Friday, April 30, 2010

What a Mixed Up Day

Today has been an up and down thing for me. I got up this morning and was feeling pretty good. I take the new pre-workout and I'm feeling ok. Finish my workout and take my post workout protein. Well shortly afterwards I start tasting the pre-workout I had. Then I feel it start coming up and then it all came up and into the toilet. Even the Kre-Alkalyn pill I took was visible. Clearly had no time to digest. So that meant that I had to wait a bit and take another post workout protein shake. That one managed to stay down, but I decided to stay back for a bit instead of heading out early like I was planning on. Lucky for me I was watching the Today show and it happened to be a good day to watch. Meredith did a simulated driving thing to show how texting while driving can distract you and on her second time around she yells out OH SHIT! Of course the censors managed to bleep out the shit part. Then she looked so embarrassed and tried to cover it up by saying she said oh ship because she thought she saw a ship. There was also someone that got thrown from her horse while they were talking about the Kentucky derby. So yeah that brightened up my day. Then I get to the office to find I have finally hit my goal for this month. By 2 lbs actually. So now I just have to figure out what the goal for next month will be. Then I had to paint and honestly I'm a terrible painter. There is a reason why I hated art growing up and hated art history when I had to do a snip it of it in 10th grade. Me and art just don't get along. Now it's currently storming and that's of course not fun. Kinda ruined my whole I'm going to have a good day today vibe. So I'll have to make sure if people come in they buy something before they leave. Today's tip is how your day goes is 75% mental. If you feel good it will be a good day. Even if the other 25% tries to bring you down.

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