Sunday, April 18, 2010

Well I'm relaxed

Had my day off yesterday and like the last one I decided not to blog mainly because it cuts into my doing nothing time. Not to mention the fact I already had to wake up early to get my hair cut. Took like 5 minutes I swear. Anyway my hair is now shorter. This month is just going by quickly. Soon it will be May and I'll have tons of work to do. Then it will be June and my mom will be on me about making sure I have a flight. Then I'll turn around and I'm 22. Yeah time really does go by faster the older you get. Friday I had one of those customers that acts like he knows that much more then me. Not to mention he wanted us to set something aside for him then wanted to weasel out of getting them. We told him we had 5 of them and he said put them all aside for him then he wants to act like he didn't know we had 5. This is a product that my boss apparently kept telling him about and trying to get him to get, but he would never get it then once this product is gone he now wants a truckload. He really pisses me off. I had another run in with him and I'm pretty sure it was something like this. Anyway got to chat with my room mates buddy and we're inviting him over this week to watch movies and eat pizza. You know typical guy bonding stuff. Which means I'm going to have to record the new season of Ben 10. Well I should say new series, but it really is a new season since it's the same style as Alien Force. I really must not forget. I'll have to write a note somewhere. Today's tip is mind your p's and q's. Mainly because you only have so much room in a text.

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