Friday, April 23, 2010

I'm an Old Man

This morning I found my first and most likely not the last unruly nose hair. I mean it was sticking out of my nose and everything. Just like as if I was an old man with like 20 nose hairs sticking out. I actually had to use my room mates nose hair clipper. I'm only 21 years old. How can I have an unruly nose hair at this age. Then again I did hit puberty early. I was a lot hairier then most boys my age. Not to mention I swear my voice was the first to start changing. Least that's what it seemed like. Anyway enough about me getting older by the second. I was watching the Today show and I saw another one of those stories that made me want to smack someone. So this woman was missing in Ohio. She had a husband and a 1 year old. It looked like she had been abducted because she left her car in a parking lot at a park, with the keys in the ignition and a tire slashed. Looks very suspicious. Well turns out that she just ran off with a guy who was also married. The worst part is the husband was on the Today show earlier this week pleading with her to come home and saying this was out of character and that she loved being a mom. I mean my heart just goes out to the man. Even after she was found with another man he just said I just want her home to talk to her. Now it sounds like he's in shock and that he isn't going to pursue a divorce, but I think the marriage is basically over unless they go to some sort of counseling. Not to mention how can you trust someone that ran off and left your family without a word, and then is found with another man living in a hotel in Florida. Even if they stay married I just can't imagine that her family is going to look at them the same. I mean her parents aren't going to see her the same. Her friends won't look at her the same. She'll have a cloud of shame over her head for a long time. That itself could end the marriage. People sure don't think.So last night I had a weird dream that had a lot of flashes of different cartoons. One cartoon was Dave the Barbarian. That was probably one of the stupdiest shows out there. My brother loved the show. Me I hated it, but since at the time we had only one tv hooked up to cable I had to watch it. As you can see from the opening it clearly was not going to last long. Oh and when the castle falls down at the end it was always something different. Today's tip is there are always little things to remind us how old we are, but there are also people that make us feel like kids again.

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