Monday, April 19, 2010

Today is odd

Unlike other days when I workout in the morning I just feel tired. Feel kinda off. Just seems like today is in slow motion and nothing is really happening. Which is not good because I need to be up because tomorrow is my measuring day. I'm hoping I finally passed 160 and still have below 7% bodyfat. Not like anyone has really commented. Which is why I kinda want to do this. I would love it for people to say well I want to look like you or that look at me and say oh that guy clearly workouts out. Plus it helps when your interviewing for jobs. If you look in shape you'll have a better chance at getting the job. I think it has to do with the fact that no one wants to hire someone that looks like they are about to fall over dead. Anyway just want it to pass whatever it is. It just has been a gloomy day all around. The sun isn't out, but it's not suppose to rain. No one seems to be out. Just one of those days that seems like the world is trying to tell you stay home. Maybe it will turn around later. Who knows. Yesterday was a pretty dead day as well. I wasn't really in the mood to do much. Probably because I was still in the Saturday mentality. Today's tip is he who laughs last laughs best when actually he who laughs last laughs the creepiest. No one laughs after that.

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