Sunday, April 4, 2010

It's Easter

Yay it's easter. Which honestly doesn't really mean anything to me. I mean I've never really been all that into easter for the reasons I mentioned in the previous blog post. Yesterday I finally went grocery store. Me and my room mate agreed to share the food bill to try to cut down cost and last week neither of us had money. So we finally did get some money and splurged a little bit. Turns out that us "splurging" was only like 6 dollars off our budget. I mean how many people can say that. We have a certain amount that we spend per 2 weeks and that's what we ended up spending last night just 6 dollars over. It's not like we just stuck with the stuff that we usually get. We got extra stuff. I mean I can actually point to one item that we got and say yep here is what we went over by. We also picked up a dinner to cook tonight. Should be fun huh? Oh and my boss blew up on a customer. It was a good blow up though. I mean this guy comes in and is just an ass. He goes on and on about the stuff he tried and how he gets it all from the internet. Then he goes on about all the stuff on the internet. He just crossed me the wrong way. So I warn my boss about him because this guy made it clear that he was just there to get information. That of course is just wrong. I mean you wouldn't go to a barber then ask about certain hair styles then go to another barber. He just annoys the heck out of me. Well I'm off to go do laundry and stuff.Today's tip is watch out for egg-laying bunny poop. Looks just like the colored eggs. Happy easter.

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