Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A lot to do

Yeah got a lot to do the rest of this month. For one I'd like to actually see 160 lbs on the scale some time this month. My goal for next month will be staying above 160. Another thing I want to do is get a 2nd job so I have a little extra money. Extra money is good since I want to go visit my family and of course it always helps to have that little bit of money. Other then that it's just getting through this week really. For several reasons. 1 this months almost over and I get antsy around this time. 2. I want to watch another episode of Ben 10 Ultimate Alien. Which brings up the fact that the opening was kinda....boring. I figured they'd kinda go back to their roots with an opening, but I was wrong. Just shows all the aliens he has been and can be now. I do want to see some of the old aliens though. Like Wild Vine or Four Arms. Which oddly enough reminds me of what I saw on the Today show. They had Jackie Warner on talking about her new book and she was showing the audience how some people do exercises and how they are wrong. Well one which she was showing was the Bicep Curl. Oh boy do I have a problem with that one. Not that I can't do it, but I mean with seeing people do it. On that video for Xpand Xtreme Pump I was so mad about how the bodybuilder they had in it was doing it. He was throwing his back into it. He was using the legs. Basically every body part to lift that weight. Ok that isn't working the arms. It's working everything to lift that weight. What is the point of being at a higher weight if you can't lift it. Makes me wonder how the hell did he get to that size (roids) if he's lifting incorrectly? I mean every personal trainer has to be kicking themselves if they see someone do that especially a bodybuilder on youtube. Oh and that state senator I was talking about earlier. Yeah he starts his jail time today. That's right he gets a whole 45 days in jail for 3 DUI's. I should also mention that all 3 were in a 1 year time. Now that's basically every 4 months he got a new one. Now I don't care if this guy is a democrat or a republican. He needs to get his ass out of the senate, but no he keeps that job. He just got a slap on the wrist and 45 days. If I was the judge I would have given him the maximum sentence. It's not like this was his 1st offense so we should be lenit. It was 1 of 3 DUI's. I'm also pretty sure he has other ones on his record. Come on people he needs to be made an example out of. If I had done that you can bet I would have gotten the max sentence. It's things like this that make people hate politicians. They do whatever the hell they want and get away with it. So the video for today is a speed run of Legend of Zelda Majora's mask. Now this one I actually did finish because honestly it is shorter then the other games in a way, but it's also a lot more complicated. For one time actually matters in this game. Another is that it's the same 3 days over and over again and if you screw up one event then you might have to restart completely. What I mean is that you have to go back in time to try it again. Some say it was not nearly as good as Ocarina of Time, but personally any game that I can finish is good. Today's tip is moving forward while constantly looking back is a good way of smacking into a wall.

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