Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Today is nice

Today is looking very very nice. Got up and did my workout with no problems what so ever. The only downside was I was doing my chest and I found out my machine was off. What I mean is that it wasn't set up properly. So it's now fixed and workouts are a lot harder. This is the week I up all the weights by 10 as well. So that means it's that much harder. Oh well I'll catch up. Can't stay back because of the fix. Not with the goal I want to reach. Anyway so was up early and worked out, and had a good workout. That's a good start to the day. Got to work (early) and got the work my boss wanted done, done early. Got paid today as well. Not to mention I turn in my key to my former landlord to await my security deposit. I still haven't decided on if I'm going to sue him if and when he only pays me a portion of my security deposit, but I'll deal with that later. I've also used the A/C for the first time this year. It's suppose to be in the 70's today. Yeah it's been a good day. A lot different then yesterday, when I could barely get up. I seemed like I tossed and turned at night. My toe was hurting (not hurting like at all right now). Yeah not the best day. Other then the fact that I finally watched the Ben 10 Alien Force season finale that I recorded. Only to find out that it was actually the series finally. Yeah that made me worried as I was watching it. Not to mention Ben even makes a comment about the show when he was talking to Kevin. Saying something like this is Sumo Slammers generation not the best one to start with. It's like 5 years after the classic series and it isn't very good. It doesn't make much sense. The hero even teams up with the villain. So yeah that made me worried. Oh and no that isn't the exact transcript of that conversation, but they kept saying stay tuned after the show for an special Ben 10 announcement. The announcement was there will be a new series called Ultimate Alien. I don't know if that means they will kinda go back to the old style of Ben 10 in this new series or what. I'll see on April 23rd won't I. So keeping up with my Ben 10 talk I figured I'll post the opening to the original series. It even comes with free lyrics. I like this opening better then the actual original opening. Mainly because by the time they started it a lot of things had been uncovered. It was past that I'm a new show trying to establish characters mode. Plus Gwen was finally doing a lot more instead of being well useless. Today's tip is a company is offering to teach people how to use food the right way. You eat it then use the nutrients to stay alive. Saved you a few bucks.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Long day

A long day begins with a long night. Seems like I was waking up a lot last night. Didn't have to do with my toe though. Just seemed like I was asleep then woke up all of a sudden and had to move. Then I had to be at work early because there was a health consultation going on. So I'm clearly half asleep while working. We also get a shipment in. Guess who had to recieve that into inventory. That's right me. Plus my toe is being really weird. Doesn't hurt the same way it hurt yesterday, but it still hurts. Looks a lot better that's for sure. Plus I'm at the other store which is just busy with people. Yeah it's going to be a long day. I did get my workout in yesterday and my weight is up. Least from the last time I measured myself which was last monday I believe. So I'm on my way....yay. The workout yesterday seemed like it went a lot smoother then usually. Didn't seem like I broke a sweat any. Granted I was working out my back. So when I work my arms or my chest we'll see what's up. Other then that nothing to really report. Well apparently Ricky Martin is gay, but that is 1. not really news 2. doesn't impact my life in anyway shape or form. Just amazes me that people have no lives that they have to go out and find out which celebrity is sleeping with who. Like it's going to make your life that much more intersting.Oh before I give the tip for the day I will say that this came from a dicussion that my friends and I had on my facebook status. It has been established that what doesn't kill you makes you weaker at least temporarily. Especially with radioactive acid spewing ants.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Well yesterday was hectic

So yesterday started off pretty good. It was starting to look like a nice day and didn't seem like I had to do all the stuff I normally have to do on Sundays. Then it slowly started to unravel. I went back to my old place to make sure I didn't leave anything since I'm turning in my key on Wednesday. Yeah the door was unlocked meaning that the landlord 1. showed the apartment without contacting me, but worse of all 2. FORGOT TO LOCK THE DAMN DOOR. I know he did it on purpose. He was probably hoping someone would vandalize the room so he could blame it on me. Yeah so of course that makes me pissed. Then later in the day I stub my toe which gets progressively worse as the day goes on. Then my room mate gets sick because of the pre-workout that he got from me because he reacts weird to sugar free products. Saturday was an ok day. Kinda got cloudy, but nothing really happened one way or another. Ended up going to bed early actually. Well today I'm starting off on my new goal. Which included me working out this morning, but still too tired so I'll be working out tonight. Anyway my goal for the month of April is to pass the 160 lb mark while keeping under 7% body fat. Right now I'm in the very lean category which means my body fat is 7% or below so I'm hoping to keep that low to remain in the very lean category. It shouldn't be hard since I was at 156 last time I was measured. To ensure it though I'm taking an anabolic stimulator and Kre-Alkalyn. So If I stay on that plus keep working out the way I do and having all the extra protein I've been having I should pass 160 easy and hopefully stay below 7%. So wish me luck on my trek. So I decided to do a blast from my past. When I was a junior in high school, I was surfing the profiles of gaia and someone's video was this. It made me laugh out loud. I showed it to all my friends who loved it too. Whenever I watch it, I'm reminded of those days. The video is the song If You Were Gay from Avenue Q and the anime used for it is Gravitation. If you know of Gravitation it makes it that much funnier. If not then watch the anime then watch this video again. Today's tip is in the battle of weights and gravity v.s. your toes. The weights and gravity team always win.

Saturday, March 27, 2010


Friday was nice, but Saturday is nicer. Less hours at work today. I'm going to make my pizza tonight since well didn't get to last night because of the fight. Speaking of the fight. Wow was it interesting. Yeah I'll use that word. The first thing that happened that night was the band they got cancelled do to unforeseen circumstances. Yeah like they thought they'd get more money from tickets to pay the band. Or there never was a band. Doesn't matter because I didn't know who the band was anyway. I get there and had to wait an hour for the fights to start. The fights finally did and it was ok for the first like 3 matches. Then came the fat ref. I don't know what it is, but the fat referees just don't do as good as a job I swear. I mean the ref before him was pretty big and did a good job. Even got in there and broke them up when the match was over. Didn't see that with the fat ref who was in the rest of the night. That's when things started to get rowdy. I had a pack of two different frat boys behind me. Ugh were they loud and obnoxious. I wanted to stand up and yell shut the hell up already, but they were better then our mc for the night. He wouldn't say anything for a bit then when the action slowed down he'd say something like so and so is trying to do a grab. NO DUH! All he did was point out the obvious. Not try to give us insights on the fighters or anything. During the whole couple of matches they kept talking about how Kaya Jones was going to perform and what not. Everyone kept looking to their neighbors saying who is she. So when she comes out she's like I am Kaya Jones. No one reacted. Then she's like I was a Pussycat Doll then the whole arena had an OH! moment. Yeah that was fun. She sang 3 songs, So What I'm Drunk, Wallflower, and Hollywood Doll. Wallflower is still stuck in my head. By the 2nd song everyone was ready for her to shut up and sit down. The frat boys wanted her to shut up and take her top off. Now apparently the fight I want to was for Combat USA which is apparently on the CW network on Thursday nights. So that meant they had to do interviews which were the worst to sit through because again the frat boys behind me had to start yelling stuff like you suck. Then there was the 1st drunk of the night. He comes stumbling out of the VIP section to sit on the bleachers with us. That's when the flurry of people taking pictures with him came it. That was fun to watch I won't lie. Then later on in the night there was the first fight with a drunk. Didn't go on very long because there was a cop near by along with the event staff. Oh and that's about the time Kaya Jones started getting in on the interviews. Whenever she was asked about the fights she say oh that fight was hot. Oh red heads are hot. You totally kicked his ass and that was hot. So not only is she now looking like Paris Hilton she's acting like her too. Ugh can't stand that woman. So that was my fun time at a MMA fight. Wonder if I tell my brother to watch it and say I was at that fight if he'd be jealous.So I brought my camera with me to the fight because I thought I could get some interesting pictures. Yeah not really, but I did get this video that turned out pretty decent of Kaya Jones when she was performing So What I'm Drunk. Now it's not the whole thing cause 1. I didn't want to get sued. 2. I didn't know how long the song was going to last and I didn't want to waste all my memory and/or batteries. Now keep in mind I'm far away from this. So that's why it looks far away even though I'm at max zoom. Plus they had the sound system super loud so that's why it sounds like it does. Today's tip is if at a professional fight, leave the fighting to the professionals. No matter how much fun it is to see drunks fight.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Guess what I'm doing

No not that. I'm counting down the hours until I get to see a real life fight. Got some free tickets because I agreed to put up a fight poster. Yay free tickets. Last night I saw the movie The wait it's The Invisible. Anyway that movie did not turn out like I thought it would. I remember watching the trailers and they made it sound like he had to find out who killed him and why. Also a big scene they played up in the trailer. The scene where he talks to that old guy in the hospital. It was a deleted scene for some reason. I mean the movie was only 102 minutes. A lot of the scenes they left off really didn't need to be left off. I guess they felt it wasn't needed, but like I said if you watch the movie then watch the deleted scene there are a few times when you'll say OH that's why that happened. Other scenes were just well longer scenes and some could have been in or out of the movie. Which reminds me I had a huge shipment come in. I was at the main store and that meant that I of course got the SUPER AMOUNT OF SHIPMENTS that we were suppose to get. So I was having a lot of fun with that. Thought I had a terrible day with sales, but it was actually a pretty good day sale wise. Anyway yeah been a fun day. Which reminds me the Jesse James thing. What is with that guy. Apparently this affair wasn't the first and only. Apparently everytime Sandra is away he posts an online ad looking for tattooed biker chicks with big boobs. Describes Bullock perfectly huh? I mean you look at those two and you have to wonder what the hell are they doing together. I know I'm not the only one that thought it. Just wonder what her friends said. I mean he's never really rubbed well with me. Whenever I see him on tv or in pictures I just say there is something off with that man. Now the whole world can see it and is weighing in. I mean even Betty White wants to kick his ass. So I was on youtube and I have an account there which I use to view my videos. They tend to keep that in mind and recommend videos for you to watch. One such video was the very one I uploaded. It shows all the digivolutions for the Data Squad season. It was an interesting season at first then just seemed like it went on too long. Got too complicated too, but they had the coolest evolutions. I think you'll like it if you like watching transformation sequences. The tip for today is you can never predict public opinion so just do what's right. That never changes.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Got a long way to go

Seems like It's a long way to summer and even longer way for our country to go. Like I said yesterday, it just seems like we are moving backwards. Not like we had a short way to go oh say 2 years ago, but now it's even longer with us moving backwards. I mean a lot of these people are going to destroy our country. The ones that are saying they are so patriotic that they are starting little militia groups to "protect the country" are going to cause the end of it. They are seriously going to cause a civil war (again) and imagine what that could mean for the world. All those democracies that we influenced would probably go back to being dictatorships. It's a slippery slope these people are on, and the republicans aren't helping by catering to their super extremist views. Like I said they are pushing away those that are conservative and logical. That's right you can be conservative and actually use logic. I've known many that were. I mean right now they are just playing dirty. That individual mandate that they are so opposed to right now is the exact same thing that they were for 2 years ago. Ugh I'm getting tired of repeating myself about that now. The world today annoys me obviously. Speaking of annoying I was looking at my followers and again they are now down to 112. I don't know what it is with this follow unfollow thing. I mean some I figure are spam so not shocked when they stop following me, but then there are others that I don't even know why they started following me in the first place. This guy Ben Patrick started following me one day and then all of a sudden stopped. I don't know if it's because I said something, or because I tweet too much, or because he was trying to get me to follow him and when I didn't he gave up. I don't know but it just annoys me. Probably because I actually pay attention to who's following me and I wonder why they are following me. I mean there are others who I understand why they are following me and continue to do so.As you can see from the squibies today's video is going to deal with Card Captor Sakura. I decided to post the 3rd opening for the series. I can't remember what it's called and I'm too lazy to go look it up. I personally don't care for this opening because it's honestly too slow for me, but I do like the images, but it is the last opening for the series. So it of course reminds me of how good I felt when I was watching the series including the ending. Oh don't even get me started on the last episode. One of the few times I was almost moved to tears by an anime or video game. Today's tip is The true test of character isn't how often you win, but by the way you handle defeat.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Oh those politics

I must say politics nowadays is scary. I mean the way people over react to things is just crazy. Because the health care bill passed, Democrats have windows smashed in. There is a guy posting on his blog for people to do it. Basically he's going around saying a civil war is starting. Which is funny because it makes it seem like we are going backwards in history. The civil war proved that the federal law is the "law of the land" and states have to follow it. Now the states want to say the Federal government can't tell them what to do. Well that's really funny because I'm sure if the Federal government were to pull their social security to all the retirees that live off it in those states the people would say get back in the union I want my money. The guy that is blogging about the new civil war is a retiree living off of social security. I swear some people just don't think. Not to mention the states that would leave the union are kinda scattered. Yes some are close by, but others are surrounded by those that would stay in the union. Meaning they would cave pretty quickly. Not to mention seems like racial tensions are increasing as well. Congressmen were being called n words by protesters. I mean the lawsuits that are going on aren't going to win. The federal government laws are federal for a reason. That means states have to abide by them and the Supreme Court will see it as just that. Then there is a Senator that thinks the reason health care reform passed was because of elected Senators and wants to remove the 17th amendment. Does he know how hard it is to get an amendment passed. We are talking 2/3rds of both houses have to agree to it and 3/4ths of states have to sign off on it. I mean come on. How hard was it to get a simple majority in both houses. Let alone get 3/4ths of states. No one is going to allow their congressmen to get rid of their voting rights. He's honestly just being stupid now that his team has lost a very big fight. Speaking of people being stupid what is up with John McCain. He's now saying that since health care passed he's not going to do anything in the Senate, but wants his votes to keep him in office so he can continue to do nothing. He is 73 years old, literally acting like a 3 year old. He didn't get his way (twice) now he's going to sit and pout. I mean how do his voters really feel about having a Senator who won't vote for their wishes or at all. If I was them I know I'd personally say oh you won't do anything now, well I'm voting for the guy that actually will try to fight for what we want. Just seems like he's going senile. I really hope he doesn't win the primary because that is not what we need. Someone just filling a space. I may not agree with him 99% of the time...ok maybe 94% of the time, but vocal opposition is a lot better then no opposition at all. A lot of republicans lately have just been acting like brats. They want to block the fixes now (which they even want). The states are whining saying the "United States Government" can't tell the States that make up the United States what to do. It's a waste of tax payer money, and they know it. Seems like the republican party has gone so far to the right and so extremist that they are losing a lot of supporters and alienating possible supporters.Today's tip is you can't teach an old dog new tricks, which is odd because a taught my dad a new meaning of fear when I showed him my credit card bill.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Hmmm Quick Day

Yesterday seemed to go by quickly which is odd. I mean I was feeling kinda odd and usually when I feel odd the day goes by slowly. I'm also usually in a bad mood. I guess it had to do with the fact that it was warming up and there was some sun. Who knows why it ended up going by really quickly. So I was watching Today...well this morning and they were talking about the Tiger Woods interview. You'd think his people would say hey doesn't this seem familiar? I mean didn't him not talking to the press to at least say he's ok and not talking to the police lead to everyone thinking it had to do with an affair. I mean it honestly seems like he hasn't learned from his mistakes. I mean yes I get that he wants a private life, but guess what your now in the limelight. You've been there since you were what like 2. Makes everyone want to know why he's hiding. I mean it was a 5 minute interview. What can you learn in 5 minutes? Answer nothing. Which brings me to my next point. Apparently that teen that was on wife swap. The one that "felt sorry for ugly people" or was it for people who aren't gorgeous. Either way she's now suing abc for $100 million. Wow really? I just can't imagine that going too well. She claims that she now has death threats (yeah some people can go to far) is now suicidal (why your parents still give you presents everyday) and has gone from being on the honor roll to special education (yeah that's because of bad parenting. Her mother admitted to doing her homework). The lawsuit comes around the same time her family is just in trouble financially. Like the mother is facing jail time and they owe money they didn't report on their taxes. The annoying part is she probably won't get the $100 million, but she might get some amount. I mean our justice system is screwed up. Someone could eat at McDonald's, suffer a heart attack, sue the company, and ACTUALLY WIN. Hello McDonald's didn't force him to buy their food. Don't give me their aren't healthy choices crap either. Your choosing to go for the unhealthiest stuff. That's like someone blaming the alcohol for getting drunk when they are the ones drinking countless bottles. It's one of the annoying things about our society.Now when I saw this video the first time I was crying I was laughing so hard. It's funny how something as silly as this could make someone laugh that hard. It's mainly because of the fact that you know the word getting censored is count, but well your mind wanders and it sounds dirty. He also doesn't help by saying "slowly, slowly, slowly getting faster". Anyway enjoy the Count Censored. Should know he can't say the c word when not talking about vampires or royalty. Today's tip is no two days are alike unless your in a time loop. Then it's all about getting out of it.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Finally Happened

So the Health Care bill has finally been passed. Seemed like it was never going to happen, but it did. Now there are still some tweaks that must be made, but still it's a whole lot better then if nothing was passed. Still wish there was a public option though. I mean we all have to get health insurance and I get why it is we have to get it, but still sucks. The idea is that the pool will be huge and won't ever shrink so premiums shouldn't go up more then like 5% at a time. Oh and another weird thing no one seems to know the margin by which it passed. I heard it was a vote of 216, then another source said 220, then it was 219, then 216 again. You'd think people would know. I mean it's one of those things that can't really vary, but at the same time the main focus is that it passed. In other news a 15 year old 8th grader was beaten to within an inch of her life and is in a coma. Now there are several issues wrong with the story. For instance no one helped her until a teacher got involved. The other thing is that this boy wasn't even a student and he rode up on his bike and had to be directed to find the girl since he never met her. This is also the same school where a boy was doused with alcohol and set on fire. Something is going on in that county where those kids are so violent and act like that when they are pissed. When I saw the story I figured well maybe they got someone they think did it because of the way they mentioned the story. They said that and now a story of a boy who beat up a girl within an inch of her life even though he didn't know her, but of course they have tons of witnesses, have the texts between him and her, and the texts he apparently sent friends saying he was going to kill her. Talk about not thinking of the consequences of your actions. Clearly his frontal lobe was not fully developed. Just that even at 15 seemed like I was able to know that if I was to do that, then I would be in serious trouble and it would follow me for the rest of my life. Well don't know what his home life was like either. In news about me got measured today. Good news lean body mass is up. Somewhat bad news body fat went up too. To counter that a couple of my muscle groups went up in size. I'm still considered to be "very lean" though since my body fat is still below 7%. You'd figure that if I was to get health insurance I should get a good rate since I'm in pretty good shape. You never know though. They might say that since my body fat is considered "very lean" that I might be at risk for malnutrition so that makes my premiums go up. Oh well when I get it we'll see. That reminds me I better fill out that Census I got the other day. If I don't it would be against the law even though I filled it out at my other place. I'm sure there is something I can do since it asks about who's living there as of April 1st which won't be me since I will have moved out. Oh and the dream I had last night. Boy was it trippy. Had characters from Pokemon, The Weekenders, Naruto, and I think another cartoon. There was like a murder or some crime and for some reason I had the alphabet (out of order) on my shoes. Yeah it was weird. Oh and real quick I was looking up geoducks because I reached geoduck guardian on a game and had no clue what it was. Very disappointing appearance for that name. I mean that's just gross. I would so never touch that part of it. Yuck.So the video for today is Too Much by Spice Girls. Now if you grew up in the 90's you know of the Spice Girls. They were a big hit back in the day. This is arguably one of their best music video. This version has clips of their movie. I would look for just the music video part, but well I'm lazy. Anyway I always liked it. Seems like each one of them is embodying a movie. Anyway hope you like it. Today's tip is two is better than one, except when it comes to bypass surgeries, hernias, and siblings.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Sleep is nice

Today I slept in then went to the grocery store then took a nap. Sleep makes me happy. Plus I had pizza last night which makes me happy. Yeah I've been having a pretty good day. Yeah that's pretty much all that's new with me. I mean I did have some fun people yesterday, but that's about it. I mean a lot of stuff happened to me, but I'm still kinda half asleep from the nap. Yeah today is one of those days when I don't want to do anything, but have a lot to do.So the video for today is the opening for Samurai Pizza Cats. Now it was a very funny anime. Now it could just be because of the people dubbing it. I mean it was awesome. Wish they still showed it. I'll have to watch it one of these days on youtube or veoh or whatever. Well there you go. Today's tip is Random = fun to be around. Normal = people pretending to be what they aren't.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring be here

Yes I know that is bad grammar, but who cares spring is here. Yay spring means no more cold weather....except it does in parts of the country including Texas meaning that the weather is really off. Anyway I'm here at work on a really nice day. Which is funny because for like 4 days they were saying it was going to be cloudy with a chance of a snow rain mix and then they moved that to last night and never happened. Yesterday was a weird day. I got a call from my boss that this weird guy was kinda stalking the store. Kept walking up and down back and forth and looking at our table then looking in. Then comes in and he was toothless and did not speak good english. My boss couldn't understand him and the guy got so frustrated he just left taking a business card. Seriously it annoys me that people that come to this country can't speak english. Yes we don't have a national language, but let's see a majority of the country speaks english so LEARN TO SPEAK IT! It makes a stressful and uncomfortable situation for both parties. The person that's trying to help can't understand a word being said so they can't help properly and the person speaking is getting made because they think they are properly conveying their message which they aren't. It's even worse when you go to a fast food restaurant and they have someone that can't speak english running the drive thru or check out. My brother went to Wendy's one time and spent like 10 minutes at the drive thru trying to order. It of course was still wrong when he got it so he had to go inside to complain. Common sense people. Why hire someone that can't speak a lick of english or speaks broken english and can't understand it other then the fact that you want cheap labor. Well is it worth it with all the complaints? I mean does not shelling out an extra $1.50 an hour really compensate for the headache of people complaining and demanding refunds or compensation? That's why if I ever own a place I won't be hiring people that can't speak or understand english unless they are doing a job where they don't interact with customers.Ok now I love this video because of the fact that I can't believe this is a song. Well I was watching How I Met Your Mother and turns out that one of the stars was a pop star in Canada back in the day. One of her songs was Let's Go to the Mall. Wow was it funny. I mean how anyone thought this was cool is beyond me. Now keep in mind this is the 90's in Canada. They were getting our 80's stuff. Then on top of that the dance moves. Just everything about it makes it impossible to take seriously. Plus it's way catchy so I had to put it on my mp3 player. Hey don't judge. Well enjoy Robin Sparkles and Let's Go to the Mall. Ironically I work in a mall. Today's tip is spring has finally come again. That means that that the northern hemisphere is now in mating mode so watch where you step and sit.

Friday, March 19, 2010

Doing good today

Today I'm doing pretty good. Just seems like yesterday I had some sort of clarity. I just don't feel like such a fat ass. I don't feel like my body is such a repulsive thing. Seems like I'm just finding a lot of good in stuff lately. Guess it's because of all the sun lately. Could be because spring is tomorrow. Either way I'm loving it and won't trade it. Even all the crap with my landlord and car isn't bugging me. In fact the more I think about it the more and more the landlord shot himself in the foot and it really doesn't bug me about that. So yesterday was a decent business day. Got into the unfortunate circumstance of getting into a religious conversation with a customer. Not because I started it but because he did. I mean seriously I hate those conversations. Especially when someone is so pushy and I have this lack of ability to say to someone this is making me uncomfortable or I honestly don't care to hear your views. You asked me a question I answered. I mean he goes on and on about the rules of logic and goes on and on about evolution and the roots of the words. Ugh just wanted to smack him. I mean you don't see me going around pushing my religious views on people. I mean a persons spiritual journey is their own. I mean he was seriously bashing other religious saying other religions make you work for it, and that may be true but it works for them. Don't act like your religion is the best of the best. He even wants to give me these cds that will "enlighten me". Well at least it killed a few minutes. Anyway I watched world strongest man last night and that competition always interests me. Mainly because sometimes the favorites just blow it. I mean I was watching one of the qualifying groups and an American was one of the favored guys and he got into the finals by the grit of his teeth. I also went to look up the results of the 2009 competition and was shocked that the 5 time winner that everyone was favoring came in runner up and a guy that (for me) came out of no where and won it and an American that seems like he was unknown got 3rd. Like I said it's always interesting because you never know what will happen. Kinda like in life. Those that you see that you just know will be a success might actually end up a guy on the street begging for change. Today's tip is if you've helped at least one person in their hour of need then your life is not a waste, and don't ever think otherwise.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Well that was a weird day

So my St. Patricks day started off well crappy. My car decided to die on me because a belt that powers everything flew off while I was driving. I told my boss and he checked it out and said he doesn't know how I got to work, but it's a miracle that I did. So now I got to get that fixed and of course that won't be fun. I started getting a headache which wasn't good. It was a foggy day to begin with. Not to mention I was tired from lack of sleep. Then it seemed to get better. Had our fire inspection and for once passed. Got to see some customers. Did pretty well in sells. Saw a customer I haven't seen in forever. Had a pretty decent night. Watched paranormal activity with the alternate ending. Yeah I was expecting something well scarier. You know maybe actually seeing the demon or something. I think the real ending was better and scarier. Then I found out that my landlord called. So I listen to my voicemail. Well if you don't know what's going on basically my landlord is a greedy asshole and I'm now living at a new place and had to pay for march rent before I could just move out. He tried to make this deal with me, but just made me not trust him. Anyway so apparently his son rented my apartment and wanted my key or he'd have to change the lock. So I call him today and say well I'll give you my key if you give me 13 days rent back and my security deposit. He said well no they didn't rent it yet, but when they do I'll give you your refund (yeah sounds real trustworthy huh?) and you'll get your security deposit on the 20th. I said well I'm giving you my key early so I expect my rent returned so he caves and says fine don't give me your key. We continue talking and basically ends with me keeping the key until March 31st. He tried claiming that I moved out (If I did or didn't isn't the point) and that I have to give up the key. Knowing that he was just trying to bully me I called him on it and so now I win and keep the key. Now the problem here lies in the fact that if he had been smart he would have given me my rent and security. He said he got the place rented (meaning a signed lease and security deposit), but didn't know when they were moving in. So if they signed a lease saying we are moving in march 21st then well my landlord is screwed because they can sue for that and I'd so be a witness for them saying no I rented that apartment until the end of March he shouldn't have been renting it. So now he lost out on rent and possibly has some legal fees to pay. I mean come on. Well being stubborn doesn't pay.Well the video for today is another one of those songs that you hear maybe one time, but you can't get it out of your head. Disney Channel had this movie called Hatching Pete and there is this song that they'd play all the time. It's called Let It Go by Mitchel Musso and Tiffany Thorton. I think it's because it sounds like a high school band and I was in high school band. Anyway so enjoy it. Today's tip is being stubborn can be a great quality, but it can also cause you to lose out on some great opportunities.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Happy St. Patrick's Day

That's right it be St. Patrick's Day. If you couldn't tell from the subject of this blog or the fact I'm typing in green. Yay green. I am set when it comes to not pinching. My blog is green, I'm wearing green, my profile pic on facebook is green, and my avatar on gaia is green. Yeah no one can pinch me boo ya. Yesterday I got paranormal activity in the mail and I'm watching it tonight since all my comedies will be repeats. I know I've seen it before, but I love it. It just is different from other movies that are out. I thought it also did a good job of scaring me and since it looked like a hoe movie it looks like it's something that can happen so it's even freakier. I just want to know how they did some of the things they did. Of course there are issues I have with it like that if that was happening to someone I knew I would have done more. Or not been an ass and got someone that knew what they were doing. Let's see oh I didn't get up to work out this morning. I was just flat out too tired. I didn't get much sleep last night. Seems like I was waking up every 10 minutes. So that means workout tomorrow morning and Friday morning no matter what. Ugh Friday is going to be a bitch. So yeah that's pretty much it. Today is suppose to get up to 63 which is great, but go down to 40 something Saturday...curse you Wisconsin weather.<--- look green squibies. So yeah I have to keep up the green theme and I'm doing it with this video. It's the song Legend of Mermaid by the green pearl mermaid Lina or Rina depending on the subtitles you read or the site you go to. Yeah I couldn't help it. Could have done Invader Zim or the Hulk, but well I like this better because she has a REALLY good voice. Plus she's one of the funniest characters because she's so serious one minute then she does something like holds up a giant tv and starts crying. Got to love anime. Today's tip is if you forgot to wear green today just say your wearing green underwear. No one will check.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

It's that time of the month

No not that time of the month I'm a guy. I mean the time of the month when I get really obsessive about working out. Means I'm going to get measured soon and I swear I haven't gained anything. Well maybe fat, but no muscle. Ugh I'm at that plateau where I'm not gaining anything. I seem to be getting stronger, but I don't see anything. I want to break 160. Yeah maybe at 5'6" being 160 might make me look well stocky, but it's worth it. I kinda want to get as big as I can naturally. Mainly so I don't look in the mirror and see just fat and no muscle. I mean if everything is as big as it can get (naturally) then I'd feel way better looking in the mirror. Then it's just a matter of maintaining it which is easy...sort of. So I'm trying to take in more calories and protein so my weight goes up. Once it's up it's a little easier cutting the fat and keeping the muscle. Well at least for me. Seems like my body fat will go up along with my weight then the next time it drops. I'm ok with being around 5% body fat where I may be a little up and a little down. I just don't want to be above 7%. Yeah it's my weird goal. Speaking of goals, I had a guy come in and he was asking about all the supplements he needs to get in shape and stay in shape and I was listing off all the different things he needs and what they did. He looks at some of the stuff and he's like wow that's pretty expensive. I simply replied with yes they are. That's one reason why people don't succeed when they are trying to loose weight and build muscle. It cost a lot of money to be and stay healthy. It's way easy in our society to be a lazy fat ass. You can just stop by McDonald's and pick up a burger and fries a lot easier and quicker then oh say going to the grocery store and picking something up and cooking it. Or even going to subway or another sandwich shop (which can be healthier then a burger and fries depending on what you get) and getting something there. They typically are more expensive because they have fresh ingredients and make it when you order it. It's sad how or society is making it easy to be fat and actually catering to fat people. I think I was in a movie theater and I saw this chair that was two seats wide for clearly a wide load ass. Come on people if they are that fat they don't need to be sitting down watching a movie. It's so much harder to find a small pair of jeans then a large one. Go in the men's section and try to find a 30X30 or even a 32X32. Oh well they pay for that laziness with medical bills and what not. So I forgot that I had downloaded this video from the Tiny Toons Summer Vacation movie. It's at the end of the movie when they all have to go back to school. It was a song that just kept getting stuck in my head so I meant to download it and put it on my mp3 player but I never did. Need to do that now. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is don't get complacent with your day to day routine. Your tip of the day.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

And the cycle begins again

Yep it begins up. On the plus side today is pay day and today I get a raise. Yay monday's when you get paid are better mondays. Plus it's another lovely day. Yesterday it was up to at least 61. Love the warm weather. The only annoying thing is by Saturday it will be back down to 40 something ironically when spring starts. Yeah stupid cooky weather. Speaking of cooky I watched this show on National Geographic about sperm and the journey that they take. The funny thing is that I officially know way to much about where babies come from. When I was a senior in high school we went on a trip to view this show called body works. They had a movie where they take you on a journey with this pregnant lady so you got to see how a baby was developing and what happens when a baby is born. So now I know a graphic account of how the sperm got to the egg. It's always funny watching those because whenever you watch them they tell you all the things that can go wrong and it makes you wonder how the hell are any of us here. I mean out of the millions of sperm that enter a woman 2 or 3 make it to the egg if there is one. Then we aren't taking into account any problems with the egg or it moving to where it needs to be and sticking. Well today I have to do some banking stuff which means this is the day whenever I'm going to have people spend hours in the shop. Yay....Today's tip is life has its ups and downs. Sometimes the biggest downs lead to the biggest ups. So don't dwell in the down.

....darn it

Yeah so now I'm up an hour early. Yeah it sucks being up early. So far it hasn't really hit me, but it probably will tonight and tomorrow morning. I did get my stuff done today. Which reminds me earlier in the week I had a customer want us to order a product. Well two of that product which we have one on hand so I asked if he wanted that and he insisted no and that we have to order the product. Yeah it was annoying. Mainly because we just got an order in from that company and that means that we won't order again for like another month meaning they will probably run out and end up buying that one we have on hand. Which reminds me yesterday I did have some weirdos. Some people that insisted on telling me way too much stuff about their life. Had one that said I was a good public service worker. Had some rude ones of course. Had those typical lookers, but also had one who spent a good deal of money.....after wasting like 30 minutes of my time asking if that was a good brand or if that was a good brand and how she couldn't remember if that was a good one.The video for today is the opening for the original sonic riders. It's the only sonic riders game I played mainly because I rented it and liked it and bought it. I didn't even know that there were others. Apparently there is sonic riders zero gravity and storm riders. Or it's the same game. Either way never played it. So enjoy. Today's tip is you never know who you'll run into and when so stop talking about your boss out loud in the mall.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Have to enjoy the extra hour

Yep it's that time again. Where we loose that extra hour that we've loved so much so that we can be in the light a little bit longer. Also means for a week I'll be dragging along. Trying to get use to the time change. Yesterday didn't go as planned. Just seemed like no one was out and no one was having a good day. I got like no customers except for this one guy that reads everything and tends to talk to himself. So now today I get to work at the main store and deal with the Saturday weirdos. I mean some people that come in on Saturdays are just flat out weird, but I get to go home an hour early...granted if I was at the other store it would be 2 hours early. Oh well beggars can't be choosers. I also made my pizza, but that was pretty much it. Like I said Friday just didn't feel like Friday. I woke up today thinking it was Sunday and was like yay I get to sleep in. Then I realized oh wait no it's Saturday. When did I reach the point where I hate Saturdays. I mean seriously. Probably because I have to work 3 out of the 4 there are a month. Or 3 out of the 5 depending on the month. So to brighten my mood I decided to look up a song that just makes me laugh. It's the 8th ending to Naruto Shippuuden. Kinda one of the last endings I've watched since I've kinda given up on that series. Some animes hold my attention for hundreds of episodes others don't. I did last longer on this series then the original naruto. Anyway the song is called Bacchikoi by Dev Parade. Yeah this is a funny ending. While looking for it I stumbled onto two more videos. One is a version of the ending which includes Sauske which someone made. It actually looks almost legitly real. The other is the actual music video. Yeah what's not more funny then seeing fat japanese guys wearing boas with hot dancing girls around them. So if you are in need of a laugh watch them all. If your not then WATCH THEM ALL! Today's tip is enjoy your extra hour for tonight it flies off to be with february 29th and the holidays.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Yeah I'm up

So I got up to workout. Yeah the stuff didn't work the way I wanted it to this morning. Lucky for me it was my back workout which is one of my stronger body parts. Anyway so like I said I'm up and I was watching tv and an ad for a candidate for the Wisconsin governor came on. I always try to listen to every ad republican or democrat. Well he said that when he left in 1998 the budget was balanced so I said now wait a minute. What else happened in 1998. Clinton was president and there was a governmental surplus. That means that the federal government could give to state governments. Then what started happening? There were federal and state tax cuts for those that would give the most to help keep the budget balanced. The annoying thing is that there are people that won't ask that question. They'll say omg it was balanced in 1998 I want that back. Then it came on again and I heard another thing that didn't make sense. He said we need to balance the budget and cut taxes. Wait a second how does that work. How can you balance the budget if your cutting the income. So I'm just thinking omg if his opponent would use that against him it would be great. That's the problem with these candidates. They don't use simple language. If they were to use that little sound clip and dumb it down then people will say hey wait a second that doesn't make sense. If they were to say if your income was cut and you were told to have the same exact expense and keep the budge balanced you couldn't do it could you and people would say hey he's right. People these days only hear certain words, but don't put them together. They here tax cuts and think omg that's great. They hear balanced budget and think that's great, but they don't put them together. You can't have all your expenses the same, but cut your income. That never ever made sense to me during the bush administration. We were cutting taxes left and right while were are basically fighting on 3 fronts (Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea/Iran). Ronald Reagan even criticized senior bush for having that mentality. He called it voodoo economics. Where you want to cut taxes and want the budget balanced. Come on people don't get swept up in the words, but think about it. Think about what they are asking. Politicians if you really want to win people over KEEP IT SIMPLE. That was honestly Kerry's problem when he was campaigning. He was focusing on showing that he's not an idiot like everyone was calling Bush. He was so bent on showing how smart he was and how he actually served his country that he lost the common man. They found him pompous and as such voted for the "common man" Bush. Like I said keeping it simple helps everyone understand what you plan on doing and can help them make a decision. If your plan makes sense and helps them then they are going to vote for you. That's honestly why Obama won. He's so smart, but he never ever talked above people. He keeps it simple so everyone can understand. I think if he was to seriously speak every week and keep it simple all those people that are scared of health care would realize wait a second. That's not as bad as the republicans are making it out to be. Well clearly my mind is all so focused today. So again I'm in the Super Sentai feeling. So here is the opening of Go-Ongers. Just like it is the Super Sentai with the most different endings it also had the most type of openings. Seemed like every 5 or so episodes they were changing the opening. This is the last opening if I recall right. So again if you want to watch the series and don't want to know who the last rangers are or last zoirds are then don't watch. I swear this one was the most like the American series since it changed it's opening so much. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is a political one. Sometimes to win people over all you have to do is keep it simple. Keeps you on everyone's level.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Time to spring forward

Well almost. It will be this weekend which is fast approaching. I didn't do my workout this morning like I was planning on. It was a bit of the mornings that came over me which kept me in bed until I had to get up for work. Yesterday was a really good day. Seemed like I had A LOT more people come in. More paying customers too. Had a couple of kids come in though. I mean they couldn't have been more then like 12 years old. As soon as I came in I just knew they were wasting time. They came in because they wanted to see if we had weights (because they could so buy them if we did). Started asking me about all the products and mentioned how one of those Ultimate Fighters has a home gym you put on your door. Wow that has nothing to do with anything. Well for me since I knew they weren't buying anything anyway. They finally left and I went back to doing nothing waiting for real customers. Well that's not true I was reading up on a new product we just got in. Sucks that they didn't have a sample I could try. They go on and on about how it's so good and tastes great. Then give samples so we can prove it. Oh and I was surfing the web...well blogger because I have that kinda time. I found this blog for someone that called himself a "gainer". So I'm thinking he's a guy posting about his gains in the gym. Yeah was I wrong. It was actually about getting some sort of thrill out of getting fatter. Now it could just because I have a low body image, or it could be because I work in a nutrition store, but I was like are you serious. Your going to put your health in danger for what? Then after doing research (you can find answers to almost anything on the internet) I found out it was for a sexual thrill. There is a whole fetish around it. Then I said ok now it kinda makes sense. People do way weirder and more dangerous things when it comes to sex. Though it creeped me out that wiki explained why it's so appealing. Yeah didn't need to know that little fact. Well today's video is the opening for Samurai Sentai Shinkengers. By far one of my favorite openings. Not really my favorite season. This one won't be have an American counterpart because last I heard Disney has given up on the series. I blame Disney for that. Seems like Disney edited them down so much that they just weren't good. Not to mention there was no place on network tv to really watch the show so if you didn't have cable you were screwed. Then to top it off they kept changing the times and tried to get people back into the ranger swing by showing old episodes. They screwed that up because no one knew when they were coming on and they would seriously move way too fast. I would see the original rangers then all of a sudden they are in space. Anyway enjoy the opening. It's the last version of it so if your planning on watching the series and don't want to know who the 6th ranger will be then don't watch. Today's tip is you have two choices when you have a problem. Complain about it and hope it works out or be an adult and do something about it

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why does that happen everytime

So since I couldn't workout this morning because of the meeting I figured I'll just workout yesterday night. The annoying thing was I didn't bring the pre-workout samples. So I tried one of the pre-workouts we had at the store. Boy was that a big mistake. It has a lot of niacin in it which is a supplement that gives you a flushing affect. Yeah boy was a flushed. I felt it at the top of my head then in my ears. I swear I could even feel my heart beat. Then it crept down all the way to at least my knees. Not only did it do that, but it made me very itchy. I mean I could see that my skin was turning really red. Plus I was getting really really hot. Lucky for me I took it like 30 or so minutes before we closed. I was so caught up in what was happening and trying to avoid thinking about it, I looked down and saw it was 3 minutes to closing. So I quickly close up and drive back to my apartment to workout. It wasn't a terrible workout because my body calmed down. Now I was still a little red, but it wasn't so terrible. Anyway even after my workout my room mate says wow your face looks red. Yeah don't I know it. Now as for the day it was a decent day. More people came in then they did on Monday. Now let's hope that trend continues. Again squiby is being an ass. I don't know what it is about that site. Yesterday it's working fine and I can post them, today the images aren't showing up. I really wish that site would fix whatever the issue is. It's really starting to piss me off. Today's tip is they say you can't hug your children with nuclear arms. In truth you can, it just depends on the size and severity of the mutation.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Gloomy week

So all week it's suppose to be cloudy and rainy. Which I'm fine with since it's actual rain and not frozen rain. It's still suppose to be in the 40's which means more snow melting. Starting to look less and less like winter in wisconsin and winter in texas. That's a big step up. Yesterday I went to Pizza hut and got 2 pizza mia's for 10 bucks. Yeah I regret that descion since well pizza mia's suck. I should have spent that money on the pasta tonight. Why couldn't it have been 2 medium pan pizzas for 10 bucks. I was blinded by the deal. Now I have basically a whole pizza left. I know what I'm eating tonight. Speaking of eating tonight I have to workout tonight because I have a stupid meeting in the morning. So that means that the body part I work tonight I'll have to work again this weekend with that new stuff. So I can either work my back today and again this weekend or work my chest and work it again this weekend. If I work the chest that does mean more work on it, but a longer off period. I'll work on that. Anyway not much more planned for me. Just work and working out. Think I had a strange dream last night, but I don't remember it. So if you ever watched Full Metal Alchemist on Adult Swim then you know they only showed two of the four openings for the show. I still to this day don't know why. I think they were planning on just having one opening the whole series play, but at the last minute changed their mind. It's not like the first opening (Melissa) was a filthy opening. The worst thing it has is seeing a teenage girl get up from bed. Anyway this is the first opening that was never shown on Adult Swim, but they did have on the dvds if you bought them or rented them. Enjoy. Today's tip is inspiration strikes at a moments notice and can leave just as fast. It is like a hit an run driver.

Monday, March 8, 2010

It's that day again

Known as Monday. Must say my Monday started off a little different. I actually got up early to workout. I did this because yesterday I tried a new pre-workout and it says don't take it 4 hours before bed. Usually I workout like an hour before bed. I liked this product because I took it yesterday and got an AWESOME leg pump. So I said well I really like it so let's try it again. Well this morning it made me super sweaty and hot. Plus I had major stomach craps. Now I will say it still gave me a pretty good pump. So right now I'm on the fence about it. Need to try a few things to see if maybe that will help the stomach problems. I think the problem is I had no sort of carbs in my system so need to mix it up with some carbs. Yesterday was a pretty good Sunday. Just seemed like I was actually done with everything I needed to do early and could rest most of the day. I don't know maybe it was because I had a day off the day before. By far it is one of my better weekends. Still mad that my legs are by far the strongest part of my body and one of the most developed. No wait that's my back. My back is the most developed and my legs are by far the strongest part of my body. My arms and chest seem to just be there. My stomach seems to be getting more developed, but of course I can't see it because of the fat still there. Yes I know I'm 4.77% body fat, but I swear the fat is all there in my stomach. Oh and here is an interesting fact. Today is Women's day. Yeah I had no clue. Well good for y'all. Oh and remember that dream how I said I saw robot fighting squids in Japan and a wild boar getting released in a room. Well later on yesterday I turn on the Discovery channel (again) to find out that they are talking about wild pigs a.k.a. boars. Yeah I know freaky. A friend of mine said that squids and boars in dreams were a sign of death in ancient times, but I think she was just making that up. Well anyway, the video for today is one from this anime called Bo-Bo-Bo-Bo Bo-Bo Bo-Bo or something like that. It's a lot of Bo's. Anyway that anime is one crazy random anime. It makes my randomness look normal. There is no way to possibly understand half the crap that goes on in that show. Anyway this is the 2nd opening for it. It's called Baka Survivor. It just makes me laugh whenever I watch it. So I hope it makes you laugh too. Today's tip is there is always going to be a first, but there may not always be a last.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

That was fun

Yesterday I had my day off for the month. Minus of course every Sunday I get off. Anyway so I did nothing yesterday. It's why I didn't post at all yesterday. I found it very very nice to not try to post and do all the things that I "have" to do. For instance posting a blog, tip of the day, fixing some people's problems. So I just told everyone that I have a day off and was busy doing other stuff. Anyway like I said I did nothing yesterday. Just sat there because my room mate wasn't here. Nothing to really report, but I did have a weird dream last night. It involved the Summerbridge/Breakthrough program. Also involved a wild boar. Apparently as part of the program we were suppose to paint sculptures with prisoners. Yeah I have no clue why the heck we were allowed to do that. Then for some reason they thought that it was a good idea to put animals in each group. My group got a wild boar. Needless to say none of us were too happy about that and tried to hit it to keep it away from us. We eventually chase it out and the program director picks it up and starts crying. Yeah it was a weird dream. Then we stop at a steak house, but not to eat there. We were deciding where we wanted to eat and we decided on this place down the street. It was some sort of Chinese/Mexican food place. We then go to Wal-Mart to look for clothes for the less fortunate. I kinda go looking away from the group and suddenly end up in Japan underwater. They have giant robots to fight off squids. After I witness an attack decide that I've seen enough and go back to the rest of the group then woke up sometime later. Now ironically as I'm writing this blog I'm watching this thing about Giant Squids and capturing one on film....and they are stationed in Japan. Weird huh? Anyway squiby (ha squid) is down yet again. So today's video is Alones by Aqua Timez. I love this song because I thought it was a great opening. I'm posting the opening from Bleach then the music video. Today's tip is some people live in denial. We call those people merefolk. Get it? It's a pun.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh those people

Ok I will get to what I mean in the title in just a sec. I had another weird dream. Apparently the US was trapped in a bottle and called Uzbekistan (where that guy that splits hairs of perfection is from). In order to get the US to get to where it needs to be in North America I had to learn to go from one side of a cloud to another because apparently in this bottle the US is on a cloud. The other weird part was that I was Luffy from One Piece. Yeah it was weird. Well now that I think of it there was an arc where they were in the sky and did sail on clouds. Anyway, I was apparently obsessed with boobs. Nami apparently was my choice prey. Then I don't remember what happened afterwards. Ok now back to the title. So apparently there is yet another gay sex scandal rocking the Vatican. There are tapes that have one of the pope's inner circle guys trying to get someone from the choir to bring him guys. Yeah I always find these funny. Always seems that the biggest mouths get into the biggest scandals. Remember awhile back when it seemed that republicans were just in sex scandal after sex scandal after sex scandal. I just have this theory that the more you repress and speak out against something (like adultery and gay sex) that it's because your trying to hide something. Anyway speaking of the republican party boy do they have egg on their face. I saw this on MSNBC. Apparently there was a powerpoint that talks about the GOP's donars. They even break them down into major and minor donors. Saying minor donors were driven by fear and were reactionary and major ones were ego-driven. It's all in this article on Here are two of the slides from the powerpoint.

Needless to say I plan on putting a link to the article on my blog. I'm just wondering if anyone is going to get fired (no). Least not until this gets more mainstream. Like if Jon Stewart comments on it. Or Good Morning America or Today show. Anyway just hope that this little foot in the mouth doesn't hurt the GOP's donors (yes I do).So again when I was working out I got a song stuck in my head. It's Michael Jackson's You Are Not Alone. Now this song has a lot of meaning to me. When I heard that Michael Jackson was in the hospital I was getting my hair cut. No one new what was going on, if he was ok, and what not. As I was getting my haircut the news that he died was being spread. The station I was watching happened to be BET and they played a music video of his. The song was (you guessed it) You Are Not Alone. The song was pretty powerful because I swear I felt him when I was listening to him. I guess during that song it just sank it what I was being told. Now I will say that the music video does make me feel awkward and if you watch it you kinda see why. I just don't want to comment on it because well it's rude. Today's tip is we all get caught with egg on our face. Don't worry that kid will be caught and given a hurts donut.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Ready for satuday

So I'm just flat out ready for it to be Saturday. Ready for a day off to do nothing. Just seems like this week has just not gone well. Starting with the Ex. Now I know I shouldn't let what an ex get to me, but it does. It's kinda part of the depression. Hanging onto the negative more then the positive. Like for instance a lot of people have said they miss seeing me all week, but the one thing that sticks in my mind is my Ex being an ass. I was closing up last night and I just kept thinking about it. I also just kept feeling like I was a fat ass. Someone mentioned that I had strong legs, but I said no they are just fat. I just kept insisting that I had fat legs. That there wasn't any muscle on them keeping in mind I only have about 7 something lbs of fat on my entire body. Yeah I think I'm kinda going back to a depressed state, because it's been winter for so long. I think once I see some spring sun and no more snow I'll be in a better mood. It's why I hate taking off a day from working out. Makes me feel like I'm just sitting there doing nothing getting fatter. I think I'm always going to suffer from a poor body image. There was this guy that came in and I mean the guy has a six pack. He gained weight while losing body fat. The guy was still not satisfied. I think I suffer from what he suffers from. He was so worried that one of his muscles on one side looked more worked out then the other. You had to be right up there squinting to notice a difference. I mean I would kill for the stomach he has. Probably keep all my other proportions though. I do weight more then him both muscle and total weight wise. I guess it's a combination of society's fault and mine for my poor self image. In a world where they constantly show perfection it's hard to not set your standards to that. Like I said several times whenever you pick up a fitness magazine the models do not look like that 24/7. Bodybuilders don't look like they do at shows 24/7. Yet that's what we get shown. We see the air brushed, photo shop, perfect version. Then when we see them in real life we cut them down for getting so "fat" and "out of shape". I guess I've been in my head too much. Yeah I do need a day off to think of nothing. Those usually keep me from killing people or getting to depressed. So squiby has been down....a lot lately. It's why I haven't posted any of them in forever. I swear the site goes down more often then Paris Hilton. Yeah that was a zing. Yeah I can't stand her. Anyway today's video is one that was playing when I was working out the other day. It's called Upside Down by the A*Teens. I really loved that group growing up. Just thought they had some good songs. Then I learned that like 85% of there stuff is just remakes of other songs. Like ABBA's stuff and a song by Elvis. Or Under the Sea from the Little Mermaid. Anyway this song (as far as I know) is an original. It got stuck in my head a lot once I heard it. Hope you all enjoy it. Today's tip is you can't move forward if your always looking back, but you have to look back to learn from the past, so just move sideways.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Wow weird dream

Ok so I had this dream and it was uber weird. Here is what happened. So I was hanging out at my middle school and apparently on the verge of getting out of there, but I hadn't done a lot of my work so I might get held back, then suddenly I'm looking at people I know about to graduate who were a year younger then me so I was thinking ok I'm all graduated now what do I do. Then suddenly I'm the pied piper. I'm drowning the rats, but in order to do that I have to kill myself too, but I don't want to so I jump in the river and hide in there so people think I did what I was suppose to do. I then go down river and meet up with someone while waiting for the ship to take us out. I suddenly have this coin with a ? on it. It was a gold coin. Apparently it was related to my parents who I never knew. The ship comes and gets attacked by pirates. Shockingly the pirate captain sees my coin and says I'm his son. Then I go through some weird trippy vision and suddenly I'm home at Christmas time. We are trying to leave, but their are carolers so we go through the building and leave through the back door which goes through someone else's house. Now I'm suddenly at the fair of my old elementary school. They are selling tickets to this play or musical I wanted to see. It was called Les (something with a B). I can't even remember what the word was, but it was french and started with a B. I apparently somehow had a wallet and money in it. My friend gets two tickets for the show and when I go up there they are sold out. So needless to say I'm pissed. And so one of my friends says something to try to comfort me and another one of my friends says well you should have been here 25 minutes ago. So I said I couldn't get here 25 minutes ago because my parents were busy and my mom finally drove me up here. And we got into an argument. The weird part is the friend I was arguing with actually would never say something like that. She was acting more like this former friend of mine who was just a bitch sometimes. So then a guy who is like the best friend of the bitch I just mentioned comes up and tries to intervene and some how pours water on the one arguing with me. So they start this chase. I'm just pissed. So I go out to my mom's car which is actually my car to get my gameboy because I'm just tired of all this. I notice that the back door is open and I notice that there is a guy in there so I shout Hey! and he throws some stuff at me and runs off. About this time I woke up. It was one of the weirdest dreams I've had in a long long time. The worst part was that when I woke up I felt like I just had the worst possible day ever. Took me awhile to wake up and realize it was just a dream and the day hadn't really started. So today's video is one from the opening of Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch Pure. It's called Before the Moment which I really couldn't remember the name of for the life of me when I was trying to find it. Needless to say I did remember. Anyway I just like it since I watched the whole series even though up to a point there are no english subbed episodes. So enjoy. Today's tip is sometimes a dream can set our mind set in the morning. So if your friend is a little trippy that might be why.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Is it friday yet?

Nope it's only Tuesday. Well the weather is being really nice so far. Monday was nice and warm and today is suppose to be too. We are still looking into the 40's later on this week. Even will have some drizzle possible at 40 degrees. Yeah it should be a nice week. Can't wait for it. Didn't get to workout yesterday and I feel like a lazy bum because of it. I ended up making spagetti with my room mate which took way longer then expected throwing off my workout time. I don't workout past 8 since I go to bed at 9. I will say it was pretty good stuff though. Also had a busy work day. For sure made it just fly by. Not sure if I'll have that today. We'll see. The day is still young. Let's see other then that my day was pretty tame. No crazy customers. No crazy Ex. Wow that's a little weird even for me. Oh well. So I don't know if any of y'all remember this show called Dinosaurs. It was a sitcom about what life for the dinosaurs was...if they were civilized. It was a weird show. I use to watch it all the time. The only thing is I only remember a few episodes. I remember the one where the son did some type of steroids. I also remember when they thought that the youngest was actually switched at birth. It was a funny show. Kinda sad finale show though. Anyway enjoy. Today's tip is eat, drink, and be merry which is hard if your not a girl named merry.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Didn't Expect That

Wow was my Sunday interesting. Not because of anything that happened when I was shopping or dropping off my rent or doing laundry. It was interesting because of a little im chat I had with my Ex. Like I had been saying before I wasn’t so sure my Ex was over me so I’ve been trying to do the bob and weave. Not really answering ims and trying to avoid any contact what so ever. Well apparently my status on my im was a conversation starter. Prompting the question from my Ex asking if I was “ready to date”. Frankly no longer my Ex’s concern who I date or if I’m ready to date since we broke up IN JUNE! That’s about 8 months ago. Yeah that is a long enough grieving period. Apparently the thought of me dating made someone a little crazy and I get yelled at saying I’m a liar and a cheater and hoping that the next person I date cheats on me. I didn’t really say much because I was in the process of blocking my Ex’s ims. There is no point in me arguing. If someone hasn’t gotten over a break up in 8 months and moved on then there is no help. I don’t know if there was alcohol involved as well. So I just enough is enough were done. Don’t ever im me again and blocked my Ex. Even removed the facebook connection. The only thing I want to hear from my Ex is an apology for that act and that’s it. I tried being friends by continuing to send my tip of the day after we broke up. I tried to be civil and allowed the continuing of the nickname despite us being broke up. I thought at least with the new job, the “loads” of money, and constantly having the status that saying that my Ex was embracing change in 2010 that someone had finally moved on. Yeah learned that didn’t happen. Now I haven’t blocked the facebook account so there can be an apology so far, but of course if a certain Ex burns that bridge too then there you go. Like I said it’s not that I didn’t try to be friends, but it’s hard when your Ex is insanely jealous, lied to you in the beginning, and made fun of you gaining weight when you were clearly not happy about it. Only some of the problems we had. The worst part is that I couldn’t sleep very well because I knew that my Ex is pissed, has tons of money and could come find me in Wisconsin to shoot me. Made it very hard to get to sleep. Today's tip is hold your head up high because old man winter is getting ready to be sent to the home. Spring shall soon be upon us.