Tuesday, March 15, 2011

What to do?

Kinda getting to that point where I'm bored. I'm ready to be in spring, but still in winter and I can't do anything that I'd normally be able to do in spring because it's still winter. So I'm just sitting here at my apartment waiting to go to work. One of the joys of living in Wisconsin. I really do need to get enrolled in school. Least that way I do something with my spare time that's productive.
Again it was very quiet at the gym. I think the warm weather really does affect how many people come in. I mean Monday is slow sometimes, but Tuesday usually has quite a few people. Yet no one was in there. If no one is there Thursday then I think people already have summer fever. That's about the time when everyone gives up on the gym and just goes outside to workout. Then again maybe it's still the change in the time. I'll know for sure next week.
Twitter is such a bad and good thing. I mean sometimes it's the quickest way to get breaking news. Then at the same time it's the quickest way to spread bad things. For example yesterday one of the trending topics was Bullying Fail. Well I click on it and it's about a video. You look at the video and this kid is picking on another one. Then the kid getting picked on picks him up and just drops him like Zangief....or is it Zangrief from street fighter. Why the hell are we spreading that for people to see. Another thing trending is Rebecca Black. Well turns out it's about her music video for her song Friday. People seem to love to bad mouth it. Wow seriously do we have nothing better to tweet about? And not only that but it just cost a celeb a pretty cushy job. Gilbert Godfred was fired as the voice of the Aflack duck because of his tweets about Japan and the Tsunami. Again a good and bad thing when you think about it.
Today's tip is religion is like a shoe. you have to find the one that fits you, and you can't force someone else to wear your shoe.

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