Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Only to wait another day

So I'm trying to get my wisconsin license which I can't do because I don't have my proof of residency. See they don't accept a lease agreement as proof so I have to wait for a bill to come in the mail. Well I'm running out of time because apparently they are going to change the rules on getting a wisconsin ID. So won't be able to do that today like I thought. Not to mention today I just had the hardest time getting up. Yeah not fun. I don't know what happened, but last night I was just so tired and went to bed early. Had some weird dreams too. Don't remember pretty much anything from the dream, but I do know it was crazy. Today has been a really gloomy day. Not much is really going on plus me being so tired and all. Went to get an insurance quote and of course that was a lot of fun. Actually it kinda was since it was a small office and the guy wasn't an asshole. Didn't try to force me to buy a policy. There aren't a lot of people like that anymore. I think those salesmen actually do better in the real world. I mean it's better to tell them why they need something then just to say oh you need it and hope they bite. Other then that nothing really to report. Hoping tomorrow I can get my new ID. Hoping the bank doesn't blow it and not do it for the 2nd day in a row. She said that it takes 24 hours and I came in 24 hours later. Bet I was like a minute too early. Today's tip is the world is divided into two people. Salesmen and those that buy. That's what it all boils down to.

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