Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Crazy train

That is what Charlie Sheen is on. I'm honestly looking at him thinking what the hell is wrong with this man. He has two interviews going on two morning shows. They say basically two different things at times. One he wants to sue CBS, and the other he wants a raise from CBS. Then I'm looking at him talking about these two girls as his "goddesses". He's still in the middle of a divorce. If I was the soon to be ex I'd so file for sole custody of the kids and ask for supervised visitation. I mean let's think about it. He was hospitalized for partying too much, he has all these maniac episodes, and now he has two live in girlfriends. I'd say hey I fear for the safety and well being of my kids. Based on his actions I'm afraid he's going to flip out on my young boys like he did on all those radio interviews. Not to mention he's showing them it's ok for them to have two girlfriends. I do not want my boys growing up thinking they can have as many girlfriends as they want. I mean he talks like an addict. He is not recovering. I've listened to recovering addicts. They all are remorseful. They don't talk about drugs the way Sheen does. They don't act this maniac. He hasn't hit rock bottom and he won't recover until he does. Sadly the only way for that to happen is for him to lose his money, lose his job, not be able to get another job, lose his kids, lose the girls, and finally the house. He still has a crutch.
I'm apparently back to 100% at the gym. I think the reason I recovered so quickly has to do with the pro-hormones I'm on. I mean yesterday I was at 80%, but today doing my chest workout I was about to do what I did last week, plus some. Hope this keeps up. I do not like taking time off.
Today's tip is everyone is crazy, but only labeled so when they let everyone know every thought in their head.

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