie they abridged. Ok your all caught up. Enjoy. Today's tip is there is a fine line between thinking before you act and thinking so much you lose your chance to act.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Long senior day

Yep it was a long one. Not really, but just had a lot of people that came in and some where pains in my side. The first was this woman that seemed to think that we would add a discount on top of a discount. How many stores will honestly give you a discount on top of a discount. Especially since most coupons or discounts say no other offers, discounts, or coupons apply. Or that you can only use one per visit. Anyway so seniors get 15% off. So I was giving her her discount. Then she pulls out this card form the local high school that's a discount card. So she's like yes and I have this card that gives me 10% off. I said well you are already getting 15% off. I can't add a discount on top of a discount. She said but I paid for this. I said I understand that, but today your getting 15% off. So this is worthless. No it's not worthless. You get 15% off today, but any other day you come in you can use that card and get 10% off. I don't think that's fair but ok. What is not fair about that? You get a better discount today and tomorrow you can get 10% off. Plus we aren't the only business on that card. Plus if she had read the card she would have saw no other offers, discounts, or coupons apply. The other day a woman came in with that card. We have products that have been lowered so low that if we offered a discount we would barely break even. We have all those items starred and have signs that say we don't give discounts on those. On top of that she gets a 17% discount. 17 beats 10 duh. Arg.
Then I had this guy that always comes in. He annoys me because he just looks at everything then buys a random thing. Plus he can not remember my name. Every time he calls me my co-worker. I have to say my name every single time. Anyway so the radio talks about how Moss is now on the Vikings. Which got us started on Farve. And I will say there are few things that get under my skin (shut up), but one of those things is Farve. So we talk about that and he was defending Farve. Not many Packers fans do that. Basically he said oh Farve can do that because he's a star. Seriously? He can whine and bitch and moan to get whatever he wants because he's a "star". So you are ok with children seeing this "star" whining and moaning to get what he wants. The more I pushed the more all he could really say is well he got close to the Superbowl a lot. That means he can do what he wants. That is the crappiest logic I've ever heard. He can get as close as he wants. Unless he gets teams tot he Superbowl every year and wins every year he is no better then any other quarterback that gets close to the Superbowl. I don't see him doing everything on the field so, no he can't get away with that. Just urks me.
Episode 21 of Sailor Moon abridged. Yeah that's how far I got after starting the series on Tuesday. They are that short and I'm that slow in finishing them because I tend to watch them at work. Enjoy. Today's tip is when it comes to money and discounts people tend to be irrational. Nothing to add to that, just stating an observation.