Thursday, April 15, 2010

5 days left

In about 5 days it will be time for me to be remeasured. That means I will know how close or how far off I am from my goal of 160 lbs and below 7% body fat. I haven't weighed myself recently. I just know that I was up to 157 earlier in the month. So Hopefully I gained at least 3 lbs in that time. Will say a few of my shirts have been a little tighter, but that doesn't mean I've gained weight. Could mean that I shrunk them in the dryer. Anyway so I'm going to hit the weights tomorrow morning, later on Saturday, and Sunday. Might as well throw Monday in there and get measured Tuesday. Like I said I'm hoping that I reached my goal early, because if not then I have to kinda guess the rest of the month. Come on 160 lbs. Oh that reminds me I had some really annoying customers yesterday. One comes in yakking on his cell phone. Then instead of getting off to ask me some questions he strikes up a conversation with me while he's on the phone. I didn't know if he was talking to me or the person on the other line. Yeah that wasn't rude. Then he says oh he'll be back tomorrow because he just got his checks and only has a few from the bank. Plus the money has cleared just yet. Then I had this guy that just smelled. He had the worst BO ever. I come over to help and him and I'm down wind of his smell. Then he goes on and on about this product we don't have and I told him we don't have it. He then says ok. Looks at some other products and says he will for sure consider getting it from us then leaves. Me and the boss have to open the back door to get his BO smell out. Then he comes back and says well maybe you have it in a different section. Other stores usually put it in this section. Again I'm down wind of this guy. My boss thinks he was there to steal stuff because he had huge pockets. He then leaves and again says he will for sure consider getting his products form us. If you were to look at this guy you would know something about him wasn't right.Today's video is the transformation and attacks for the show Tokyo Mew Mew. It's about girls that turn into animal like hybrids to save the word from creatures that want to dirty the planet. Yeah it's a political statement of course. Anyway it's a really funny show though. Never finished the series, but I still have time to work on that. Today's tip is parents like simon says because it teaches listening skills. Kids like red rover because it lets you clothes line kids you don't like.

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