Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Hump day once more

It's Wednesday once again meaning the week is almost over. Tomorrow will be Thursday then Friday. Weeks go by pretty fast. Speaking of which I got some good news yesterday. Besides the whole being .2 lbs off my ideal weight. My landlord sent me my full security deposit. This was a major shock to me and my boss who I told the whole story to. If you don't recall or don't want to go back to look for it, my landlord forced me to have to pay for the whole month of march in rent. He then tried to bully me into giving up the key early without giving me a refund and when I then asked for one said fine I'll just move them into another apartment. Then on the day when I was suppose to turn in the key I go to check on the apartment to make sure I was fully moved out only to find out that the landlord changed the locks without informing me that the locks were being changed. So I called him saying I wonder what the law says about that and to call me back which he never did. So I'm pretty sure he got scared and decided to just give me my rent in full. I'm sure it sounded like I was willing to take legal action which at the time I was then I thought about it more and said forget it. So once I got the check I deposited it asap to make sure he didn't change his mind. At the same time I wonder if he didn't have some sort of motive behind it. Like he wants me to be a point of reference to say oh he's a good fair landlord. I don't know what it is, but I'm just glad he's out of my life and honestly if he was to call asking for something I'd probably hang up on him. My room mate is also sick which is never fun. Means I have to be extra careful not to get sick too. Not easy when you share a living space. Least he's better today. I'm also feeling pretty good. Then again whenever I workout in the morning I tend to feel better throughout the day. Seemed like I was a bit stronger during the workout. Didn't tire out as quickly. Anyway next week I'll remeasure myself. Next months goal will be to stay at 160 or a bit higher. Try my best to make 160's be my new average. Which brings me to annoying realization. If I was to get life insurance they will probably deny me because I'd be considered to be overweight. The annoying thing about it is that they don't take a picture of the person or even put down a note saying weight is not fat, but muscle. A 220 lb 5' 10" guy came in and said he got denied for life insurance because he was considered to be overweight. Yeah I can guarantee you that it wasn't because he was fat. I'd probably get a great deal on health insurance because they usually require a physical, but probably get a crappy deal on life insurance. I think we need a life insurance over haul like we did with health insurance. I felt like posting the 1st opening for yu-gi-oh g/x english dub. I must say I did like these season better for a bit. The hero in this one is less of a whiny bitch. He actually wants to duel and doesn't go omg they summoned a monster what will I do. Omg they destroyed my monster what will I do. Omg they have a trap. Then he got annoying and I stopped watching. I do like the song because it is catchy. Today's tip is there are two ways to go through life. Being nice to those around you or being a selfish jerk. Guess which has a better quality of life.

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