Friday, April 2, 2010

This is going to be fun

So me and my room mate are actually having someone over. It's a guy he knows that is kinda lonely. Doesn't have a lot of friends. Similar to me in the fact that he moved to a new place and doesn't really know a lot of people. We are getting pizza... well correction I'm ordering and picking up the pizza. My room mate is paying for it. So looking forward to that. Should be a lot of fun. As for me I think I figured out what caused my headaches yesterday. I think what caused it was the tap water I used for my protein shake. Then again as I'm writing this I have another one. Maybe it has to do with where I'm sitting. Who knows. It's suppose to be warm again today, but rain. People here are still sure it will snow this month, but we'll see. It is suppose to get down to the high 50's later on next week. So we will see how it goes. While driving to work today I noticed a bumper sticker and it got me thinking. I'm in a somewhat pro-life area of the state. So it got me to think about where do I stand on the whole issue. I thought I was more pro-choice, but the more I thought about it I think I'm more pro-life. Now I'm not the hard line guy that says no matter what you have to have the baby. I think there are situations when I won't deny I woman from getting an abortion. Like if it comes down to her life or the babies because of a medical issue I get if she chooses to have an abortion. I'm not going to say she can't. I'm also not going to deny a rape victim the chance to get an abortion. The issue I have is those when that just go around having unprotected sex and getting an abortion every month. So like I said it depends on the situation. Guess we all have to figure out why we feel certain ways. I know I'm leaning more to pro-life because of all the things out there. Such as contraception of all kinds and even Plan B. So I think now that women shouldn't be getting to that point unless there is something happening. Anyway enough about that. Today's tip is there are things in the world that reminds us of the good times in our lives. Keep them close to have when you are down.

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