Sunday, April 11, 2010

Long day

I did a lot today. Probably talk about it tomorrow. It's why this posting is so late. Yesterday was for sure a Saturday. All the weirdos came out in waves yesterday. They never buy anything just ask questions and want to know where the clearance is. Like this one guy who asked where is the clearance then asked how late we are open. That is never something good to hear. Clearly he planned on looking at clearance for the rest of the day. The most annoying part is that he looks at the clearance all the time then after like 20 minutes of looking the guy finally decides to buy what he always buys. Here is an idea. STOP LOOKING AT THE CLEARANCE BECAUSE THERE IS NEVER ANYTHING YOU WANT! I mean it annoys me everytime. It would be one thing if he bought something everytime, but he never ever does. Also had quite a few horny guys come in wanting male enhancements. Grabbed me some coney island after work then went home ate and zonked out. Today's tip is we spend about 1/3 of our lives sleeping. Of that 2/3 of awake time 5/6 is spent reciting facts.

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