Thursday, April 8, 2010

Busy Busy Busy

That's all I was yesterday. With getting my Wisconsin ID which I almost didn't get. Got my insurance which took forever to get. It was also senior day yesterday. I missed out on most of it because I was out and about. Oh btw when I was leaving from getting my ID it was hailing. Yeah hailing in April. Well what caused the hail I think blew off to the other part of the state because they are apparently looking at snow. Then I had to rush over to the other store because I was going to be late since I didn't get back in time from the insurance people. I made it with 5 minutes to spare luckily. Then I got quite a few people at that store. One of whom just loved to hear himself talk I swear. He also had to compare every single thing on the nutrition back. I was getting a headache standing there trying to explain to him why this one is different then one you'd find a Wal-Mart. He finally did end up buying something and as I'm getting ready to call my boss he comes back in saying oh and tell your boss that I finally bought something here. That of course letting me know that this guy comes into the other store and just talks my bosses arm off comparing proteins. Then I finally get to close up and leave and I find out that my room mate is baby sitting so I had to help with that. The mother came back at like 7:45ish and we ended up talking for a bit. So when I finally basically get time to myself it was 8 and I was tired. I had been going non-stop since 6 am that day. That's 14 hours of basically having something to do. Fun fun fun. So I thought I'd post a video today. This is a video I got off of youtube. I think it is the best AMV that uses the song Kodou. I mean the images fit with what's being sung and it moves to the melody really well. It's also propably the one that gets posted the most. Just wish the person left a watermark on it. So enjoy the song. Today's tip is the only journey that matters is the journey to an all you can eat buffet with take out for only a buck.

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