Saturday, May 1, 2010

And the weekend begins

I have work today so really it doesn't begin for me. Well besides getting here an hour later and leaving an hour earlier. It's been really busy today which is nice. Keeps me from going crazy. Yesterday was a terrible day. Weather wise. I mean this huge storm hit. Then all of a sudden it was gone and it was sunny. No kidding. It was dark, raining, hailing, thunder and lightning. The whole deal. Then after like 10 minutes of pounding us it just leaves and the sun comes out. You look out today and you'd never know a storm hit yesterday. Anyway with April now over it's time for May's goal. I'm thinking the goal will be to hit 165 lbs and again keep the body fat low. 3 lbs in 31 days does seem do able for me. I mean I'm a slow gainer now. Slow, but not hard. So that's my goal for May. We'll see if I'm lucky to pull it off again. Oh and did you hear about Tiger Woods. He is apparently doing so poorly he might not make the cut in a PGA tournement. The Hollow Quail or something like that. Now I'd like to point something out. That like I said before in my blog several months ago. If Tiger Woods would have just kept playing golf then the scandal wouldn't have been so big. At the time of the tournament in January I think the count was up to what 9 mistresses, but instead of continuing to play golf he says he's retiring (for a bit) and more women came forward. He would have also still had some sponsors. Now he is doing terribly at golf. Now everyone is again on the scandal saying maybe it did affect his golf. Not only that, but I'm pretty sure Nike is like yeah we got to drop this guy. Then he also has to deal with all the money he is going to lose in the divorce. The dude is just screwed. Told him to play golf. Then again I also told him to make a statement to the police, but no he didn't and then people started digging and found gold. Silly Tiger tricks are for kids.Today's video is an AMV to Pablo Francisco's comedy routine from Comedy Central Presents. Now there are other comics done by the person that did this one, but I think this one is the best. So hope you enjoy it. Today's tip is I scream, you scream we all scream for ice cream. Then that old guy screams "I'm calling the cops". Then it's scrambling time.

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