Saturday, April 24, 2010

Oh yeah sore

So yesterday I did squats for the first time in like ever and boy am I sore. I was kinda a little sore yesterday afterwards, but when I got up this morning part of my lower back was sore, my legs were sore. They still kinda are, but it's a functional sore now. Which is good because I'm at work right now. Had a guest over last night and we watched The Wrestler. Now I had several issues with this movie, but don't want to talk about them because if you've never seen it then you'd hate me for spoiling it. Anyway after the movie was done and I started thinking which is always a bad sign. The story reminds me of Don Quixote. If you don't know what that story is then go look it up. If you do then go watch the wrestler if you haven't. If you have done both the I'm sure you can see why I made that conclusion. The funny thing about the movie is that I'm sure all the wrestling federations out there hated that movie for giving away all their secrets. Or even saying that everyone does steroids. Even though it's kinda obvious that most of them have at some point taken something. Look at Hulk Hogan. No seriously look at when he first came on the scene, about the middle of his career, towards the end of his career and now. See what I mean. Just even google image it and you'll see the change. Or how about Macho Man Randy Savage (who btw looks so old now meaning clearly someone was dying his hair). Or even the past history of deaths in the wrestling industry. Anyway so like I said I'm sure the TV wrestling federations loved this movie. Since I showed the live action version of Sailor Moon yesterday I figured I'd go with the classic anime. This is all of Sailor Moons transformations and attacks. I would do one that shows everyone's transformations and attacks, but well that would be really long since Sailor Moon alone takes almost 10 minutes. Plus the other sailor scouts have at least 3 transformations, but like 4 attacks. Plus that's not counting Chibi Moon, The outer Sailor Scouts, and the Sailor Starlights. Maybe I'll do them later on. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is sampling is ok when trying to make a choice on a purchase. It is not meant to be a lifestyle.

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