Friday, April 16, 2010

Almost done for the week

With it being Friday I'm almost done for this week. Tomorrow I have off and don't have to work. So once I get through today I'm done for the week. Had a good workout this morning which means I'm in for a good workout. Then have to get a good workout in tomorrow, and Sunday and Monday morning then I'll be all ready for my measurements. I still don't know if I finally gained that last 3 lbs, but I'll see soon enough. My anti-virus and anti-spyware software finally took care of some of the problems plaguing my computer. Now if only I can figure out how to get sound back to my computer I'd be golden. And before you ask no it's not on mute. There was one site where I actually had sound, but I think it was because it was embedded into the site, not a codec that my computer had to read to get audio. The people on the other side of the building were celebrating the end of tax season so they were flaunting their Bar-B-Q by saying bet you wish that you worked on the tax side now don't you. Seeing as I really don't like it not really, but still would like free food. Had couple of customers as well. So today I'm just all excited because I get my first day off in like a month tomorrow. If you were a boy who grew up in the 90's you have to remember Mighty Max. It was a toy before it was a show. It was the guy version of Polly Pocket. Just like how they made those Dragon Flys as the guy answer to sky dancers. I mean they were the same exact toy, just one was more feminine and one was more masculine. Anyway the point of Mighty Max was that it followed this boy who's mom was an archaeologist who was rarely home (shocker) and he one day receives this cap that lets him use these portals. He then goes on adventures to save the world. If you ever get a chance watch a few episodes. So this is the intro to the show. Today's tip is you can be right some of the time, but you can't be right all the time. Unless you have fairy god parents and wish it so.

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