Tuesday, April 13, 2010

One Day Closer

I'm one day closer to my day off. Getting my haircut really early in the morning then off to do absolutely nothing. It will be a fun day that's for sure. Shame it only comes around once a month. Not counting Sunday that is. Other then that not much has really caught my attention. Other then conservatives and religious extremist going too far of course. Some congressmen that were called the n word during the big health care push are being called liars. Saying they are making it up to just make the conservatives look bad. Ok first off you're doing just fine on your own. Yeah with all your talk about militias and sending e-mails with porn and racist jokes and funding strip club trips. Yeah you don't need help with that. Plus it's not like your base isn't known for it's intolerance. They are the same people that want the confederate appreciation day and want everyone to ignore the fact that it was about slavery as well as state rights. So yeah I stopped reading that article after a bit. The another article is out there about this baptist church (always the baptist) that goes to soldier's funerals and start protesting and saying that the soldiers got what they deserved because america supports homosexuality. Ok if your a so called christian as you constantly go on about then why would you do something like that at a funeral. Why would you disrespect your neighbors in their time of mourning to further your goals? Why would you disrespect a solider that died trying to protect america for idiots like you? I'll tell you why. Because these people have no morals. They just say oh I'm a chrisitan so I'm right and everyone else is wrong. I'm guaranteed to be saved so I can bash everyone else. All I can say is can you really look God in the face and say yeah I did that and I'd do it again. Can you really say that God would be ok with that type of disrespect? I have a hard time believing that God would want people protesting and disrespecting the memory of someone so you can get your 15 minutes of fame. I'm all for freedom of speech and religion, but not when it goes this far. I know that if that was someone in my family I'd run over to the protesters and punch one in the face for disrespecting my family. Or better yet forget punching. I'd say wow you really think God is ok for you disrespecting your neighbors in their time of grieving. Wow you need to take a good hard look at the bible and walk off. On a less sickening note I figured I'd post another cyanide and happiness comic. This one is the man who could sit anywhere. Like I said I love anything they do. They get me to laugh really hard sometimes. This one for sure did it. Today's tip is insurance is gambling that the worst will happen. Every month you pay and if nothing happens your out money.

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