Wednesday, April 14, 2010

100th post finally

So I have finally hit my 100th blog post today. Yeah I should have reached it like 4 maybe 5 days ago, but those were days I didn't blog. Find it funny because this morning I was watching the Today show and they were talking about how there have been new leads in the disappearance of Haliegh something who disappeared a year ago. I don't even think I smelled her name right. Anyway I remember when this story came out and I saw the father and the then stepmother (now ex-wife) on the Today show and I just knew that something wasn't right. I mean they got married like 2 weeks after the daughter disappeared. Then whenever the then stepmother was questioned she would kinda avoid it or the father would step in and say something. Even when they did the coming up next and showing who was up next they didn't look right. Now they have been charged with drug trafficking or something like that. So now I'm like I knew they were no good and they are now saying the ex wife's story has too many holes in it, so they suspect her of something. Honestly I don't know what happened to that girl, but I know that whatever did happen those two were in on it in some way. Then there was another story about an autistic girl that was missing for 5 days in Florida and they found her. I guess it's the cynic in me, but the guy that found her something about his story just doesn't make me feel right. In the 911 call he made he said that she was lucid despite being dehydrated. She sounded perky when she talked to the 911 operator. He had his blackberry with gps with him. He went out all on his own. Like I said it might just be the cynic in me and that might be what actually happened, but like I said it's just too perfect. Well with her being autistic it's entirely possible that the guy said you have to say it like this or something bad will happen so she said what she did. I know an autistic guy who treats everything that is said like the word of God, but like I said it could just be the cynic in me. Speaking of cynic in me, what is the deal with old lady drivers. On Monday I almost hit one because she clearly is not in the right state of mind to drive. As I'm making my left turn this lady pulls out from behind a car, crossing the yellow line into one of the lanes going the other lane. Lucky for me that's not the lane I was going into or there would have been an accident. I don't know what she was trying to do, but she clearly shouldn't be doing it. Talked to my friend that works at the DMV and he said yeah in this state it's nearly impossible to revoke a license of a senior. Either the doctor has to say they can't medically drive anymore which they don't because that means they don't get kick backs for prescribing things to them because the senior will just get a second opinion and go to that doctor. Or the family has to fill out a report which they don't want to do because then they look like the bad guys. Yeah but I guess it's perfectly ok for grandma to cause a wreck or get lost or hit a pedestrian. I actually know someone who had a friend die because a senior was driving and hit them. I really think there should be something federal that says when you hit like 70 you need to have your skills at least tested every 2 years. That's being generous at that. Just because they can see doesn't mean their reaction time is good or that they are able to make good decisions. Not to mention half of them will lie when they get their license renewed. They'll say they don't need glasses, but will use their glasses for the vision test. They don't want it on their license. Or it will say that on their license, but they never wear their glasses. I don't want to share the road with someone like that. We since this is my 100th post I was trying to figure out what video to post. So I figured I'd go with the song Break the Chain by Tourbillon. It was the opening for Kamen Rider Kiva. I really loved that series because it was a puzzle. It goes back and forth between 1986-87 and 2006-2007. Your trying to figure out what happened back then and who is who's parent and what not. If you have some free time I really suggest checking it out. There are a few loose ends, but still pretty good. So I hope you enjoy. Today's tip is if you have a headache drink a caffeinated beverage. This comes from the warning section of a male enhancement.

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