Saturday, April 3, 2010

Almost Easter

I've never been big on the Easter Holiday. Mainly because my family never really made it a big deal. For awhile we did go to church on that Sunday or read the bible. So it's not really something I ever really got into. I never do anything special for it, but my room mate insists on us having a dinner together. Which is odd because that's what we usually do anyway. Oh and having a guest over was fun. The pizza was good too. I never had a problem with Domino's Pizza before, but I will say that I do not hate the change. I especially love how the crust now taste like garlic bread. I'm a big fan of garlic bread. Anyway the movie was pretty decent. We watched National Treasure Book of Secrets. I must say that well it was quite far fetched. There were times when all 3 of us said oh that would never happen. For instance that he could enter a presidential party the way he did. Or that he got to where he did in the library of congress. Then again it's a fictionally movie when you think about it so of course some scenes will be far fetched, but still. I also had a busy day yesterday. Doesn't look like that will happen today, but we'll see. Other then that no real plans today. Probably just playing the Easter event on gaia and that's it. So I figured that I'd post the ending to Kingdom Hearts 1. Why you ask. Because it's my blog and I feel like posting it. That and my squibies made me think of it. Now this ending is very special to me. It's the only game that truly drew me into the story line so well. I almost cried when I saw this ending the first time. I do mean I almost cried. I tear was welling up, but it didn't actually leave my eye. Anyway I love this ending because it was well done. Nothing was really said after the first like 30 seconds but you could feel that connection between Kairi and Sora. So enjoy. I doubt you'll cry if you watch this. Like I said you have to really have played the game to really get that emotional connection. So enjoy. Today's tip is sleeping in can be good for your health, but not for your hair.

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