Monday, April 12, 2010


I am still feeling the after affects of going to a pizza buffet. Never ever a good idea. I tried to make sure I got my money's worth and now I'm paying for it. I was all gassy last night. It was that gas that doesn't go anywhere, but stay in your stomach. Never ever a good feeling. Took my pre-workout this morning thinking the gas was gone and boy was I wrong. So for the most part of today I've been gas filled. Yesterday went pretty well. Like I said went to this pizza buffet that was way better then Cici's. They had this mac and cheese pizza that was amazing. There was a cheese cake pizza. They were making all these pizzas that no one would think to make. You can even request pizzas to have them make. Yeah it was something I should never do again unless I'm REALLY hungry. Suppose to rain off and on today which it kinda has, but yeah ready for it to be summer. Oh that reminds me somehow I was watching the Today show and they had the mother and step father of the boy that beat up that 15 year old girl. The thing about the interview with the parent of the accused is that they always do something to reveal why their kid would do something like that. This couple did not disappoint. The step father was just glaring at the camera. So already I'm like oh this guy is clearly the problem. Now they said the typical stuff of oh this is the first time that he has ever done something like this. It was just him snapping. He had no signs. Doing everything I expected then something got my attention. The question to them was do you think that the death of the brother had something to do with it. Now there are several ways to answer this question. The step father snaps and says well how would you feel if you were 15 and saw your brother hanging from a tree. Now he could have said that same sentence without sounding like a complete jerk. I mean he snapped at this question. He could have said it saying well yes of course it did. How would you feel being 15 years old and seeing your brother hanging from a tree. So now I'm like of course this kid snapped. If his step father snapped at a question like that then who knows how else he snaps. Then the mother made it seem like she was oh so sorry and wanted to visit the mother and the daughter in the hospital and how they are so sorry. Where was that the day after or the day of. According to the mother of the victim the family made no attempt for an apology. All you have to say is I'm so sorry this happened. Leave it at that. There is no way that can be used against them, but no they had to wait until just now to do it. Like I said I now see why the kid acted like he did. It's just like when the mother of two of the boys accused of dousing a boy with alcohol and lighting him on fire came on. She clearly had no idea what her kids were doing. That's just sad. Alright I'm sure you all have heard of Cyanide and Happiness. If you haven't then you seriously live under a cave and go to and go read a couple of their comics and then watch some shorts. Or start here with this short. Anyway I love this series. They are really funny. This is a short talking about their book that they have out. Watch it. That's all I can say. Today's tip is someone that constantly talks about how kind and trustworthy they are is clearly not since they are constantly trying to convince people.

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