Monday, April 5, 2010

The week begins again

Yep it's Monday again which means time to go through the motions again. This week I have senior day to work on which is always fun. Got more workouts to do. More weird people to deal with at work. Like today I had the guy that kept complaining about the gyms around the area. I ranted about him ranting some time in March I think. Anyway he comes in looking for something. I show it to him then he moves down to another section. Says he needs to lose weight to qualify for a bike race. Ok last time I checked they didn't limit people from entering races because of weight. Now they may exclude you because of qualifications like you didn't win a race from a certain sponsor, but not because of weight. So I already knew he was kinda bsing me. So I officially stop listening. Anyway so I show him some stuff that can help which he of course kinda ignores and mentions another problem he has. That's the thing about this guy he has nothing, but problems. There's always some reason why he can't lose weight. I figure he just needs to go in and get the gastric bypass. He clearly just wants the easy way of doing things. No sense in me wasting my time on someone that won't do what he needs to get healthy. I have no patients for those type of people. In other news apparently a dog caused a car wreck up here. Some how the dog was able to put the car in neutral which is weird because it always seems that it requires several actions to change gears. I know I can't change gears in my car unless I have the brakes on. Or you have to have the brakes on plus press that little button. Makes you wonder how the hell did that dog do it. Not only that, but it looks like the wreck will cost both drivers thousands of dollars. Guess the owner will think twice about leaving the dog in the car. Today's tip of the day is look before you leap unless your leaping over Medusa. You know with the whole gaze that turns you to stone.

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