Thursday, April 29, 2010

Gloomy Out

It's a really gloomy and windy day out today. Feels like I should be asleep all day today. Probably should since I didn't get much sleep last night. Just seemed like I had too much energy. I think it's because it's my last day on my pro-hormone cycle. Starting tomorrow I'm on my Novadex XT cycle. Apparently it's going to take 5 days before I feel any affects. Least that's what all the reviews say. Just hope I made a good choice in getting it. I know I had a tough choice, but seems like the reviews for Novadex were a lot more positive and consistent while the ones for Formadrol were very different. Some had great success, while others didn't. It was too up in the air. So well see if this helps. Hoping today is super busy with something. Just this doom and gloom feeling today does not feel like it's going to help business. Plus they are working on the concrete in my building. Well not in it, but around it. Anyway just need a good day today. Doesn't look like it's going to happen though. Was hoping for a big break at the end of the month. Which reminds me I have to make sure I weigh myself tomorrow morning. So the video for today is Witch Doctor by Cartoons DK. Now this music video is weird (duh the song is witch doctor) in the sense that they actually enter a cartoon world. That and they clearly have a major obsession with Elvis. The dude was not really that great. Anyway it was their one hit wonder really. They had a CD they tried to sell on tv, but pretty sure only a few people bought it. Today's tip is if you have a sleep walking problem it's a good idea to find a fix before going on a cruise.

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