Tuesday, April 20, 2010

And I'm there...almost

That's right I'm almost to my goal for this month. Just need .2 more lbs. So if I keep it up I'll make sure to reach my goal in 10 more days. .2 more lbs in 10 days. I really hope I can reach that. Turns out that I've gained 15lbs of muscle since I've been here. Yeah that's a big deal. 15lbs of anything on a 5' 6" frame is noticeable. Now if I could hit like 30 it would be even more noticeable, but one goal at a time. My friend of course are being supportive. Just wish more people off the street would notice. Then again I always wear baggy clothes. It's a comfort thing with me. I never liked wearing my size. I always tended to get a size bigger. I know your not suppose to do that, but I never really grew into those sizes. Except the pants. The pants I can't seem to figure out. No two pair are alike. One size is way too big and I need a belt, another is way too tight. Yeah weird. Anyway yesterday was a good business day. Turned out that once the sun came out so did the people. Made the day go by so much faster. I like days that go by fast. Yeah other then that I got nothing. Today's video is The Cell Block Tango. One of the big songs from the movie/play Chicago. I love the song because they actually performed the song at my high school. I mean you watch it and your like wow I can't believe any high school would allow that, but I was in a private school that was pretty liberal. Plus they kinda do a good job in getting you to kinda almost side with the women. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is nothing is more precious then laughter of children. Well once we put a quantitative value on it.

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