Monday, April 26, 2010

A lot on Sunday

So I didn't post yesterday because 1. I got up late. 2. My room mate got me up so we could go shopping for stuff. He had something he wanted to buy and I told him I needed new shoes so he took it upon himself to wake me up so we could bond while shopping. Yeah I got him back for that later. Seemed like I didn't really rest yesterday. I can tell I'm getting sick, but so far it hasn't stopped me from working (knock on wood). Anyway Saturday was a good day for me. I surprised my boss by doing so well. Even talked a couple people into buying things they might not have. The joy of giving people information to help them. I got a bonus because of it. Yay bonus. Other then that nothing is really going on. Saturday was kinda dull and Sunday all I did was run around. Well I did realize my brother has some serious anger issues. I'm calling up my mom and she asks him a question and I mean he flips out on her. I mean I could clearly hear him yelling at her. I call him up and told him that I could clearly hear him yelling and I mean he was pissed off at her. I mean people call me stubborn, but that's nothing compared to my brother. I've had one person accuse me of being an angry person (during my full on depression) which again is nothing compared to what he has going on. Personally I think he has some sort of issue going on. I think it has to do with his graduation coming up. Maybe it is something else, but like I said I don't know what's going on with him. On a different note that mother from Ohio (shockingly) is staying with the boyfriend. On the today show they had a psychologist and a psychiatrist. They both say that something is wrong with the mother if she can just get up and leave her child. Well clearly there is something wrong with the mother because she's dating a married man. Just one of those things that makes you wonder what is going on with them. How did they even find each other. Makes you wonder about the boyfriend's wife and how she feels. How about the husband who forgave the wife only to find out she's just coming to get her stuff and leaving with the boyfriend again. Just wrong I say. They also showed a video where a man was helping a woman who was getting mugged and got stabbed by the mugger. He then laid there for an hour before help arrived. Now I should also mention that about 25 people walked by him as he laid there dying. One even stopped to take a picture on his cellphone. Ok why take a picture. What in the world would you do with that pic. Put it on facebook? Twitter maybe? It's that whole diffusion of responsibility. The more people around the less likely any one person is going to do something to help. Just sad that it comes to that. That man should still be alive today if someone had just realized that no one was helping him. I mean at least call 911. I'm sure all of you have heard of The Legend of Zelda. If you haven't then well your life is sad. Anyway there was a game that came out on the N64 called Ocarina of Time. I think this is still one of the biggest games in the Legend of Zelda world. Anyway I had the game, but I never finished it because it was so long so I admire anyone that can finish it. So I'm posting a video of someone who did it in about 2 and half hours. Now this is a speed run and this is using the computer version of the game and exploiting glitches, but I still find it impressive so if you have 2 and half hours to kill why not watch it. Today's tip is anger is like a pet gator. May seem cute and harmless at first, but quickly grows and is to much to handle then bites off your arm.

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