Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's that time of the week

Yep the time of the week where everyone says it's almost the weekend, but not really since it's the middle of the week. Plus the month is coming to an end on Friday. As for me today I feel weird. I tried another new pre-workout (because I'm the guinea pig) and I've had a weird reaction to it. It's not like it didn't give me energy, but it also kinda made me tired. Like after the workout I felt I had energy, but I also felt like I didn't have energy. Now my legs feel funny. Feels like there is a lot of blood flowing in them, and like they are getting energy, but also feels like I've been running all day. Now the product did say that it would elminate toxicins in the body. Maybe I have a lot in my legs since they have been sore. I plan on trying it again on my chest. See how it goes. If my chest isn't sore I might have to invest in this product. In other news I'm actually proud of my former state of Texas. That doesn't happen seeing as Texas is a red state and in the bible belt. Anyway these girls were being cyber bullyed on facebook. Someone posted a page that listed all these girls on it for different reasons. Saying some where sluts and whores or wannabe sluts and whores. Well the school got invovled and called up facebook to have the page removed. They are actively seeking out who started the page to bring them to justice. I glad that Texas learned from the unfortunate case in Mass. How often do we see things like this repeat themselves. The annoying part is that teens seem to be thinking that they can still cyber bully. I guess they see the end of what happened to Phoebe Prince as a goal for those they torment. That's the only reason I could possibly see to do the things that caused her death. They also had an expert talking and mentioned that it is up to parents and school officials to set rules and consequences for when those rules get broken. That in probably a main factor in what happened to Phoebe. School Officals didn't do anything and obviously the parents seemed to know nothing about it. I know that they said that Phoebe and the mean girls had a sit down with the principal or some school offical. Clearly not working which is when the parents should have been called in, but I don't think they were. Anyway like I said I'm just glad that my home state did something right. Those of us that remember when the N64 came out remember Mario 64. It was the big deal because it was the 1st 3-D game. Well for Nintendo. Everyone had to have it. Mainly because it introduced you to the new graphics quite well. Anyway this is of course another speed run. As you can imagine it is a glitched run, but it's still a run with 100% complete. I actually kinda used it for tips on where some stars are. I'm missing like 7 stars I think. I haven't played in awhile. Anyway today's tip is try walking backwards for an hour. That way you know how the back of your head feels everyday.

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